Official IHDS Human Design System Education
Three Foundational Courses
These courses are appropriate for newcomers and the general public. They provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental aspects of the Human Design System. They also are a prerequisite for further Professional training. Taught by highly educated, Internationally Certified Human Design System Professionals dedicated to sharing the spark of awareness that Ra Uru Hu lit for us.
This is the most important class you can take in the entire system. Provides a solid introduction to the main components to know about the Human Design System, our nine energy Centers, the four Auric Types and their Strategy for when to decide, inner/personal Authority so you know how to decide and support in your individual process of living your Human Design successfully.
Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: Living Design Student Manual
Recommended: Foundation Reading
All LYD classes, whether group or private, include 8+ hours of recorded video lessons provided by International Human Design School Teacher Trainer, Laveena Archers.
The next step is the beginning of the training track of IHDS coursework to become a Certified Professional of any kind.
Covers conscious Personality and unconscious Design activations; Hexagram Structure: Lines values and frequencies, and Circuitry: three Circuit Groups and their keynotes. Also includes an introduction to all 36 channels of the Bodygraph.
Pre-requisites: Foundation Reading, Living Your Design
Required Materials: Rave ABC Student Manual
Upcoming Rave ABC courses:
There are 7 classes in this live course with Peter Berv.
Additional recorded and live study groups available on various ABC level educational topics are included by Laveena Archers.
All ABC classes, include 7+ hours of recorded bonus video lessons provided by International Human Design School Teacher Trainer, Laveena Archers.
This massive 48 hour course is an adventurous journey through the Bodygraph, as we explore the circuitry flow of auric energy through Center, Types and the 36 channels that define our lives as Humans.
Pre-requisites: Foundation Reading, Living Your Design, Rave ABCs
Required Materials: Rave Cartography Student Manual
Note: These courses can be taken for your own personal development or to work with your clients, and are a serious step required in preparation for professional training.
Upcoming Rave Cartography course:
All ABC classes, include 7+ hours of recorded bonus video lessons provided by International Human Design School Teacher Trainer, Laveena Archers.
BG5 Foundation Training Courses
There are two paths in the world of Human Design. One takes the person to higher levels of awareness and consciousness - the spiritual aspects of awakening and the mechanics of the Maia. That’s the traditional Human Design path. The three Human Design Foundational Courses above were condensed and compacted into 20 classes in two semesters offered by the BG5 Institute. Laveena is a Certified IHDS teacher of both the HD Foundations and the BG5 Foundations; taking the HD Foundations classes above qualifies you to get the audit pricing on the BG5 Foundations in order to get certified as a BG5 Consultant should it be correct for you. (BG5 no longer accepts HD courses as equivalent for Foundations, because of the international accreditation process they just received)
At the end of his life Ra taught the aspects of design that controls and homogenizes others for a better bottom line. In his words, with BG5 you leave the “white magic” spirituality path of Human Design to learn how to perform the “black magic” that can help people cope with being homogenized at work. A friend of mine called it being “happy greased cogs in the wheel” of business. If money is your thing and you want to help others make money, it may be correct for you to choose the BG5 path at this juncture.
Living Your Design Guide Professional
Certification Course
Human Design Life Coaching
Living Your Design Guide Training - Teacher Training
Teacher training to become a certified Living Design Guide. These are our most important professionals in the world of Human Design.
Pre-Requisites: Rave Cartography
Also known as the Living Your Design Guide Success Training class, this is Laveena’s unique version of implementing the Human Design System language in a way that is efficient, effective and productive when it comes to breaking through the darkness of illusion and delusion most of the world suffers from due to mid-identification with the madness of the normal mind.
This course includes three different and distinct components that can be done in one semester or spread out over two or three, depending on your time availability. First, there are lectures and class discussions, second you will audit an LYD by the guide of your choice and meet after class for discussion, and third there is a Practicum component where you practice delivery of the knowledge and receive feedback from us.
If you know you want to go all the way from start to finish as a Human Design Professional, we also offer payment plans for all 4 courses required to become a Guide (LYD, ABC, Cartography and LYDG training).
The prices you see here include the 20% certification fee to the IHDS for your professional listing and certificate.
Human Design Rave Analysis
Professional Analyst Training Courses
Advanced training to become a certified Human Design Professional begins late January 2021, days/times TBD by request.
Professional Training Level I - Chart Analysis, 3 semesters over 1 year
This class covers the 64 Gates, the 384 Lines of the Rave I'Ching, keynoting, the Four Views, and BodyGraph synthesis.
Pre-Requisites: Foundation Reading, Living Your Design, Rave ABC, Rave Cartography
Required Materials: Rave I'Ching, Line Companion, Circuitry
Professional Training Level II - Connection and Cycle Analysis, 2 semesters
Semester one: How to analyze and deliver Connection / Partnership readings
Semester two: How to analyze and deliver Life Cycle readings
Pre-Requisites: Professional Training Level I
Required Materials: Partnership Analysis, Life Cycles Analysis
Professional Training Level III - Incarnation Crosses Analysis
Covers Incarnation Crosses over two semesters and teaches how to uncover the true self and the shadow self expressions of the Cross. You’ll also learn techniques for successfully incorporating these fundamental keys to a person’s highest purpose in life by explaining and synthesizing the dynamic aspects according to the holistic themes of the design into readings using correct keynoting that resonates with your client and helps them on their path of awakening.
Pre-Requisites: Professional Training Level II
Required Materials: Quarter and Profile, Incarnation Crosses by Profile
Note: All group classes are suitable for repeating (audit) if you have taken this class in the past with another HD teacher. Simply email office @ humandesignlifecoaching dot com with the name of your teacher for a 50% off discount code. Does not include private classes.