I know this despair personally, the fear and pain of this illness, and the "inconvenience" of being sick dragging on into weeks without teaching my beloved Human Design students.
Three weeks ago, the chest pains and shortness of breath began, so suddenly, I missed conducting a coaching session. The fever and chills raged, then came off and on. It felt like sharp knives were lodged in my chest.
Breathing was so painful right up until today, where now, it's the coughing that really, really, REALLY hurts. This cough is deep and more painful than I've ever experienced (and I had pneumonia as a teen). On Monday, I could taste and smell the blood when I'd cough, but it's still unproductive. Thankfully, no fever today, hence being able to write to you. I still can’t talk long enough without coughing to teach.
When you are ill, you can increase your suffering significantly by railing against what is, and by getting mentally depressed by failing to change what is.
OR, you can look around and see yourself and your life from a new perspective. What is the most important thing?
My mind tried to tell me it was teaching. "I have to warn everyone and help others as soon as possible." Ha! And my husband, my team, my students, kindly kept inviting me to rest, with my body having the final say. Hey Gate 27, care for yourself first! 😉
Impatience with my illness, "I don't have time to be sick!" had to transform into patience. I had no choice. We can turn this impatience weakness into strength, the strength to accept what is. Teaching the acceptance of what is, is my Dharma. Leading you to be successful in the paradox of accepting the Fates while changing your Fate is part of my life's work as a Cross of Contagion.
The awakening of our consciousness through a realignment to the real resonance of our being is at hand.
When you are sick, can you feel that your body is providing a valuable learning experience?
Can you sense it delivering the messages of these symptoms that, as a global pandemic, can put us in touch with the greater whole of our human existence?
This direction we are going in is a terrifying Shock. The end of humanity as we know it is shocking, as our bodies break down, mutate, and transform to prepare for something new to emerge from our specie.
The grief is palpable, can you feel it?
As my body was wracked with fever, I could feel in the morphogenetic connection we all have, that deep panic and the fear. It was so, so scary. My mind raced with what-ifs and anytime my 5/1 Projector husband was not around, I was miserable without his defined splenic comfort and jokes to help me see and know the lighter side of things.
The transits right now bring fear of tomorrow which can ground our shock and help us mutate.
Is it right for you to transform the shock into courage?
Our bodies instinctively adapt on our path of awakening, rooted in fear of what tomorrow will bring, which leads us to listen to our bodies to know what to do.
Pluto and Jupiter are conjunct in 61.5, deeply transforming us from within, teaching us to know our own personal, inner Truth, bringing messages of individuality and empowerment we can no longer ignore.
Despair can turn into strength, resistance can transform into success. The crisis of this illness has become the vehicle for profound worldwide transformation and deep healing from within our own bodies, which survive or make the ultimate transformation of death.
The body of Mother Earth is experiencing a virus that kills the weak and has stilled our population enough to begin healing herself.
When you are correct, you get the illness you need for your personal transformation. These last few weeks, though painful, have been a profound reset for me, as I had to let go of control and surrender to the body's deep need for personal downtime and spaciousness to just space.
My need to share with you about what I've learned living under this Coronavirus pandemic has overcome my body's aversion to being around electronics. The fears, the pain, the helplessness has finally lifted enough for me to write and make a video to quickly share what is most practical.
I highly recommend a simple breathing technique I wish someone had told us weeks ago. It might have saved my husband and me weeks of being sick and a huge hospital bill due to pneumonia.
As I'm designed to, I learned something the hard way, and have to explain in my own emotional way. But if you skipped all that and are looking for the gem, please pay attention now: If you're being struck hard by the virus like we are, here's the most practical advice I can give you:
See video below for a doctor's explanation. (Video has since been removed from YouTube.)