Reflector Lunar Cycle Human Design Transit Analysis Written Presentation

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Reflector Lunar Cycle Human Design Transit Analysis Written Presentation


Reflectors are rare, and have a need for cultivating an awareness of their Lunar cycle. This service creates a PDF of your unique lunar patterns to teach you about your channels in sequence.

Watching the channels created throughout the month of your own unique pattern of how you reflect the moon’s movement helps you to know yourself. A reflector has a timeframe, a lunar clock, you are lunar beings, you need to be in the right place and that only comes through letting life initiate you and honoring your Lunarian nature - wait for that knowing to happen. You are designed to be tied to the lunar cycle. Your consciousness is deeply connected to their lunar cycle, your own unique 28-day cycle. Ra describes it as you going through a microcosmic journey through the mandala (year) every single month. If you could compress the month down to a day you would get a better sense of them. You are such a minority, we highly recommend this free Reflector Type audio from Ra to help you understand yourself.

This Transit Watch Presentation and PDF can help you tremendously in your studies. It will show you a snapshot of your design with the current transit with every gate change of the moon for the coming month.

Please specify if you would like a certain date for the transit chart to begin, otherwise, it will begin with the date we fulfill the order (allow 2-3 weeks for this custom presentation. You may send in one question to be addressed via audio.

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