"Fixed star Alphecca is of the nature of Venus and Mercury. It gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability.
Alphecca is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a hen or crowned man. It gives chastity and the love and goodwill of men. Rules topaz, rosemary, trefoil and ivy. [Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.131,232,242.]
Alphecca is noted for conveying honor, dignity and artistic ability. But like all Venusian stars it can also have its undesirable effects. Medieval astrologers, who tended to emphasize the more perverse side of astrology, asserted that Alphecca rising indicates a life spent in a variety of pleasurable pursuits by an individual who decked his body with adornments, secretly engaged in love affairs or adultery and who “bedded boys and girls” according to Firmicus Maternus. If the star is setting, disgrace will come of all this. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.10.]
These natives are an open channel to the spiritual plane continuously, and if they are unable to control it or use it incorrectly, they can find themselves confined to an institution. If these persons use drugs or heavy medications, insanity could be the result. This is the absolute highest spiritual vessel and it is totally spiritual. It can be used in a negative, or selfish way as they feel this spiritual power and use it for selfish reasons for the most part. Used in a positive way, they can simply walk around a group of people and tell each and every one exactly what they wish to know. They are extraordinarily psychic. [4. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.92.]" Astrology King
My Design North (Link) Node
Future Direction and Environment
28 - Preponderance of the Great - The Gate of the Game Player
The transitoriness of power and influence.
2nd line - “Shaking hands with the devil”
Distasteful alliance.
Sun Exalted: A means, however unsavoury, that is justified by its end. When the game turns to a struggle, the intuitive acceptance of any alliance in order to win.
Jupiter Detriment: The anxiety engendered by sacrificing higher principles when there is no guarantee of success. The risk in sacrificing principles when there is no guarantee of victory.
”Choiceless, We Are”
Most beings really think that at some level we are in charge and we’re not. That at some level we’re responsible for the level of consciousness now, we’re not. That we are somehow responsible for cultures, we’re not. Choiceless we are. That sounded like Yoda. Choiceless we are that, yes. It's quite something. I find this positioning to be almost exhilarating, because it's really the key in understanding how something so basic in learning this knowledge, beginning to understand that it's a program, that you operate within a program, at every level you are controlled, at every level there are control mechanisms. And yet, not grasping that this vast cycle that we call a global cycle, this is the master control program. In fact, there are greater programs beyond it, but they're certainly not personalized to our solar system, this is the great control program for here. And it’s coming to an end. That's why Human Design is important, not about all the things about—yes things we can understand, there’s all that stuff. I won’t get into all that. What's important is the training. You’re equipped to live in a world now where there is no global planning as a background because you have a place where you can find your own authority. You have to understand that what we have is an era in which authority has been taken away and has been institutionalized. You all know that. All the authorities we deal with in the modern life have been institutionalized whether they are governments, the laws, the police, on and on and on, it has all been institutionalized, it's all maintained through institutions. All these institutions control life on the planet.” Ra Uru Hu