Uranus Opposition Human Design Chart Analysis Written Presentation

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Laveena B. Archers.jpg

Uranus Opposition Human Design Chart Analysis Written Presentation


Ready to see what the weather has in store for you in your middle-aged maturity so you can be prepared for the changes ahead?

This is not an automated service and must be run manually, so please allow 2-3 weeks minimum for delivery of your Uranus Opposition Life Cycle Human Design Chart Analysis with embedded videos about aspects of your chart. You can also send in 1 question to be answered.

Using official Human Design Human Design Software, your Uranus Return Chart PDF is created manually (this is not an automated report). People like this to print out for reference and self-study.

NOTE: EXACT birth time is critical for this chart to be accurate.

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Had a Foundation reading? Want to know what your 40's have in store for you? A Uranus Opposition session is recommended to understand your "mid-life crisis" and learning. This is where the maturing phase of our life takes place, to set us up for the flowering of our gifts at 50.

Once you've had some time to experiment with living your human design you may want to dive into what your Uranus Opposition is all about. This reading specifically focuses on your Uranus Opposition Cycle in context with your profile, Type, Strategy and Authority. Custom created presentation of your design details. This is such an important life transition, get the details to make the most of it!