In this article we'll be taking a brief look at the Human Experiential Way, the evolutionary process of our species and how our human experience on the planet is changing, including a big picture perspective from Ra and some personal experiences from me.
As every Rave New Year begins with the Sun in the 41st Gate, it kickstarts what is called 'the Human Experiential Way', an emotional stream of feeling running from the Root Center to the Throat Center via the Solar Plexus. It brings forth our burning desire to manifest new experiences and feel.
RA URU HU (Line Companion, 271-272):
"Transit: Uranus in 41.6
The Human Design System is a Uranian system, and wherever Uranus goes in the wheel is significant for humanity. Every 84 years, Uranus comes to the 41st gate. This time that Uranus is there, it is going to initiate an 84 year cycle that will culminate with the beginning of this transition. It will take well over a thousand years for humanity to get to this sixth line. It will not happen tomorrow or in the next century. Evolution on the human scale is a very slow process. This emotional spirit consciousness has already been with us for thousands of years and yet, we did not have any tools to really be able to look at it until very recently.
In the children that are born with Uranus in 41, particularly those who are born with Uranus in the 41.6, they will begin the pull-back in this experiential way. They will be the first generation of abstract children (it is depending on the design) who do not seem to function that way. These children, in our time, over the next 20 years [Uranus left the 41.6 in January 1998], will be clinically looked at as repressed. "No, my Johnny does not want to try to ride a bicycle. I do not understand it. I can't get him on the bicycle. I think that he is afraid of bicycles." It is simply because this is beginning to work and Uranus is initiating this new experience, especially in the sixth line. Uranus will bring that out in the children, so that there is already this genetic field that is beginning to operate and the children who are born with the 41.6 will be alive deep into the next century. They carry this energy with them and keep the aura of this energy alive in the world. They are setting the foundation for this transition.
You can see some of that now in what people call the AIDS epidemic. One of the things about the stream 41 to 35 is that it is the most sexual of all the streams. It is literally rooted in sexuality for the experience and that experience can be anything. In that sense, you can already see that this repression of those things is something that will come very strongly.
You will have a reaction to this in the environment until all of the experiences, the feelings and desires that we acquaint with being human will slowly be repressed, be restricted, so that we can become more and more organized without constantly being dragged out of the organization by the need of the abstract person to have a different kind of feeling. "You are designed to be an architect". "I know but I have this feeling that I want to be an astronaut." The planet has to eliminate this other side that automatically pulls you to say, "Yes, but wouldn't it be great if...?"
For us, nothing that I am describing is particularly pleasant. For us, we are part of the aura of the fifth line where we give authority to experience. Without experience, you do not know. That is why we have virtual reality. Nobody gets the experience. We already have vast movements at work to take us out of needing to physically have the experience ourselves, and yet, we have come into the world in a time where it still has its authority. We will have its authority for hundreds of years. There will be a great reaction to that. In your work over the next years, it is important to recognize that, as these children are coming on a stream, particularly children that come with the 41.6, they cannot be pushed into the experiential way by their parents. They will become very ill because they are the first generation that is there not to get pulled into that. They have to be aloof from it.
The experiential drive is coming to an end. The whole experiential nature of being human is coming to an end. In other words, we are at the flourishing of that. We are getting so many experiences. We are collecting so much data. We will now go down the other side. Ever since Neptune left 61, we are going down the other side, the other slope. Everything is being reduced. We start to pull things back. We are not driven into new experiences anymore. We are locked into old experiences, trying to stay alive and survive and flourish. We will not look for something new, but we will go back to the basics.
The deepest event in the next century will be that the fertility capacity in humans will be devastated. We have to go back to basic things and be very well organized in order to keep the species alive. We will not be able to tolerate all kinds of drives for different experiences when the species itself is threatened. These are all mechanisms that will come into work in the next century.
It is like the project to Mars. They spend 256 million dollars to get there. They are spending about 1/2 million dollars a day tracking it. When somebody comes along in the next century and says, "Okay, now that we have gone to Mars, why don't we go to Pluto?" There will be people who say, "Wait a minute. Why? We could take all of this money and give it to starving children and poor people." We have to stay with the basics of what we need to have to be organized properly. It is not to say that we won't do things, but the pragmatism of what it is to keep humanity alive will restrict the way we use resources. That is what the 41 is all about. It is wonderful to look at the pictures they took of Mars, but we come to the point where people reject that. Resources have to go back into our hands to increase our fertility."
In a recent HumanDesign.Live post, I shared with you the animated video called 'Game B'.
If you haven't seen it yet, I invite you to check it out here and share your perspectives with me:
In this video, the creators are exploring a narrative of who we are as a collective in this moment in time, and what would be needed for us to navigate safely into the future. They offer their big picture overview and how an individual who has 'woken up' can find purpose and meaning in keeping the species alive during a time of ecological collapse.
There's plenty to be discussed about that, as I'm sure many of you are feeling the changes and are seeing a whole spectrum of conditioned propaganda about this fly by your information feed on a daily basis.
What is an ongoing puzzle for me is the disentangling from moralising crusades, naïve idealism, and all sorts of homogenized spiritual ideas that still have a rooting in the mind, but have no grounding in my actual Design. I notice in me the urge to pull away from many 'movements' and networks I would have identified and associated myself with before in the fear for my survival. At the same time I still care about how we navigate into the future together and understand we need to get organized, I get splenic hits all the time when I see people engaging in regenerative initiatives and experimenting their way into bioregional organization and maintenance of ecosystem capacities.
The dilemma for my mind is how to be connected to what I see unfolding correctly. The Not-Self wants to get deeply involved in order to 'lead the change' (my Colour Motivation Transference from Innocence to Blind Desire). I would love for my work to connect to the soils in a regenerative circle - and I'm not there now. My Not-Self mind judges this and does its best to compel me to do something about it, using all the pain points it can possibly find in my psyche, constructing a false image of myself as some kind of parasite. There's a blind desire in me to be part of something 'good', but it's a misguided mental distraction.
Letting go of morality is a heavy one. Lately, this is something I've been noticing in my students with an Undefined Solar Plexus as they mirror my own process. Being 'good' is part of having a social persona that won't be emotionally challenged or confronted. We get around by playing nice as people-pleasers. And it isn't just about getting everybody's seal of approval because you comply with their conditioned moral standards. It's also about not getting bullied by the Not-Self voice in the head for being a schmuck whenever you're facing a mirror.
Underlying this behaviour can be various kinds of amplified emotional fears of conflict (like the fear of nature in the 49th Gate, for example). The source of all of them is being revealed for who and what you truly are. And the Not-Self does not want to be exposed, especially in its misidentification of being secretly a 'bad' and inauthentic person underneath all of the facades (which is just as false as being a 'good' person). It is ready to blame others but does not want to be blamed for the crash of the wave itself. The outcome is a mountainous weight of expectations about being or not being 'something' that can allow conditioned desires to be fulfilled. And this finally translates into carrying the burden of experiential guilt on one's shoulders and inside our shared emotional field.
As long as there are expectations relative to the Human Experiential Way and in our relationships, as long as we are attached to getting something out of it, as long as we are trying to strategically manipulate our way from the desire through the crisis and into the manifestation of our fantasy of progress, as long as we're trying to lock in the next experiential orgasm or the feeling of finally being free - in other words, as long as we're trying to control what happens next based on whatever we think 'should' happen, then experiential guilt will be our fate.
I was contemplating these things yesterday, inspired in part by my interactions with my LYD students, and then finally had an epiphany about my own process in relation to this Not-Self strategy of running away from emotional confrontation. There were things that really needed to be seen and expressed, but that I had been too afraid of before. And I could see this was creating a duality in the psyche. On the one hand it left me trapped as a 2/5 to endlessly keep up with everyone's expectations, internalizing them as my own. And on the other it bound other people to my unreasonable expectations.
There was an additional curiosity here that I had been wearing old winter clothing from the brand Spyder. I was not actively pursuing that as something to identify with. I was not looking for a spirit animal or an expensive brand to show off with. But eventually it did capture my attention and I walked with it in awareness. Then when I finally sat outside to reflect on the transition into the Rave New Year, and whether or not I had any unfinished business left, I noticed a spider weaving its web not too far away from me.
And I recognized the web of expectations I was caught in, and how deep that rabbit hole went. It was beautiful to be taught by nature directly through its archetypal symbolism and fractals. Layer after layer the whole complex disclosed itself to me. I could see the Not-Self spider trapping people in my network in the hope of getting something out of them. Keeping track of everything through disturbances in the field. And on the other hand, I could see myself as being the one who was trapped by all of that. I could see how all my other Undefined Centers played into it and how it was detracting from my health and truth in relationships, setting me up for abuse.
(I could have read this on a divination card somewhere, but it probably wouldn't have done the trick. I had to come to that conclusion through my own reflection.)
Eventually this underlying drive of putting myself under the pressure of expectation dissolved for a while and I felt the peace of simply allowing things to be no more and no less than what they are in the here and now. Then also felt an aching body that had been carrying the pain of that for a long time, grateful to finally just be held in its own nature. There was an enjoyment of being able to feel the pain as opposed to resist and futz with it.
And in this I found the empowerment to speak up according to what felt instinctively correct and necessary for me to address.
The Rave I'Ching suggests that freedom on the material plane is an illusion (No Choice, we're not in control, etc.). From my perspective then, this freedom that I yearned for was to be free from expectation and blame. And to just let the experience of life be what it is. It already is in perfect accordance with my Design - it can't be anything else. I don't need anything extra.
So to close this chapter, I encourage moving through this Solar week of fantasizing without expectations, without the mental shenanigans to try and 'make it so' - however beautiful or morally just it may all appear to be.
If you're here to take care of the soils and steward the future, life will bring it your way and your body will resonate with it.
Thanks for reading and I wish you well in this new year,