Tori Amos Human Design Famous Rave Study Group
Human Design Professional Study Group
Tori Amos chart thanks to Melanie Halpert
"Tori Amos is an American singer-songwriter and pianist. She is a classically trained musician with a mezzo-soprano vocal range. Having already begun composing instrumental pieces on piano, Amos won a full scholarship to the Peabody Institute at Johns Hopkins University at the age of five, the youngest person ever to have been admitted." Wikipedia
Birth name: Myra Ellen Amos
Born: August 22, 1963, Newton, North Carolina, U.S.
Genres: Alternative rock, chamber pop, art pop, electronic
Human Design System Manifesting Generators on Waiting and Responding
IHDS Living Your Design Guides Amy Garvey and Micala Duvoux on Waiting and Responding
The Mysterious Difference which Makes a Difference
This article is a response to a question from the community:
“As a 6/2 MG with emotional authority, waiting is extremely difficult… Almost painfully difficult. If one is in a difficult place in life and has the urge to make a change, but there is no change to make, what should they do?”
– Joshua French
Human Design Sacral Center - Life Resource of the Generator
In one of my recent articles '幽玄, Melancholy, Waiting, Art and Noticing', I connected certain Japanese aesthetic principles to our experiences of Waiting and Melancholy, using artistic work by Andrew Wyeth to convey the simple profundity of waiting for correct enlivenment to emerge on its own.
Of course, being a Non-Sacral Projector, I write from a point of view that asks us to value non-productivity and patience. Not only as a safeguard against rash mental decision-making, but also in the awareness of being careful with the energy we have.
Life is not a simple formula of energy availability and its general application. The energy any one of us carries is specific. It isn’t to be used for just anything because someone out there thinks we should. It’s there to be used for what we love. Our context is what enlivens our spirit and enriches the world in turn. And in order for our forms to function they need a healthy balance of activity and rest, no matter what Type we’re talking about.
This balance is naturally something you can only find yourself. Nobody else can know when enough is enough for you.
Others can only observe your signposts and what you’re broadcasting. At best they can tell when you’re approaching or have passed your healthy limits and ask you some good questions to help you orient yourself according to your Type, Strategy and Authority.
Neither can your mind tell when enough is enough - until it has surrendered to the body. Only then might it be sensible enough to recognize when it is time to stop after registering the body’s intelligent cues. Learning the language of your own biology is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself, which takes a significant amount of time and feedback – especially if most of your defined Channels are unconscious.
Having said all of this, consider then the perspective of a 34/20 Triple Split Manifesting Generator with all Centers below the Ajna defined according to a DLL PLR Variable - including a fixed ‘sports’ Channel between the Root and the Spleen.
Don’t worry if the sentence above still reads like an alien language or total gibberish to you. What I’m saying is that we’re looking at a person whose body needs to be actively moving and physically exercising to be healthy. Someone who is designed to be busy with a tremendous amount of energy building up that is ready to engage. Someone with an energy resource that must be depleted in a fulfilling manner every day.
It isn’t necessarily the best advice to tell this kind of Design to ‘stop doing’, dressed up with beautiful Zen poetry or Taoist philosophy. It may be a tempting avenue in order to prevent Not-Self chaos. After all, for the Emotional Wave there is no Truth in the Now. But recommending they get into a habit of ‘non-doing’ may equally lead to aggravation.
The Way of The Generator
“Sacral Beings Have to Work. The Sacral is about work. It’s why I call Generators slaves; they’re workers. Sacral beings have to have work. They have to be able to use their energy. They have to use their energy effectively. They have to live through their work.
Everything about Sacral beings is about work. Think about the horror of life when you do not work the work that’s for you. Think about the horror of life of being busy working at something that you don’t like and don’t enjoy, and it’s not for you; it’s a horror.
Because everything about a Sacral being is about the beauty that’s possible for them in doing what feels correct for them to do. That they use their energy properly, that they use their energy efficiently. It’s about work. Are You Ready?
I have a joke, a trick, that I did for years when I was doing readings. A person would sit down beside me and sort of try to get comfortable. And before I would turn on the recording machinery, I would say, “Are you ready?” Most of the people that come to me are designed to respond in one way or another. When I met the Voice, the first thing the Voice said to me: “Are you ready to work?”
- So, are you ready?”
– Ra Uru Hu (The Way of the Generator)
It’s important that the Generator works, and that the Sacral energy is used in a regenerative manner. This doesn’t mean it can’t be correct for you to have a meditation and stillness practice – it depends on your Design, follow S&A, you know the drill - but one thing is for sure: the Sacral energy must be used to the point of satisfaction.
So let’s make an essential distinction here between waiting and doing nothing. The concept of 無為 ‘Wú Wéi’, popularly referred to as ‘non-doing’, is a Taoist term. To provide some continuity with my last article, I can invoke Alan Watts here for translation: ‘Wú Wéi’ basically means ‘not to force anything’. It is to act in accordance with the flow of nature. Not resisting it, nor trying to push it in a certain direction we think it ‘should’ go.
The dilemma is the mind’s fearful tendency of forcing life down a conditioned pathway.
“ … in the end, you have to see that the greatest enemy you have is your mind, because your mind hates your Sacral. It hates it. “How dare you, you grunting, groaning thing have control over my life. Here I am with my vocabulary, my education, and my wonderful knowledge, and here is this, “uh-uh” telling me what to do.” The mind wins most of the time because that’s the way you’ve been conditioned. You’ve been conditioned to believe that what you think is what is correct for you, and that what you think is how you’re supposed to live your life. And it’s all a lie—your mind isn’t going to accept that lie until your Sacral is living your life for you, and not your mind.
And your mind will be in there screaming; it doesn’t stop. It’s not like your mind is going to surrender to your Sacral and say, “Oh, isn’t it nice to be awake!” It doesn’t do that. It says, “You’re being an idiot, look at the rest of the planet. They’re all running around like crazy; you should be doing that, too.” Because that’s the mind. Your greatest battle is with the mind.”
– Ra Uru Hu (The Way of the Generator)
And so when we bring our mental decision-making to a halt in order to ‘Wait to Respond’, ‘Wait for Recognition and an Invitation’, etc., it can be disorienting at first. We can look to the 5th Gate for understanding the nature of this Waiting game a bit better:
Gate 5: Waiting – Fixed Patterns: Fundamental attunement to natural rhythms. Waiting as an active state of awareness.
Ra would say it is like a pregnancy.
This is not about doing nothing. It is about not betraying natural rhythms through forced mental initiative. The mind’s burden of decision-making is then transmuted into simple active awareness - our witnessing presence to that which is unfolding.
In my previous article I used the term ‘dwelling in nature’, and this is what I was referring to. If we could imagine for a moment a forest hermit dwelling in the natural landscape, immersed in the natural rhythms of the elements, flora and wildlife. No longer attached to ‘the world’, and yet in their attunement still waiting for ‘it’ - waiting for the call.
Dwelling in the form principle, there's this obvious mystery at work:
What’s the next response gonna be?
Which environmental input will evoke my body to respond?
It’s such a mysterious thing that everything we’re conscious of at any given moment is happening on its own. We don’t ‘do’ any of our sense perceptions. The filtering of that information is all done for us, and we can just enjoy the outcome. This kind of active awareness is not the same as 7 centred hypervigilance. There is the allowance for the unknown to remain unknown for as long as it likes, and at the same time there is curiosity about what is being revealed.
What am I noticing in this moment?
What are my senses bringing to awareness?
Where might my eyes want to go of their own accord, moment by moment, if I don’t force them down the same old tracks?
Love is our context for life and work.
And yes, to anyone else reading, I know Ra’s descriptions can sometimes be heavy to digest, especially in times of pain.
In your case, Joshua, as a 6/2 with the alienating change of scenery Saturn has recently brought to your life, while it's vital not to skip over any shadows, joining Ra in experiencing the mind as an enemy may not be the most supportive perspective either.
The mind may not be a friend at this point – and friends in general may seem hard to come by in a polarized and distracted environment. But there’s no energy to waste on battling the mind in isolation. Storms of the mind pass on their own eventually.
“..If one is in a difficult place in life and has the urge to make a change, but there is no change to make, what should they do?”
In our brief conversation you recognized the pain was coming from your gut relative to your current working environment. In BG5 career coaching we emphasize environment as being a vital point of intervention. It is your environment that determines the nature of the information you receive. In the ‘wrong’ environment, there may be nothing satisfying for you to respond to.
Scientist and anthropologist Gregory Bateson coined an amazing definition for information: ‘a difference which makes a difference’.
So much is changed by noticing differently. We fall into places and people according to where our eyes go and what they pay attention to. We can align to different information simply by turning our head (or not even that). We could be miserable in the shadows and just and inch to the left find ourselves basking in the sun.
The mind is great at imagining mountainous obstacles where the tiniest detail could make all the necessary difference. In times of pain and total overhaul of what we value, renewed appreciation for the small can shift our realities around.
Unconditioned Beauty
Bateson called beauty ‘the pattern that connects’, and I think that’s quite on point. Not only is Gate 5 the Gate of Waiting, it is also the Gate of Fixed Patterns, with which we connect into the wondrous world of plant life. It reflects the fractal patterning of nature that connects the microcosmically small to the macrocosmically vast. The Channel of Rhythm 5/15 is shared by all biological life and defines the aura of the biosphere as a whole.
One tiny moment of glimpsing unconditioned beauty is an information imprint that can scale up fractally across your life. It’s like that brief instant where you decide not to react and catch your breath instead of engaging in someone else’s drama. It can change the course of the rest of your day - and beyond.
In such moments, you may remember the difference between right and wrong, correctness and incorrectness, at a level the mind may not immediately grasp - but the body does. This isn't any conditioned idea of what is beautiful, but a deep impression of beauty in which the external world reflects your unique nature back to you.
Unconditioned beauty and love go hand in hand, and they are the hallmarks of our unique trajectory. This is the magic of the G Center and its Magnetic Monopole, the Center of the Higher Self, Transcendent Love, Direction and Creative Self-Expression. It is all already there.
Now, to answer your question, Joshua, I cannot tell you what should be done - that would be disempowering to you. I’d say this is a crucial time for you to discover for yourself who you really are and where your source of power and authority really originates from.
However, where is the unconditioned beauty showing up? As you wait for the next response, as your body processes the hope and pain of your emotional wave, how do your senses bring beauty to your active awareness?
And perhaps - has the time come to change your job?
Strength to you in your transition to the roof, brother.
How to Make Correct Decisions: Human Design System Sacral Center Authority
How to Make Correct Decisions
Using Your Human Design Sacral Authority
In part two of our Authority article series, “How to Make Correct Decisions Using Your Human Design,” we will discuss the nuances of Generators and the three kinds of Sacral Authority.
In case you missed part one of this Human Design Authority article series: We covered a bit of a background on the origins of Type and Strategy, why Mind is not your Authority and the Solar Plexus/Emotional Center as an Authority.
The Sacral Center Defines a Generator
If you have a red square in the bodygraph, your energy is incredibly powerful in response. Your aura is like a pulsing vortex that draws situations to you so that you can react to them. As the Sacral is the only Center that defines an Auric Type, this means you are a Generator.
Approximately 67% of the people on this planet have a Generator Type of Aura - open, enveloping and available to respond. All Generators (Manifesting Generators included) who do not have the Solar Plexus defined (approximately half) have Sacral Authority, with the accompanying decision-making strategy of waiting to respond.
"Waiting?” you may exclaim, “What do you mean, I have to wait? Who wants to wait? Why should I wait? I can't just sit around waiting. If I wait, I'm going to miss out! Who's going to make things happen for me if I don't?"
Let's get clear on what waiting is and the reasons Generators of all kinds, emotional or not, are advised to experiment with waiting to respond, rather than initiating action. As you can see there are issues this strategy initially creates on the mental plane. Then we'll discuss the three kinds of Sacral Authority.
The term "waiting" brings to mind boredom, long lines at the post office or bank. Waiting in our Human Design System context means an active state of being, a sustained quality of being present to the current conditions, absorbed in the living of your life, attending to what needs to be given your full attention right now, and available to respond.
Let’s contrast that active state of Being Present to… obsessing about how or when what you think you want to happen will happen, or trying to make things happen from the realm of your mind, or thinking about how to manipulate the future or rewrite the past. Active, present waiting allows you to see clearly, and be ready to respond to what life brings your way - which is a whole lot, as the world is filled with things for you to respond to!
Ra Uru Hu - Human Design System Type
The Two Kinds of Human Design Generators
Pure Generators are people who have the Sacral Center defined without a motor (Solar Plexus, Ego, Root or Sacral) connected to the Throat.
If you can trace your finger from any of the motor Centers along a colored in Channel up to the Throat (perhaps going through the Splenic Center or G Center along the way) then you are looking at the bodygraph of a Generator with Manifesting potential, aka in general as Manifesting Generators. These people are able to verbalize the sounds of their Sacral if it’s connected to the Throat and have the gift of being able to get things done very quickly, but are likely to skip steps.
The 34-20 is a channel that you'll often see in Generators as it is one of the three oppositions in the Rave Mandala that creates a channel. When you see this channel defined, regardless of any other definition present, you see the bodygraph of a pure Manifesting Generator. These kinds of Manifesting Generators can be lighting fast at getting things done but are even more prone to skipping steps. Nevertheless, they have tremendous power in the Now.
Because of the powerful fuel of the motors connected to the Throat, the bodygraph configuration of the Manifesting Generators can often lead them to engage in activities they may not have the engagement or agreement of their Sacral on, and so they end up getting stuck, feeling frustrated and quitting.
As any kind of Generator, you are designed to follow the response and yield to the authority of your Sacral motor (waiting to be clear emotionally if the Solar Plexus is defined). Your Sacral motor is a biological function, a physical mechanism that only you (of all the four Aura Types) have consistent access to. Because the Sacral Center is a mechanism that powers the creation and nurturing of life, you are designed to be the builders of the world. In fact, this is what we call your Career Type - Classic Builder (Pure Generator) or Express Builder (Manifesting Generators).
Your Sacral Center has a magnetic capacity, generating an aura with an expansive, open quality to it, inclusively drawing in what it can respond to. Years of conditioning to initiate action from your mind ("Just do it! Go out and get 'em! Make it happen!") can atrophy your use of the response of your Sacral and your ability to sense its truth.
Image via
As a Generator, you are designed to respond in the specific way that energy flows consistently through your defined channels. Your life force emanates fields which draw in data your Sacral knows it can engage in to generate the frequency of satisfaction or not. The satisfied vibration of your energy field (or frustrated if the activity, timing, place, people or situation is not correct for you) colors the frequency of your reality.
The serendipity of what it is to be a Generator is that the Sacral is the only Authority center that makes sounds. Spontaneous and uncontrived, sacral sounds are your inner Authority, whether they are verbalized or not. These responsive sounds that come naturally when your Sacral is faced with a choice or engaged in an activity are how you are designed to navigate your world.
This energy source of your being can be relied upon to know whether you have the energy to participate satisfactorily in the task at hand at present. Grunts and groans, moans and sighs, “uh-huh” and “uh-uh”, or “mmh” when undecided, are all sacral sounds that are great tools for recognizing energetic response before, during or after an activity, and most come naturally to Generators. That is unless they have been conditioned to suppress or ignore them by well-meaning parents who told them to "use your words" in the name of politeness. Listening for sounds or tuning into the gut feeling in your body is imperative for you to rely on, giving you the ability to find satisfaction in how you expend your energy, rather than frustration.
With so much power, you are designed to be a busy person and may not be comfortable sitting still long, especially as a Manifesting Generator. You may have noticed that you are a bit like an energizer bunny that likes to keep on going and going until you become exhausted and need to rest. So when we advise you to "wait to respond" your mind may balk or draw a blank at what that means since you are wired to experience busyness as a natural state of being.
Trust the Response of Your Sacral
The magic of responding is something a Generator naturally experiences by feeling energy (or not) for something you see needing to be done. Your body wants to be busy with the tasks it enjoys, so let it do its thing. Honor your energy, follow your body. Living requires time, and there's a correct time and place for activities. Your Sacral is informed by the Channel and Centers it’s defined to), and therefore your body knows in the now if it wants to do something, or not.
The biggest signpost of a Generator not listening to their own Authority is frustration or feeling stuck. Doing something that your Sacral says "uh-uh" or "no" to causes a sense of difficulty or impediment that arises when you try to force yourself to do something your body just doesn't want to do. Frustration offers insight into your Sacral availability to perform an activity.
Watch for any thoughts like "I have to..." or "I should do..." and a resulting feeling of dread or being immobilized that facing the contemplated direction or decision can bring. Should your mind win the battle to initiate action, and you do what it thinks you should do while ignoring your sacral response, notice whether or not the experience was worth the struggle, effort or discomfort. When frustration arises because you can't make something work, stop what you're doing, take a breath and a reassess the situation. Perhaps now is not the correct timing for the activity?
With practice and experiences of testing the waters and your response, you'll eventually get to the place where an "uh-uh" brooks no argument from you, or others who know you. You'll learn that sometimes it's just not the right activity, question or the correct timing. Gently teaching others by living the example of you honoring your sacral authority and that rationalizations or excuses just won't work to change your decision takes time. Patiently set an example of someone who trusts their body to make the right choices for themselves.
Your Sacral knows what energy it has available for IN RESPONSE! So what task specifically to do? Watch for when life gives you something to respond to - the right question at the right time can be very helpful to uncover your truth. Making a list can be helpful when you are faced with choices, then getting a non-partial other to ask you questions to assist you in discovering what the correct thing to do is. Allow your use of precious life-force energy to be guided by your Sacral response so that you can perform appropriately and efficiently in life, being your own Authority.
Kinds of Sacral Authority
The Sacral Center energizes from one or more of 11 different Channels - connecting to five other Centers - that can define this powerful source of life energy. Keep in mind that if the Solar Plexus Center is defined, that the Sacral no longer is the overriding authority as this person must honor their emotional clarity that is gained over time.
Manifested Sacral Authority
HILLARY CLINTON example Chart (Click link to add to your free chart Library)
When your Sacral Center is defined to your Throat, either directly as in the case of a Pure Manifesting Generator or otherwise, you are able to speak your response in the now, colored by the awareness and energy of the Channels defined.
Generated Sacral Authority
ROBERT DOWNEY JR. example Chart (Click link to add to your free chart Library)
When your Sacral Center is defined without the Splenic or Solar Plexus, your response in the now is fueled by the adrenaline of the Root Center (if defined) or powers your sense of love and direction in the G Center (if defined).
Splenic Generated Sacral Authority
MADONNA example chart (Click link to add to your free chart Library)
When your Splenic Center is defined in addition to your Sacral, then the authority is Splenic Generated Sacral Authority. You are designed to generate a response in the now, with the awareness of what can give you well-being and keep you healthy.
Generator, You are Designed Perfectly for You
Remember the purpose of Human Design is to help you to be yourself by taking away authority from your conditioned mind and putting it where it belongs. You discover who you are by finding personal satisfaction in the activities that you enjoy. In the case of a non-emotional Generator, your true authority is deeply rooted in your body and designed to respond in the now when asked. The fact is that your body can be depended on to be a reliable source of knowing,
Often people will ask if it is a good thing to have this or that Definition. There is no such thing as a good or bad in Human Design. Subtleties within your bodygraph are neither positive nor negative. Yes, there can be challenges that may prove difficult to overcome from a place of ignorance, but the understanding and facing the challenges inherent in your design can be enormously rewarding. You are designed perfectly for your life, which is why it is so important for you to navigate correctly and live out your true nature.
Experiment with following your Strategy of waiting to respond, and honoring your inner sacral authority to make decisions. Then watch as the magic of feeling satisfied with the activities you do grows and flowers while frustration and feeling stuck lessens.
I hope you enjoyed this basic introduction to Human Design Authorities. Please share and comment with any questions.
Portions of this article were originally published on, reused with permission.
The Art of Being - Human Design Generators and Manifesting Generators
Photo Via JovianArchive
There is a very simple art to being a Human Design Generator, also known as a Builder in the BG5 Career and Business language.
Simple? Yes. Easy? Well....
Unless raised from birth correctly
(as yourself), perhaps not.
If you are a Generator (the life-force of our planet, built to create and sustain humanity), your aura has the perfect and unique power to respond from your Sacral Center.
You are here to respond to what life asks of you. You bring the vitality and aliveness that keeps our world running!
Waiting to make a decision from your sacral (and waiting further for emotional clarity if you have the solar plexus defined) is your key to finding the true satisfaction that life has to offer you.
No matter what Aura Type you are, there are grave consequences in not using your energy correctly.
Not using your energy successfully leads to health issues, burnout, depression, overwhelm, stress, exhaustion, and unhappiness. How can you use your power correctly?
My mom is a Generator (with Manifesting potential, to be more precise). I dedicate this article on her behalf to all of you Mothers out there, Generator or not.
This article is part of a new group of learning "Units" in our Facebook Group on the Pure Generator/Classic Builder.
Photo Via JovianArchive
Over 70% of the humans on our planet are Generators (check out the statistics here). As the dominant Type, they stand alone as the only kind of people whose power comes from their ability to make decisions from a center that responds through sounds.
We truly live in a generated, Generator world.
The nature of the Generator is that they are sacral beings. You can read more about the Sacral Center in this article. The Generator is the kind of human that is here to respond to what life brings to it. Through decision making in honor of the form, from the sacral center, following that gut response, the perfection of the Generator is realized.
The sacral center is the center of life - the core of our reproductive capacity, generating our energy for life and work. It is the Generator that creates and maintains the civilization we see around us. As the great builders, with the capacity to sustain work, they find fulfillment in activities they enjoy which bring them satisfaction. Our lives depend on the reproductive, fertile power of sacral beings. To quote Ra, "It is all in the hands of the Generator."
Photo Via JovianArchive
The glory and power of the Generator is in their ability to respond to life. Not to be chasing after things, but to wait to respond to life as it comes to them, to respect what the sacral draws to it, and honor what it has the energy to respond to.
The dilemma of the "not-self" or deeply conditioned Generator is that they do not use their generative capacity correctly. Incorrect energy usage (for example, trying to manifest what the mind thinks it wants without waiting for the sacral to respond) results in the dysfunction of that sacral center, experienced as frustration. Frustration is the not-self theme of a Generator - who through the not-self conditioning tries to manifest in this world without waiting and ends up quitting from sheer frustration.
Photo Via JovianArchive
Generators are designed to take in life in an extraordinary way.The Generator has an open, welcoming aura that wraps around everything it draws to it. It is an embracing aura. If you are a Generator, do you want to understand where your true power lies? It's time you understood the mechanical functioning of your sacral-being auric truth; the depth of your openness to life allows you to hone in on what is correct for you to respond to.
So how do you "be" a Generator? Many Generators feel "stuck" in jobs, relationships, or lives they hate, simply because they've been deeply conditioned. Billions of Generators have no idea about their true potential nor experienced the satisfaction of what it means to be themselves.
Their glorious sacral centers have been shut down so many times by outside forces. From childhood, others told them to use their words or their minds instead of the guttural tones that naturally arise from their powerful sacral motor.
Photo Via JovianArchive
The Art of Being that the Generator is here to perfect is to wait to Respond to life. Responding - waiting for that unmistakable response of your sacral center - honors the deep inner knowing of that sacral center of when and what it can find satisfaction in doing.
If you are a Generator, make decisions ONLY in response. Everything in life that is correct for you as a Generator is only going to come to you as something you respond to.
The beauty of the Generator is that you can tune into your sacral voice, your sacral sounds that have the power to respond to life. No other form has such a mechanism.
A note to "Manifesting Generators" - you are not a separate Aura Type of your own, and your built-in innovative power needs to be released in response. It can be very frustrating and create a lot of anger if you initiate manifestation without the benefit of waiting for a response.
Many MG's have manifesting potential - it can be satisfying to do so in response and alignment with your personal Authority. As your Aura functions the same as a pure Generator, your strategy for correct alignment of decision-making is the same.
All Generators have an open aura - enveloping, embracing other beings in an auric bear hug. Generators, you are open to auric contact, and in that openness you are taking in everything and grabbing it. Is is right for you? Follow your gut response - and be patient, giving it time, if you are emotional!
Photo Via JovianArchive
Remember, the Aura IS you. How you function in the world is based upon this one essential quality that you cannot control - the way your Aura operates.
If you are a Generator, your aura has the perfect and unique power to respond from the sacral center. You are here to respond. Waiting to make a decision from your sacral (and waiting further for emotional clarity if you have the solar plexus defined) is your key to finding the true satisfaction that life has to offer you.
Photo Via JovianArchive
Like all of the Arts, the key to perfecting is to practice. And as a Generator, waiting to respond is the Strategy that protects you from the dysfunction of your sacral center, the powerful feeling of frustration that can leave you feeling incredibly stuck and wanting to quit.
Would you like to learn more about yourself as a Generator? A great resource I love and use every day is You can sign up for a free account that shares helpful information particular to your chart, including audios about your Type and Authority.
(written for and published originally on, revised and updated here)
How Hillary Clinton Can Avoid Anger & Frustration
Hillary Clinton's Human Design Foundation Reading. Photo of Hillary by Gauge Skidmore
Hillary Clinton's Human Design Reading
If I was invited to advise Hillary Clinton on how to make decisions she trusts to avoid frustration and anger, this is what I would tell her... (provided this is her correct birth time 8:02am according to This was my submission for my Professional Human Design Analyst Certification Exam in 2015, which we were required to submit in audio form at 30-45minutes maximum. You may listen to the audio recording on my Soundcloud channel, and add Hillary Clinton's Human Design chart to your Mybodygraph library.
Hillary Clinton's Human Design Foundation Analysis Introduction
Hi Hillary, here is your Human Design Chart. See the outline of the person? This BodyGraph is a visual representation of the energies that are unique to you. How about we start with a little tour to show you around and introduce you to some basic terms, then we’ll dive into the details, okay?
Hillary Clinton's Human Design
First, do you see how there are geometric shapes in the bodygraph that are colored in, while others aren’t? These nine shapes are called Centers. The Centers are energy and information hubs. Each have a unique, consistent functioning when colored in, or an inconsistent, flexible functioning when they are not. The four colored Centers are where you are energetically broadcasting who you are; this shows us your authentic, true nature. These Centers operate in a highly specific manner within you. Here are your reliable functions:
the way you Respond to how life asks you to Act and Communicate
the way you Conceptualize and express your knowing
your Identity or the way you show up to others, particularly as a leader
Now see the lines connecting the shapes together? These are called Channels, they define your strengths and functions; what you transmit to the other. And on either end of the Channels, see the numbers in the Centers? Those numbers label the Gates; they give us the characteristics of your functions. When activated on either end of the Channel by a planet, the Gates get colored in and are what energize the Channel to create a consistent Life Force in you. Channels show us your strengths in life, the thematics of what you can depend on to be authentic to you.
We call the colored in Channels, Centers, and Gates connected to them your Definition. These colored in areas define your true nature - who you are for yourself, and how you are here to be self-empowered. Your Definition shows how you can rely on yourself to make the right choices at the right time, to lead you to satisfy your personal destiny fulfillment.
I’d like to show you where we get those calculations that create your Definition in your BodyGraph, ok? See planetary symbols and their numerical Gate activations here on either side? These show us how you have been imprinted to create your Human Design Bodygraph. From these calculations, your energetic “circuit board” creates this map of your genetic imprinting. We’re deciphering the map to show how you’re here to decide for and be yourself. I’ll integrate these details in context later.
Now, do you see the calculations to the right in black? These black activations represent thematics about you that you think you are. Here is your Conscious Personality, or what you think of as the determination of who you are. These calculations are based on the position of the planets at the exact moment of your birth. You are going to identify with these aspects of you in our investigation of your Human Design. My description of these themes that are defined will confirm what you always knew to be true about yourself.
Now, see the left side of your graph here? The red calculations were an unconscious imprint of your body in utero approximately three months before you were born. These calculations show the consistent energy of your Unconscious Design, your genetic inheritance. Red like blood, imagine they are like tunnels under the surface of your mental awareness. The red represents energetic qualities that are consistent and reliable in your body. Others tend to notice it about you while you don’t-unless it’s pointed out to you.
Sometimes the same Gates or Channels can be both conscious and unconscious like they are here. You can see that both Gates 12 (Caution) and 34 (Power) show up in your chart as red and black. That means these activated characteristics have both a conscious and an unconscious component to them.
Each Planet imprints the Gates for expression in one of six possible line values, and one or two sides of the same line. These lines have different qualities depending on the planet which activates it combined with the rest of the imprinting in your design. Lines show nuances about you that I’ll weave into your chart reading.
Your Type, Strategy, Authority and Definition
Hillary Clinton's Human Design Analysis
See that red square at the bottom of the chart, your Sacral Center? Notice how it’s connected directly to the brown square of the Throat Center? This Channel of Charisma (34-20) is what creates your Life Force energy, your Aura Type of a Manifesting Generator. Your dynamic presence is open and enveloping, always responding to life. Have you ever noticed how quickly your body reacts with a movement towards or away from things when offered to you, without you having even to think about it? Your response could also show up as an at the moment, articulated response to what you have energy for that just springs to your lips in the form of a yes, no or I don’t know. When this gut response arises without thought, that’s your truth.
Availability is how your Sacral Center is designed to be responsive to and generate life. When asked, your official answer comes from your body’s availability to engage with the people, situations, and experiences that are drawn to you. Whether it’s a seemingly involuntary movement, a noncommittal articulation, or immediate positive or negative reaction... when you’re asked, your body’s response brooks no argument. Your existential response is your truth; it how you are designed to make the right choice at the right time. Your strategy of waiting to see how your body responds to what life asks of you brings you excellent opportunities to act on. Your “gut” - this powerful energy resource - gets you to the bottom of what brings you discoveries of who you are for yourself.
Not only does this Sacral Center define you as a Manifesting Generator Type, but it also sets your decision-making strategy of Waiting to Respond. Making decisions according to your body’s response brings satisfaction of a job well-done. By waiting to respond (instead of initiating from what your brilliant mind thinks you “should” do) you avoid frustration, feeling stuck and quitting. When in alignment with your true nature, you can build a sound foundation around doing what you love with your energy. It's essential that you love what you do in life. Through using your powerful energy resource to experiment with responding to life, you can discover how you are here to experience being an influential, insightful democratic leader who can get things done efficiently.
Your Sacral Center is your personal Authority, telling you what you have the available energy to start and follow through to completion. This definition points to the fact that you have the power to both generate and manifest correctly in response, which can lead you to embrace satisfying purposeful life experiences. Your Authority responds to being asked. This Sacral Authority is a powerful motor; a mechanism which can be trusted to guide your actions. You can experience personal alignment with a life of purpose if you honor your responses and follow them. Resistance in the form of anger, feeling stuck or quitting out of sheer frustration is the signpost of wrong decisions. These show you something is “off.”
Photo by Guage Skidmore
Remember to go with your gut response to what life asks of you, not what your mind says you should do. It is healthy for you to maintain daily patterns, life rituals that you enjoy, and you tend to vacillate between being able to stick to them or not. Don’t let others pull you out of your habits unless you are following your gut’s say-so. You can experiment with observing what happens when you try to push against the flow of your energetics, which are powerfully defined to attract and respond in the now. You are deigned to be selfish in your expression of nurturing—this may show up as feeling envious of others. You may have tried to build bonds and manifest based on what your conditioned mind thinks you should do—frustration and anger are red flags that you’re off-track and that you need to wait to be asked and trust your gut response. It can be helpful for you to have an honest, trusted advisor know how to help you investigate the tough life decisions you face. A laser focused question asked of you in a yes/no format is more efficient than open-ended or choice-based questions.
Let’s go back to the Channel of Charisma, which gives us your energetic Type and Authority. When you respond to what life asks of you, you generate a potentially manifesting force that self-empowers you. This empowerment to be yourself can align you with your often unexpected purpose which builds a meaningful life for you. You love getting down to the details, getting things done without delay and can be quite unstoppable. You are highly efficient and charismatic when you’re busy doing what you love! Do you recognize that being able to “just get things done,” even skipping steps to do so, is a strength? With this channel as your nodal environment, your body has experienced a solid foundation of the risks of what it takes to be this quick to put your power into action. In the first 39 years of your life, you may have been sensitive to seeing a lot of bullying happening. In moments of sheer anger and frustration, you may even resort to indiscriminate displays of power. What have you learned about power in relation to the greater good?
Photo by Lorie Shaul
""If you see bigotry oppose it. If you see violence condemn it. If you see a bully, stand up to him." Hillary Clinton, AIPAC on March 20, 2016
Would you like to see how you are designed to be a successful leader others can recognize by electing to follow?
This, here, is the Channel of the Alpha (7-31) which defines your Identity and how you are here to communicate and act. Your Alpha strength connected to your other two channels gives you the potential for a forward-thinking style of powerful, efficient leadership. This Jeffersonian style of direction is based on determined experimentation to establish and validate which plans are for the greater good. You're able to explain to us how to get to a more secure future when you respond to the invitation to do so.
In these situations you’ve responded yourself into, you have the ability to wield influence and be a resilient administrator. In small groups, this determined logical recognition of where your leadership needs to take the team for everyone's benefit is your strength. Your adaptable and efficient capacity to lead through selective association with the right people can have a widespread, revolutionary effect on society. Your energy dynamics here lean towards authoritarianism; psychologically, you are a natural Democratic planner. You are someone who has the unconscious, expansive quality of attracting society with your creative self-expression. You have a need to work alone but often abandon aloneness to lead based on the recognition of trends and the needs of the people. Your body carries a need for creativity and your voice a quality of influence, but you must remember to wait to respond so your energy is available to earn trust and be recognized and elected by the majority. This decision-making process attuned to your response empowers you enter into situations where you can learn through the school of hard knocks what it takes to be identified as a successful leader.
Wikipedia: Official State Senator Photo
Your Channel of Structuring (43-23) brings the awareness of recognizing Insights and the ability to Communicate the concepts you Know when invited. This energy operates in a pulse, where the knowing is not always there but then suddenly, there’s a breakthrough, and you just know. When people invite you to speak, and you do through your sacral response, your way of communicating unique concepts and explaining yourself can sometimes express as keen insight. If you try to define your acumens when you haven't been asked, others may dismiss your knowing and their condemnation can cause you question your insight. Wrong timing can have your ideas ignored and leave you feeling misunderstood, though when you respond with your certainty, you can withstand the condemnation of others dismissing your answer as odd or strange. You may get moody and think “why should I bother explaining?’ as people may not get your brilliance. But when you’re recognized and invited to share your insight, and you respond to being asked, you communicate to establish a new order with expediency as a role model genius.
You're drawn to recognize people who are role models of knowing insights, with this channel defined as your nodal environment. Your purpose can be fulfilled in this setting. You are attuned to see the potential in spontaneous breakthroughs which, with correct timing and through response, can be expressed as unique answers to make things more efficient. Your strength is to explore what is unknown, then suddenly recognize and conceptualize real knowing for others. At times, insights you are attuned to can empower others, appearing to be light years ahead of the game. You can evolve over time to develop a proficiency for how to explain things clearly to be an effective communicator and achieve success. Relax and let go of any mental pressure or anxiety to know, allowing your mind to take it’s time think about all the details and reach certainty in answers you and others can trust.
Determined influence is the core essence of your body's power. Your influence manifests when you respond to produce an environment of synthesis and teamwork. When the opportunity arises to share lessons of the past, you may find you use calculated caution and superficial slogans comprised of values you share with your network have an impact on those gathered. When necessary, retreat with dignity or you may have an inability to “let go” and achieve restoration and renewal in those inevitable times of withdrawal. Your powerful influence has a transformational effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command. Rather, it has a natural impact when others invite your voice of knowing and ability to recognize and project logical plans that are of mutual interest to successfully shift other’s mindsets. When asked and you respond with a clear explanation of why a course of action is essential for the other’s success and your own, you establish yourself as a thought leader. You gain influence through selectivity and being thoroughly prepared through knowing what details are crucial to establish your solid foundation in clarity of purpose. You energetically transmit to the other that you are a leader who knows how to be adaptable and resilient in your administrative capacity.
The Potential for Wisdom & Shadows that Condition You
Hillary Clinton's Openness
Now let’s shift gears to focus on the shadows that can throw you off balance, okay? Do you see all these areas that are white in your bodygraph? All these uncolored Gates, Channels, and Centers are Undefined. What this means is that in those white areas you have a more flexible nature. There’s not a fixed, consistent energy present. Think of these open areas as receptive - the Open Centers are amplifiers of energy. Here is where you are open to experience the energies around you and where you are receiving what other people are broadcasting.
As you can see here, you’re here to develop wisdom about five different key areas of life - Mental & Physical Pressure, Survival and Emotional Intelligence, and Willpower. When you are with someone who has something defined where you are open, you can take in and amplify their defined energy. The undefined areas are places where you, the student, goes to school in life to learn. The openness is where you are here to develop wisdom in this lifetime.
Let’s begin with your Root Center. You can see that this openness provides you with opportunities to take in the physical pressure of adrenalized drive and stamina. When it’s defined by the current positions of the planets or the person next to you, you develop the wisdom of how to manage the amplification of this vital energy. When you’re amplifying external energy here you may feel overly pressured to hurry up, find it hard to finish things or focus on one thing at a time, or one desire. Likely you find yourself talking about starting new things in an effort to avoid conflict but unconsciously provoking it (53.3). Can you remember that happening or relate to that? It’s what you are unconsciously, genetically predisposed to communicate about so you may not recognize it. This other characteristic of your Root Center is also unconscious, but it’s a part of how you’re here to learn. How you balance your unconscious core essence of influence and ground it for physical expression can show up as either the fuel for personal, material ambition, or the recognition of sharing resources collectively. You may experience a rich fantasy life filled with dreams of sharing new experiences that involve a wide range of desires including but not limited to sexual ones. Remembering to wait to respond to life will protect you from incorrectly initiating new experiences and guide you to the right dreams for you to learn from.
Your undefined Solar Plexus Center is where your emotional intelligence is programmed to be consciously driven by getting to the bottom of what it means to share the experience of Crisis. This is the Crisis of inexperience, of insecurity in the face of change and can sometimes express as a resistance to change. You are very sensitive to the state of other people’s emotions and may at times feel touchy and nervous or even avoid confrontation and truth to not rock the boat and disturb the peace. You may have noticed that your emotions come and go in a rather inconsistent way. Can you relate to these descriptions of your moods and feelings? You are here to gain wisdom about what it takes to penetrate down to the core of a new experience and handle the collective insecurity of the shared crisis—and when this possibility arises you can share the emotional power to handle it, or not, which may lead to anger and frustration. Following your gut response leads you to engage in the right crisis at the right time, to be self-empowered to discover and experience the satisfaction of expressing your unique knowing and your logical leadership.
Your open Heart Center does not know what or who is worthy of engaging with in life, but it may tell you that you need to endlessly prove yourself and improve upon yourself. Have you learned to overcompensate by promising too much? It’s a slippery slope here with an open Heart because you can fall into the trap of letting your conditioning of over-promising and not being able to live up to those promises damaging your ego or developing physical heart or possibly stomach issues like ulcers in the process. You are attracted to others that have the capacity to take control or be in control, but your mind may tell you it’s best for you to be in control. Your past conditioning may lead you to think this is important to keep others from interfering. When you respond with your authentic life-force energy you find the right people who can maintain control of important situations. You personally have nothing to prove in this lifetime, though your mind thinks it’s imperative to endlessly improve/prove yourself. It’s impossible to measure your worth because an infinite cannot be measured. You’re worthy because you are alive, and because of your uniqueness. You’re here to gain the wisdom of recognizing who can correctly make and keep their promises. Following your Sacral Authority empowers you to feel the satisfaction of knowing your infinite worth.
Your undefined Splenic Center is the source of your survival intelligence, and you are very attuned to the state of your health and well-being. You may find yourself rigid and inflexible when it comes to preparations that you know must be made, solutions you confidently recognize as the logical one to share, and challenging authority to uphold fundamental human rights. This dynamic can cause you to cling to things that aren’t in your best interests. Can I share with you how to avoid these pitfalls? Learn to loosen up and let go of anything and anyone that is no longer serving you, that you are not responding to. Do not attempt to quell your survival-based fears of inadequacy, authority or not fulfilling your purpose with action initiated from your mind. Instead, when you wait to respond to life, you get to see the magic of your personal power arise to recognize which problems are yours to find satisfaction through solving with the other.
You open Head Center is here to develop the wisdom of recognizing and thinking about what is truly inspiring. You may find yourself often amplifying the mental pressure from others and thinking about things that do not matter to you, or wonder if something that comes across your field of awareness is supposed to be interesting. Never make a mental decision based on this pressure of confusion about the past, doubts about the future or search for inner truth right now. Only your Sacral Authority’s voice of empowered presence can guide you moment by moment through its response to taking life as it comes.
In summary, the dilemma for you is that when deeply conditioned, your mind is driven to get to the bottom of finding your life purpose through starting new cycles of experiences which lead to crisis more often than not. Your mind’s reasonings are based on a dream that if only you could prove yourself, you could get rid of the pressure to constantly figure your life out with what you think and do, thereby ensuring security and survival for you and yours. Decisions made from these places can hold you back from true fulfillment.
Resolving the Dilemmas of the Openness
Hillary Clinton's Human Design Analysis
Photo by Mike Motzart
Remember that you cannot make decisions based on these factors I’ve mentioned in the openness. You have an available, reliable, responsive GPS that can guide you towards personal fulfillment unlike anything you’ve ever dreamed of before. It takes a determination to experiment with operating from your in-the-moment gut response. Be wary of burning the candle at both ends to try and overcompensate and let yourself trust your body’s response to do what it loves doing. Let go of anything that doesn’t allow you to do what you love. Let go of the things you think internally about what you should do as a method of navigating through life. Ready to give this way of deciding a trial?
It may seem scary at first to let go of your mind’s scheming to get what you think you need from life to survive. There may be a lot of resistance and fear to taking this step of trusting something that you may not have felt you could trust to get you to where you need to be. You can trust your powerful, empowered gut knowing to guide you if you wait to allow yourself the chance to respond to life as it comes to you, rather than trying to push so hard for what you think you need from it. Timing is everything, and in correct timing, you can discover the right choices empower you to discover who you are and how to be empowered as yourself.
Your Profile Alignment with Purpose
Hillary Clinton's Human Design Foundation
Now let’s give you some signposts of who you’re here to be, the costume of your purpose in this life. See how the Sun and Earth gate calculations have the same line number here on the right side, line 1? This shows us your conscious personality is that of an Investigator. It gives you an ability to know your place in the world, as an authority on what it means to live a life of unexpected purpose.
Consciously, you might have noticed that you have a tendency to study behavior, watching how other people act you learn what works and what doesn’t work so that you develop a knowing of your place and how to act in any situation. You are good at letting others see what you think they need to see from you. It’s part of what makes you such a strong authority, and it’s what gives you the ability to blend in when feeling weak or insecure. Your core essence speaks of a deep insecurity, maybe even a fear of not being able to fulfill your purpose in life before your time is up. That fear is there to help develop the wisdom of intuitive awareness and give your gut data on what is important for you to investigate. When you respond, you can get down to brass tacks with everything you care about, being deeply empathic and able to study and research to build a solid knowledge base. Once you’ve established a firm foundation around the meaning life holds for you beyond just survival, you can feel that fear of what death could take away from you loosen its hold on you and the insecurity eases.
Can you relate to what I’ve just shared about the role you play in life? We call this the conscious aspect of your Profile; it makes your mind fundamentally introspective. The costume that you wear in this life is that of an Investigative Martyr (1/3). You saw how the first number comes from the right-hand side of the chart. The second number, the three, comes from the left-hand side of the chart and is your unconscious role, that of a Martyr, someone who’s here to experientially discover what doesn’t work and is willing to stand up and take the heat in telling others to watch out. Remember you may not associate this part of you as you, but it is something that others recognize in you just as much as you recognized the conscious role you play.
Wikipedia: Official Hillary Clinton Secretary of State Photo
Unconsciously, there is a tendency for you to bump into people, situations, and things—literally and figuratively—to discover through the school of hard knocks what doesn’t work. You enjoy meeting new people and making new bonds with others, breaking them just as quickly as you make them. Remember to discern at the invitation of life to make and break the bonds with people you encounter according to your gut to ensure you are suitably selective with who is right for you. You’re here to establish a transformative kind of leadership, as someone who can recognize a potential mutation in the patterns very quickly and revolutionize through breaking things down and rebuilding them better than before. As a key catalyst of change, when you respond to life’s invitation of your leadership and dreams for a better future, you can stand up to challenge what isn’t working and bring your tenacity to sustain us through the discovery process. Although you can sometimes come off as socially inept or pessimistic, that pessimism is there to protect you as you’re not here to take life at face value. You’re here to dig into the material plane and experiment with it. You have an innate resilience and adaptability which allows you to discover through the trial and error process the crucial life lessons you need to bring dreams into reality. Remember if you wait to respond from your gut you’ll enter into the right things to go wrong until the time is right for success, which brings you fulfillment and satisfaction of a job well-done.
As a 1/3 Profile you’re here to be an expert or specialist in your chosen field which involves a collective leadership role filled with authoritative purpose. Your life role gives you strength to prepare for the possibility of an unexpected situation where you are elected to be an adaptable and resilient leader. You are designed to be a “selfish” self-provider first, and this gives you a solid foundation from which to build your authority upon. You swing between allegiance and rejection to make and break bonds to find security through coming together with the other in partnership or dependency. When the connection isn’t working, or there’s a “miss-take,” learning from those mistakes and breaking the bond gives you a greater foundation in what does and doesn’t work. These experiences develop relationships that you need to ensure yours and humanity’s future. When you respond, you can stand up and be self-empowered so that when you are elected to a position of influence you can lead with authority.
Final Words of Advice
Hillary Clinton's Human Design Analysis
Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images
We’ve covered a lot of foundational information about who you are and how you’re here to trust yourself to make decisions that align you with your highest purpose. Remember you are here to not only be self-empowered in building the bonds that can sustain your moving forward but that you have a role to play as a democratic administrator who can explain unique insights with efficiency when others recognize you for that trusted, logical leadership role. You are a strong individual with a tendency towards melancholy; honor the mood and respond with activity you are passionate about keeping busy with. Your purpose is best achieved through interacting with others according to how you respond to being asked, rather than trying to make anything happen without an external trigger to give your gut something to respond to. Your inner authority gives you the guidance you can depend on through all of life’s unexpected twists and turns. Waiting for that outward signal that gives your gut the pull towards or push away from any thing, person or situation activates your inner knowing. And without the waiting, you are wasting your power on situations that can bring deep frustration and a lack or loss of achieving your true, authentic purpose. Does this make sense?
Hillary, I hope you’ve enjoyed this reading of your Human Design Chart. Remember you are built perfectly for the life you were born for, and no one can live it but you.
I hope you have experienced the satisfaction of a life well-lived, and now you know how to avoid anger and frustration by making decisions you trust.
Andréa Abay-Abay,
Human Design System Analyst
You can't Judge a Person by Their Human Design Type
Why Does the Human Design System Label People?
Remember when you were a child and you were given the label of flower for those bright explosions of color that riot throughout springtime? You noticed that plants are different not only between species but also within, depending on where and how they were grown. Each has a Signature, the spirit of its life-force expression.
But something gets lost when we label things. Have you noticed how labeling leads to stereotyping? We think we know a thing from the label, and then we may take it for granted. It’s important not to get caught up in labeling people without taking the time to honor each as the unique masterpiece they are.
In regards to Human Design, what it all comes down to is that the Types were developed by the founder of this system, Ra Uru Hu, as a way of simplifying the bodygraph information, to make it easy for a newcomer to grasp the fundamentals of decision-making immediately and experiment.
A common concern I've encountered in my professional work with Human Design: does my Type mean I can't do what the other Types do? For example, Generators want to know if they can guide others. Projectors want to know if they can manifest.
You know how everyone says...
“You can’t judge a book by its cover”?
This phrase of speech tells us that you can’t always trust what you see. It says look deeper, beyond outward appearances.
It’s a rare person who doesn’t draw some opinion about others based on initial observations. Rarer still are individuals who are skeptical of their original judgment of others’ appearance, behavior or the sound of their speech, allowing that perception to change due to evidence contradicting it.
You and I both know that when it comes to people, it takes mental work not to slip into this superficiality. Wouldn’t you agree that many people naturally draw conclusions about others based on what they say they do for fun or work? "I'm a lawyer," or "I'm a librarian," instantly conjures up judgments about who that person is.
When I first came to Human Design, I was told:
“you’re likely a Generator.”
Just as you can’t judge a book by its cover, you can’t judge a person by their bodygraph, and you can’t judge them by how they initially appear because many are not living their true selves. Every single individual is entirely unique, and Human Design can show you how to get beyond the homogenized outside appearances to the authentic nature of every person.
It turned out, I'm a Projector. Deeply conditioned to "work hard" my whole life, and burning myself out repeatedly in the process.
Human Typing Systems
If you take a look around you at the world today, you’ll see a lot of methodologies for “Typing” someone. Everything from blood typing to hair typing, to Myers-Briggs, Enneagram and Generational Types.
But the Human Design System offers far more that just a Type. This system goes deep into the core of a person, showing us what makes each individual. It’s not about taking tests or answering a ton of questions—all that's needed is your precise birth time, date and location. Because this science is based on your genetic imprinting using a combination of modern and ancient observational sciences, you’ll find it a highly accurate tool for self-discovery.
Most people’s minds measure and compare how other people dress, what they drive, and especially how they talk—do they sound educated or not? Value judgments on whether or not it would be advantageous to connect with and know them or not ensue.
I notice the same thing happens in the Human Design System with people looking at each other's charts. Whether it is projected, implied, misunderstood or a natural consequence of the hierarchical nature of our seven-centered ancestors that we are still in the midst of shedding the habits of, I see it occur.
Human Design Types
I feel you can't judge a person simply by their Type. Yes, the generalizations of Type are there to help us read and understand the map as well as how to navigate by it are based on the definition. But the map is not the territory. It is a snapshot of the energetics at your birth, the potentials that are there are up to you to discover. One of my favorite Human Design Analyst teachers constantly reminds us to go beyond the words to look at the energetics. What do the words point to?
To understand each other, we need to move beyond what we think we know about others from external appearances—and even their bodygraph. Human Design offers us the graphical representation of the energetics and the keys that point to what a person is. Just as a map is simply a piece of paper, not the land mass it represents, so too is the bodygraph a collection of symbols we analysts are trained to read. Like how every computer has a model number or name that indicate general characteristics, while there may be all kinds of software on there that differentiates it from others of the same brand, make and model. The map shows the binary of our hardware (design) and software (personality) and the synthesis of the two shows the likely potentials but is not the entire picture of the person it represents.
Yes, when you are educated in the Human Design System you can look at the bodygraph and see compelling and accurate clues about someone as far as what makes them tick. You can draw conclusions about them that can be very telling about the pain and suffering they've been through. You can even run their Life Cycle charts to see the learning programs they face and get the flavor of their current opportunities and challenges.
We cannot judge anyone, even people we think we know—because our perception could never see all the elements at work in other’s lives. We can’t know exactly the scenarios of what life holds for them, we cannot know everything of their past or future. Even getting in their aura and spending a good amount of time with them, it takes years to know another, truly, deeply—and all you ever know is the version of them they become around you.
Despite the fact that in the Human Design System we have four Aura Types—and in the BG5 business language that would be four Career Types—there are billions of variations of how each of these Types shows up. When you take it down to the deeper levels, we are all here with the potential to be vastly different. Even twins born to the same parents at nearly the same time are very, very different, seen at the depth of differentiation below the surface of the bodygraph that you can delve into with Primary Health System and Rave Psychology. The unseen aspects that make them unique are the fact that no two people can occupy the same space at the same time, and so the conditioning they experience further differentiates them.
Judging A Person By Their Type
Once you grasp who you and others are are here to be, “judging the book by its cover”—or a person by their Type—happens less as you open up to the possibilities of how everyone, every single one of us, is here to be like snowflakes; incredibly, utterly unique.
Still wondering about that common question among newcomers? Yes—energy types (Manifestors, Generators) can guide others. Many of them may have Projected elements in prominent places in their design, channels that are there to be recognized and invited to help others to success. Non-energy Types (Projectors, Reflectors) can manifest and generate, although it is generally in partnership with others. These rarer Types have no consistent access to energy (as the energy types do) and they are here to be specialists:
Projectors in advising the process of successful manifestation and effective generation, primarily in partnership with one person at a time, though a few are designed to perform group roles for short periods of time.
Reflectors in evaluating who/what is different and being a barometer of how things are going in their community/business.
The Human Design Aura Types (the BG5 Career Types) give us the general thematics that show up in people and the way of understanding the energetic potentials.
What Human Design Is Good For
Human Design is to help you figure out how to be and love yourself; it is not to provide a label for judgment. In fact, Human Design is an amoral system - there is no "good" or "bad" here. The labels simplify the layers and layers of complexity that is us. Human Design can be a tool to help us understand people, but is mostly and most importantly a system to help you navigate your interaction style and decision-making in the world. Others may be not-self or self and most are a mixture of both. We are not our bodygraph; we are intricately designed beings changing in the neverending now... with what we see, how we feel, who we are, what we do, how we act. Seeing our charts gives us potentials—it by itself does not show what we will or will not do with the possibilities there. We are the only ones who can experience how our design relates to us over time. You Design shows you what is most you, and others can never actually comprehend the totality of who you are. When you are operating in tune with your Design, you can live out your incredible uniqueness and differentiation, transcending labels.
Remember that the most practical use for Human Design is that it’s about our decision-making as ourselves. Commune with others when it's in alignment with your authentic energy flow, discerning by attraction, resonance, and harmony to find balance, fulfillment and joy. Does that make sense? Would you like to share your thoughts or experiences on this topic in the comments below?
By Andrea Abay-Abay