ICONIC Human Design

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Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 51 Exaltation Line 5 and Earth in Gate 57 Line 5

Human Design Transit - April 9th, 2022

51 - The Arousing - The Gate of Shock
The ability to respond to disorder and shock through recognition and adaptation.

5th line - Symmetry
☉ Δ Perfected illumination that in grasping the nature of the shock, can transform its normal patterns into a symmetrical adaptation that rides the shock and avoids its devastation. The perfection of the warrior ego through instinctive adaptation.

57 - The Gentle - The Gate of Intuitive Clarity
The extraordinary power of clarity.

5th line - Progression

♇ Δ The natural ability to establish new forms while maintaining the powers of reevaluation and reexamination. This provides the clarity to examine the data and assess the process. The possible intuitive gift for evaluation.

☾ ߜ The tendency to keep on keeping on, that can end up as a misguided missile. When in action, the intuition may become overwhelmed and unable to assess and evaluate its progress.

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Rave I'Ching Hexagram and Line Descriptions of The Human Design System from MyBodygraph.com and the Rave I'Ching by Ra Uru Hu of JovianArchive.com.