Learn your Human Design. System ABC’s
Have you completed the Living Your Design Awakening Experience?
Interested in dipping your toes in the waters of HD, and Learning the Lingo?
Monkey Mind, Re-Defined - 12 Solutions to the Not-Self Mind
12 Solutions to the Not-Self Mind Free Human Design Training Class
What is the Human Design System?
Living Your Human Design Introduction
Coaching by Design - Master Your Not-Self
Are you a coach or consultant who wants to use Human Design in your practice? Do you know just enough to be dangerous? Maybe you took a weekend crash course, or started official training and you’re chomping at the bit to use it! This video addresses the most potent and powerful concept to master in working with a Human Design chart.
Human Design Time Pressures - What's your Time Frequency?
The three time pressures of the Human Design System Bodygraph. Grab your rave chart and discover something about why you are the way you are!
Rave ABC's Program Overview
Next Rave ABC’s with Peter Berv. Peter is a 3/5 Pure Manifesting Generator, Sacral Authority has been in HD for 10 years, is a Certified Analyst, Living Your Design Guide and Rave ABC's teacher.
Rave ABC's is an extension of the Living Your Design Awakening Experience, designed to empower and support you in your deconditioning journey. If you've completed LYD and had a Foundation reading, you're ready to continue!
The next six-week online course starts Sunday, September 27th, running for six consecutive Sundays at 10 am Mountain Time. Classes will all be recorded for those that cannot make every class. Recorded lecture material from Laveena Archers included.
Sign Up Now!
Year-long Human Design Mentoring Program Results in Professionalism
Become a Living Your Design Guide, a Human Design Life Coach
What is Soul, Spirit, Mind, Body in Human Design?
Excerpt from a recent Rave Cartography class, would you like to watch?
What is A Living Your Design Guide?
Introductory Video
”So back into our presentation that I have for you, my inspiration is this, I love this quote, A living your design teacher as a guide to awakening this. This is what you're here to do.
Living design (he called it living design in the first class) is a great trip because your responsibility in that is that you're here to help wake people up, not train them as professionals. This is the only spiritual course you will find in human design your here to wake people up. That's your job, that's your. That's your responsibility. Ra Uru Hu
So if you're excited about that, I'm really glad that you're here because that's my excitement too. As a living your design guide, it is the forefront of all of the human design community. You are the first person that people most likely meet because we have the most living your design guides. It's a lot easier and faster to get into guide as a certification as opposed to analysts, which takes some time. You're the first like wave of people that are bringing this information out into the world.
So in order for you to have this system be something that is really, truly profound for the other person in that engagement, the first thing that you need to do is make sure that you're following your own authority first and foremost, and always, because people learn through your example. They learn from the experience that they have with you—that this is a logical, practical system, is not about beliefs, it's not fairy tales. It is helping them to make decisions that are correct for their genetic potential. Right? So that's all human design is. Somebody comes to you and says, well, what is it all you say? You don't have to go into this and that, this and that and this because it's not the components.
What it is as a whole is this is how you make decisions that you can trust. Simple. So as I go through this process, I'm going to be using a lot of my stories, my experience personally of teaching this knowledge. I love the groups. As I share my vulnerable experiences of being a teacher and a guide, I'm leading by example to help empower you in your own process. Your process may look very different from mine because your design is very different from mine. So I'm going to pass on what I know to be true about the mechanics to you to help you be successful in this process.
This way of making decisions that you trust and the mechanics is something that don't have to be argued with, but you do have to know enough about the information that you can see it for truth and you just lay it out there and you don't ask people to believe in you or because of something that you say, you always need to put it back on them. Rather than giving advice, “You should do this, you should do that.” It has to be “Well, how does that feel to you? What do you think? What do you think about…” if you're trying to get a mental projector talk to you, you speak to their design and I'm going to have a whole session on this where we're talking to that person's design based on their circuitry because this is their genetic code and we want you to unlock—help them unlock their own code. It's not about a power trip like I know more than you, so I'm telling you this is the way it is. Enter into it with a level of curiosity. What's this like for you?
So one of the biggest challenges, and I'm going to put that out here right now to help you resolve this fear of the biggest challenges when you first turn into a teacher instead of student is, "Oh, what if they ask a question, I don't know the answer to? What if they say something and I'm totally stumped and so I'm going to show you my design and I don't know what to think sometimes, I might be so overwhelmed. I have no idea what to say. My unconscious throat will just start saying things and what I've noticed works is I repeat the question. I share with them what I know about the mechanics and then I, I turn that question back around and I engage their authority. Whatever it happens to be, and that's where you start to tune in, listen to whether they're speaking from that authority or whether they're going back into they're not self and you just hold space for them to be aware. They may need to come back at you with their not-self and you cannot just sit there and point out "That so not-self!" That's not supportive or helpful. You have to bring them home to their authority and unlock their potential by getting, speaking to what's true for them and not accusing them of what's out here.
Because what's out here already has a lot of pain and suffering. They already think this is the problem and this is the solution. When it's not. So sometimes I just ignore the not self and I will go right back to seeing them for their light and that's what I found that works. And here's another quote from Ra "Mind isn't for turning off. It's not bad. It's far aligning. He says, it's for correcting. We have great minds," he says "They're beautiful things, but mine is not there to be your enemy for life. It isn't. It's here to serve. It's here to express you. So oftentimes in the beginning, if you listen to older Ra stuff, he hammers at the not self and you're going to have to take your own stance. However it is that you communicate, you will, you listen to naturally do that. So when you go into making mind your servant, you watch, you witness what's going on inside of your body, inside of your mind, and you detach from any association of ownership with that thought.
So every single open center in your design, I need you to be so aware of what those thematics represent so that you do not attach ownership for yourself to make your personal decisions from that openness. This is the thing that you need to do for yourself and you need to teach to your students so that they do not get confused anymore. And it takes a long time to decondition so it's not just this, "oh, I come, I do live in your design and then I'm done. I'm living my design." You know, that's not true. You know, it takes time.
So you have to role model it [Living Your Design] yourself. In order to make mind your servant, we need to see the beauty of mind and what it does. So when I teach living your design, if you have not taken living your design with me, I teach it the way I learned that human design America from Genoa Bliven and Genoa Bliven has a recommendation of doing something called Wild-Mind writing.
So that's one of the things that we're going to talk about next week while mine writing how you implement it, what's most supportive? I do not require it of my students, but over the years as I've gone through this process, the people who really get the most benefit either will do while my writing or if they're mental projector processing authority, they're talking about what they're learning in class with a sounding board, with someone else. Okay?
So when you go through my living, your design, awakening experience as an audit participant, I want you to do wild-mind writing if you can, like I really strongly, strongly, strongly suggest it, and then bring what you've learned to class and that's your training: is going through this process again with me at a different level of awareness.
Ra says “So many people have read all kinds of spiritual wisdom, but it does nothing effectively for their lives because that wisdom has no place to settle within their being. They are not themselves. How can anything grow in that soil? It settles into the not-self and it just gets filtered away into nothing. It means nothing. That wisdom stuff that they read, the books and whatnot. You cannot live out what does not belong to you. The openness. You can live in that charade, but it doesn't do you or anyone any good inside. You always know that it is a lie and that it is not real.”
How does the Emotional Authority Work?
Here’s my personal perspective in my 7th year of experimentation with living in alignment with my Human Design chart.
Human Design System Four Transformations: Determination - Environment - Perspective - Motivation
Human Design System Four Radical Transformations Photo via JovianArchive.com
What are the Four Transformations
of Human Design?
In a previous blog post, we introduced you to Variable, an advanced area of the Human Design System. Like Variable, the Four Transformations are what we recommend people look into once they are consistently following their Strategy and Authority. This four-part process of deep deconditioning is for those who are ready to embark on a journey that can bring along profound change.
I began the Differentiation Degree Program when I moved to Sedona, Arizona. The DD Program is 2+ more years of advanced Human Design studies beyond the 3.5 required to become a Human Design Analyst. For more on this program, and to find certified Analysts that can help guide you personally through these transformations, see the end of this article.
I advise that you look into this aspect of the Human Design System if you have been experimenting with living your design and are whole-heartedly committed to your process with this knowledge. Experiencing the highest levels of differentiation is possible with the dedication of surrendering to living out the beauty and uniqueness of your design - and as always, it begins with the catalyst of following your Strategy and Authority.
Humans all eat, live places, see things and are motivated to take action. As the Science of Differentiation, the Human Design System offers a unique blueprint of how you are designed to do these things in a way that is authentic to the being you are.
Right below the surface of your bodygraph, these Four Transformations are your road-map to achieving difference. Would you like to experience what it's like to live a truly fulfilled life, to see and operate in your own particular, unique way?
The magic of Human Design is that it offers us a user manual that points the way to knowing and loving ourselves. Even better, Human Design helps us learn how to treat our body, the vehicle we ride in through this life, in the correct way. Treating the body the way it was designed to be handled leads to the correct operation of our personality. Then the passenger (who you think you are) watching the movie is able to enjoy the ride, no matter how bumpy it is - because the vehicle was designed to handle the terrain it then encounters.
Different types of cars require different types of fuel, care, and maintenance to operate at their top performance level. Just as our bodies need specific methods of taking in nourishment, both from food and the environment, to operate optimally. And just as specific vehicles provide their passengers different views, with special performance capacities, so too our bodies can have particular ways of seeing and being motivated to action.
Where do the Four Transformations come from?
The Four Transformations by Ra Uru Hu Photo by JovianArchive.com
Beneath the hexagram lines of your Personality and Design Sun and Earth, there are three values named Color, Tone, and Base. Color is the exit frequency of the neutrino’s movement through your Personality and Design crystals, and it is what determines your Primary Health System (PHS).
Human Design System Transformation One:
"Primary Health System - Dietary Regimen"
PHS Dietary Calculations Photo by JovianArchive.com
In Human Design, your Color in your design Sun and Earth is where you can discover your unique way of taking in food optimally for your body, known as your “Determination.”
Radical differentiation begins with supporting your brain system. Want to learn how you are designed to nourish your body with food to maximize the functioning of your brain, and maintain your optimal health and achieve longevity? The first transformation provides the way your bioform is designed to be nourished from the inside out through how you take food into your body to support your unique metabolism and develop your cerebral capacity to its fullest potential.
This is not primarily about what you take into your body. Rather, it is about the conditions and circumstances that support your body being able to extract from the food exactly what nourishment it needs to support its differentiated potential.
Some people could see the benefits in a few days, with others experiencing them within a few weeks or months. As you continue your program of following your PHS over a period of 7 years, the cellular renewal that naturally takes place results in a body (vehicle) that is more relaxed. What also happens is that you, the passenger (your mind) becomes more at ease and comfortable in your own skin. If you consistently follow your PHS, you may discover startling improvements in your well-being and shifts in your perspective.
Possible benefits of following your Primary Health System may include easier or better Digestion of food, improved brain function and strengthened sensory abilities. You may experience physical and emotional detoxification symptoms as you decondition from what isn't you, over time becoming your differentiated self.
The results of PHS supports your consciousness in being grounded in what is really going on around you rather than being caught up in what your Not-Self mind is measuring according to it's conditioned adaptive strategies.
Human Design System Transformation Two:
"Primary Health System - Environment"
Primary Health System - Environment Image by JovianArchive.com
Once you are well on the path of following your Strategy & Authority and PHS in terms of how to nourish your physical body, your change in perception can guide you to discovering the environment you are designed to function in optimally. If you have not yet reached your Saturn Return (28-30 years old) then this information is not necessary. However, when you need to support the healing of your body, being in the correct environment is extremely helpful no matter what age you are. Of course, there is no way to predict what will happen in your unique chemistry, and we encourage you to focus on this as a way to support your differentiation, not as a medical solution.
Often people learn about their Environment and are ready to pack their bags and move! But Environment, like Food, is also about the conditions of how and where to take in nourishment - this nourishment derives from the stimulation you receive from the outside world. Your body is also designed to be nourished from the outside in, which means that certain people do better in high places while others need valleys, shores or more cave-like environments, for example.
As an object moving in space, you encounter resistance - however in your correct environment, you encounter the least possible resistance. Therefore, your longevity, relationships and quality of life are affected in a beneficial way when you are in the right place. You are stimulated by the environment in a healthy way and the social dynamics that are healthiest for you can be found here.
When you have deconditioned enough through following your Strategy, Authority, and PHS, your body can then naturally be attracted to it's correct environment without Mind getting in the way. Your correct environment provides not only nourishment but also protection from incorrect conditioning, which provides a healthier life for your form as you meet people that can help to fulfill your purpose. In your correct environment, you also encounter less resistance in your process.
Going through Radical Transformations doesn't mean that it's a mental trip where you discover you are "Natural Shores" and decide to uproot your whole life and move to Hawaii, for example. Your environment needs to be a place you discover through Strategy and Authority, and a PHS Practitioner or Analyst can give you a comprehensive description of what that could look like for you.
Entering into this depth of Human Design allows you to discover nuances and subtleties about yourself in a way that allows you to develop true discernment about where, what and who is correct for you.
Human Design System - Rave Psychology
Transformation Three:
"Rave Psychology - Perspective (View) and Distraction"
Rave Psychology Perspective in Human Design System image by JovianArchive.com
Once you are in your correct environment, your Perspective points you to the way you are uniquely designed to view the world. It also gives you a counterpoint to your Perspective, called Distraction (false resonance) in Human Design. Knowing how your Perspective and Distraction can show up for you gives you two wonderful signposts that make for fascinating observation of our form and allow us the magic of being the witness of the mechanics of our being at work.
For example, if you have a Color 6, you are designed to see things in a very Personal, almost narcissistic way - but that is what is correct for you. The homogenized world can stigmatize the average person with this kind of view, pressuring you to feel like there is something wrong with you and how you don't see life in the same way others do. It is correct for you not to be conditioned or defined by those you see.
However, Personal View people can be easily distracted to see life the way others do, comparing themselves to others, and developing an interest in Power games. When Distracted by what is not correct for you, it can pull you out of your trip to see in a different way. A certain amount of distraction is healthy when it doesn’t take over your life. The key here is to not get caught up with identifying with the Distraction or follow when it leads you away from fulfilling your unique purpose.
This Perspective/Distraction dynamic gives you the ability to ground your decisions from a view of the world that is correct for you. It’s an amazing gift - especially helpful to feed your personality consciousness. Seeing from your unique Perspective cultivates a precious and life-changing awareness. Your awareness of when you see clearly as yourself, and when you don't, helps to disempower the Not-Self mind's justifications, rationalizations, and therefore decisions that it wants to make in your life.
Human Design System Transformation Four:
"Rave Psychology - Motivation and Transference"
Rave Psychology Human Design System Motivation image by JovianArchive.com
Once you have discovered the unique way in which you are designed to see the world and know the signposts of when you are distracted, you are ready for the next Transformation. Motivation describes how you are designed to provide your uniqueness to the other when it's correct for you to do so.
What pulls you away from living your uniqueness is called Transference. Like Distraction, Transference is not bad. You have a binary nature, and you need these counterbalances to step into a higher level of consciousness which allows you to separate from the mechanics of your Personality to be the witness. When you are the observer of your life movie, you get to experience the magic of what it means to be you.
Understanding your correct Motivation and its Transference (false resonance) can provide valuable signposts to help you know if you are on track to fulfill your purpose. Like the dynamic between Perspective and Distraction, Transference just happens, and there's nothing wrong with it.
But it is important to know when your motivation is transferred, and that when that is the case, your perspective is distracted - and vice versa. The key here is to cultivate an attunement to the comfort of your vehicle and an awareness of the dynamics in your psychology. When you do this, you can learn to recognize your correct motivation and stop wasting energy when you are in Transference.
For example, when you have a Color 2 motivation, you are someone who is designed to be motivated by Hope. Hope knows when to act or not, when to take responsibility or not, and being able to provide your Hope to others if it's correct for you to do so. However, when you are in Transference, you are forever trying to fix things that are not your responsibility or job to make better. But because you are seeing from the Distracted viewpoint, you don't know what to fix, and your energy is wasted. Depending on your not-self theme, you are then left with a feeling of anger, frustration, bitterness or disappointment.
Human Design System Outer Authority
We as nine-centered human beings are designed to commune with others and share our unique perspective on reality. We are here for each other. We can be of the highest possible service to others when motivated correctly to communicate our Outer Authority if asked, invited, initiated or informing when it's in alignment with our truth.
What we call Outer Authority in Human Design is the ability to provide your authentic perspective derived from the imprinting of your particular design, as an expression of your uniqueness - without the mind's attachment to protecting it's vulnerabilities.
Your creative expression of the perspective of your design is precious and unique beyond compare. When you can give your true Outer Authority to others who resonate to you, you become a resource for them, and it fulfills you in a way that is unique to your design.
It can sound quite complex with all these terms used in unique ways, but fundamentally it's very simple. You treat your vehicle (body) in the way it is designed to be treated, and you get to see how it is uniquely designed to operate optimally and experience being in the world. Depending on what your unique Superpower is (what we call Cognition in Human Design) you may experience changes and enhancements here quickly and over time. The result is more and more of you feeling fulfilled in your life, experiencing the Signature (peace, satisfaction, success or surprise) unique to your Type.
Want to see unprecedented improvements in your life? We encourage you to go Radical if you're ready, and when your Strategy and Authority lead you to a yes, check out the Radical Transformation Clinic info below.
A version of this article was published on JovianArchive.com in July of 2015, republished on my Human Design blog here with permission
Note: Ra's recommendation was that you experiment with your S&A for at least a year before you enter into the Four Transformations, unless you have a Right brain/mind, because this information is critical to helping you align correctly (in that case, with a Left mind especially, you can start right away). Projectors need alignment to these transformations and it helps them especially more than most people. Luckily, when I got my first reading I had already been invited to eat correctly and live in my correct environment (Mountains). And, if you're like me (learning through trial and error) you may discover that if you begin this process earlier than the recommended time frame, that it can intensify the deconditioning experience, so remember to always trust your personal authority process.
Science of Differentiation College
What have you learned about yourself thanks to the Four Transformations?
Welcome to Human Design - What if You Were Your Own Authority?
Excerpt of the latest Human Design Living Your Awakening Program - Inspiration for beginning or continuing your Human Design Experiment.
Journey through the Centers of the Human Design BodyGraph - The Solar Plexus Center
Let's continue our Journey through the Centers of the Human Design Bodygraph with your mutating Solar Plexus Center. If colored in (defined), the Solar Plexus is automatically your Authority for decision-making. Neither a simple nor easy Authority, definition of this emotional center calls for discipline and patience. Waiting out deep uncertainties and emotional inconsistencies until you are as clear as possible (when there is no emotional charge around a decision) before moving forward is correct for you.
Your emotional system is home to the delights of feelings, sensitivity, desires, passion, romance, the drive for sex, food and spirit consciousness. This potent center produces a biochemical fluctuation of emotion over time, which can affect the functioning of its associated biology; your nervous system, lungs, kidneys, pancreas and prostate gland.
Your Solar Plexus is a truly powerful motor (your Root, Sacral, and Ego Centers are also motors) often causing a constant rising and falling of emotions. Operating in a wave frequency determined by the channels linking to nearby centers, you see and feel from the perspective of where you are on the emotional "wave". Ranging from the highest of hopes (where everything looks rosy) to the deepest pain imaginable (where nothing looks good) means experiencing, accepting and transcending emotions takes time.
Your Solar Plexus is the only center in your bodygraph operating as both a motor and a so-called awareness center (the Ajna and Splenic being your other awareness centers). It is an emerging awareness, dominated by its motor function; undergoing a several thousand-year transformation culminating in 2027. Our Solar Plexus Center is developing the awareness of experiencing ourselves as a single entity or "oneness".
Whether your Solar Plexus Center has consistent energy present (defined) or not (undefined), its activated gates can bring emotional uncertainty or nervousness - fears regarding personal interactions. Following your Strategy and Authority while learning the mechanics of your Solar Plexus and honoring your body's constantly changing chemistry can bring about an invaluable understanding. This understanding allows you to come to accept the feelings, needs and desires of both yourself and others with compassion.
And this compassion is crucial. With half of humanity deciding rashly in very high or low moments while the rest amplify emotional energy and over-react or develop adaptive strategies in the attempt to avoid pain, emotions color our world.
Spontaneous emotional decisions bear a heavy price. The complex interaction between a defined and undefined Solar Plexus can cause a powerfully distorted emotional wave, often medicated and misunderstood, with the risk of developing manipulative or passive-aggressive behaviors.
Your Strategy and Authority aligns you to develop a healthy relationship with emotions, presenting opportunities to experience the full range of feelings life has to offer. Society continues the myth that we need to be happy all the time and when we are not, something is wrong, or wrong with us.
Whether you have a defined Solar Plexus or not, the depth of emotions you feel are beautiful when allowed, experienced, and released. The key is not to identify with these emotions, nor judge them as good or bad, right or wrong. These waves are an expression of bodygraph mechanics, a potential expression of awareness, and they are nothing to be ashamed of.
As you read about the gates below, have your Human Design Chart handy to take special note of the ones you have defined.
The Source of the Solar Plexus' Waves of Emotions
Three distinctly different emotional wave patterns (Tribal, Individual, and Collective) are established by Gate 6 via the Solar Plexus center's Tribal (support) relationship with the Sacral Center through the Channel of Mating. Depending on the definition at play in relationship to the experiences that you are processing, you may feel one or any combination of these emotional streams from the gates below.
The Gate of Friction
The enormous power of the motor that generates six different wave frequencies of the Solar Plexus lies in Gate 6, "Conflict." If defined, this gate dominates your aura and others because the power of this motor stimulates growth or decay, depending on the resonance of those it comes into contact with. Gate 6 contains our biological law that life needs friction or there's no reproduction. Governing our emotional PH, Gate 6 fuses sensitivity to needs, passion and moods, desire and feelings, generating a wave causing you to be discriminating emotionally and sexually.
With Gate 6 defined, your emotional wave feels very stable, and you are here to learn about the flood of emotions the Solar Plexus brings. This energy is described as the hope to pain wave defining the fear of intimacy, experienced as nervousness about being open to others and awareness of whether to bond or not.
Streams of Potential Awareness rooted in Gate 6
Remaining gates of the Solar Plexus resonate to the nature of its wave rooted in the 6th gate and described in the potential awareness streams below. All waves have two ends of the spectrum. The deeply painful side experienced felt as an oft-called negative emotion, and the elated or positive end of the spectrum felt as emotions considered to be pleasurable. Utilize the wave over time to recognize it's true potential; which happens when you use the full spectrum of the wave as an indicator for clarity in decision-making. Decisions made from a place of clarity puts a very different vibration out into the world than when you are in a state of pain or chaos.
Tribal Awareness
Tribal needs drive the stream of awareness moving through the Solar Plexus center from gate 19 in the Root to gate 40 in the Heart Center, a wave that causes us to bind and stick together. Definition in this Tribal stream creates a "ratchet" wave: a slow buildup of tension. There is a back and forth escalating progression or cranking up of the emotions over time until the point where tension releases - where there is either clarity or explosion.
The Gate of Principals
A ratchet wave that accepts or rejects principals based on the needs of the Tribe defines via Gate 49, "Revolution." This gate establishes who gets what and who to obey in regards to resources. Nervousness about rejection, unpredictability and consequences along with fear of nature characterize this gate. The awareness of what, when and how to get and make food available and what is needed or not to support the tribe can potentially be found in people with Gate 49 activated.
The Gate of Friendship
A ratchet wave based on the bargain regarding resources and principals of the Tribe defines via Gate 37, "The Family." This deeply social gate of friendship and family; of affection, touching and hugging, has a price - whatever the bargain is in regards to resources. Nervousness about possibly having to take on traditional roles in life or even fear of tradition is found here. The awareness of who will and who won't provide what the Tribe needs can potentially be found in people with Gate 37 activated.
Individual Awareness
Individual passion drives the deeply mutative stream of awareness moving through the Solar Plexus Center from gate 39 in the Root to the Throat Center's gate 12, a wave that causes you to be moody or not. Healthy emotional definition in this stream is on a consistently even plane most of the time, with "spikes" of emotion shooting up or down, affecting the level of the even plane of emotions.
Melancholy beats in people with this wave; between the pulses of emotion is when mutation happens. Knowing when to be alone with your creative inspiration, and that with this wave, you just don't know until you know, can help to ease the melancholic spikes.
The Gate of Spirit
Of enormous importance to humanity as a whole and the individual who carries it, the strongly mutative Gate 55, "Abundance" is the most volatile of all emotional gates. Showing the highest and deepest levels of emotion or the intense lack of emotion is possible because of this gate's intense frequency pulse. When activated, it can cause deep and personal moodiness, causing a nervousness arising from not knowing what or who to be passionate about, and a fear of emptiness.
The awareness potential of provocation (am I being provoked or not, and do I like it?) and the mood to eat lies within this gate. With this gate activated is important not to make love, work or especially eat unless you are in the mood in order to protect your health and avoid suffering in your spike wave.
The Gate of Openness
The 22nd Gate, "Grace" pulses with a special empowerment- the power to pay attention, and gets others to pay attention to you. If you have this deeply mutative gate activated, there's the possibility you can provoke openness to being social.
Uncertainty that anyone will listen or that there is something worthwhile to listen to, and the fear of silence lies within this gate. The awareness possibility is the openness to eating; when you're in the mood, speaking to people while you are eating is very good for individuals.
Collective Awareness
Desire drives the pressurized stream of awareness moving through the Solar Plexus Center from gate 41 in the Root to the Throat Center's gate 35; a stream also known as the human experiential way. This way is not about the expected results that so many make it out it be - it is about the experiences themselves.
Chemistry in this stream creates an emotional wave that turns on, rising to high peaks, then off; often crashing with unmet expectations. This Abstract or Crash wave is simply a fact of life as we know it because things never turn out how or become what you think they are going to be.
When you are operating correctly, the crash wave is acceptable because it's the journey that is the story, not the goal, because the goal doesn't exist - the goal is an illusion of your mind's expectations. It is especially important if you have this wave frequency to be correct so that your experiences can be learned from and shared. Note that sexuality is a fundamental drive for this stream.
Human Design System Solar Plexus Collective Awareness
The Gate of the Feelings
Also known as the Gate of the Fates, Gate 30, "The Clinging Fire" creates a powerful crash wave fueled by emotional desires to feel things deeply. Longing for an experience fueled by fantasies of what the experience may bring define in this gate. Its potential is the awareness to recognize a feeling or not, and the capacity to recognize the feeling to eat or drink.
Fear of the Fates and anxiety about what may or may not happen lies within this gate. With this gate activated, to remember to enter into things with clarity and only for the experience, releasing expectations, and surrendering to your fate. When you operate correctly, you "no longer suffer at the hands of the fates - they become your allies."
The Gate of Crisis
Creating an emotional crash wave like nothing else, the most powerful emotional energy releaser we have is Gate 36, "The Darkening of the Light." Driven to turn inexperience into experience, a readiness for sharing and growing through profound emotional challenges along with the emotional power to penetrate the surface of new experiences characterizes those with this gate. When this gate is activated you must have the new experience; and with inexperience comes a crisis, large or small, as mistakes just happen when you've never tried something before.
Nervousness nervousness about one's sexual or emotional adequacy and fears of inadequacy lie in this gate. The awareness possibility is the "hunger wave of hope and pain". The key to remember about having this gate is that this desire for new experiences is strictly impersonal, and you are here to share experiences with the right people correctly.
Defined Solar Plexus - Emotional Authority
If your Solar Plexus is defined, the emotional frequencies of your defined gates above are hardwired into how you consistently experience your life.
Remember to wait out your waves of emotions for decision-making as you have your unique time-frequency. It is not about explaining or controlling your emotions. Release your emotions when and how it feels correct for you; otherwise chaos ensues.
When you repress or stuff your emotions (as many of us are trained to do when raised by unemotional parents) they can cause all kinds of physical problems. Remember to BREATHE and allow the emotion to be felt. In this simple act, you honor who you are as an emotional being, and allow your connection to spirit to be open.
There is "no truth in the now" for you as an emotional being - you are designed to explore and feel things more than others, taking in experiences deeply over time. You simply cannot be in a hurry to make decisions, as you are here to come to profound decisions.
A good rule is to always at least "sleep on it." Be hard to get when it comes to committing your energy to experiences. Correct decisions come from a sense of emotional (not mental) clarity over time.
What matters is your awareness and cultivation of what it feels like to operate correctly. Learning the lessons and experiencing what patience brings allows you to revel in the rewards of being emotional.
What are the rewards? A depth of perception over time which gives a richness and a complexity to life that brings pleasure to us as physical creatures and makes us wonderfully HUMAN.
Questions for Inquiry:
How do your emotions affect your decision-making process?
Do you recognize the emotional wave(s) in your life that are yours?
Do you know the importance of being alone when low in your wave, especially when living with those who have an undefined Solar Plexus?
The Undefined or Open Solar Plexus Center
If your Solar Plexus is undefined, your gates above describe ways you are designed to experience emotions when encountering transits or other people.
If you are completely open (no dormant gates) emotionally, you have a flexibility in experiencing emotional energy, which may cause confusion about how to interpret what you are feeling. You may not know what or who to desire, when sensitivity or passion is appropriate, or how to recognize and deal with other's moods or needs. You can experience emotions in their purity.
Undefined or Open, keep in mind that you can magnify emotions and that you absolutely need to spend alone time every day to release the emotional conditioning you receive from others. In any case, it is paramount to remember: never make emotional decisions. You are not designed to carry the burden of blame or shame that emotional decisions can bring.
Because of the amplification of emotion you can experience, emotional confrontation can be dreadful! Use your Strategy and Authority to guide you in confrontations which are correct for you.
Your potential gift is developing wisdom about the full range of emotions possible, knowing how to enjoy feelings and how to let them flow through you without attachment.
Questions for Inquiry: Have you noticed you can be vulnerable to amplifying emotions of others and the conditioning response (avoiding confrontation or truth) that brings you? What examples of the thoughts below, which may come up on behalf of your deeply conditioned mind, do you recognize in you?
I don't want to go there (or say that) because I don't want to deal with the confrontation.
I can't say that because it might upset that person or hurt someone's feelings.
I'll say it like this to soften the blow.
I'm going to be really nice and smile a lot, so they like me.
There is no point in going there because I might be rejected and disappointed.
I'm afraid it won't work out so why bother; it's not worth it.
Solar Plexus defined or not, you are not the waves of emotions you experience. You are "the passenger in the vehicle" riding those waves, observing them and the full range of changing perspectives emotions bring. Learning how to surf your emotional highs and lows without trying to change them allows you to get to know what is "normal" for you as you experiment with your Strategy and Authority. With time, you can watch as your awareness shifts to include deep inner tranquility no matter the emotional weather patterns expressed on the surface of your or anyone else's illusion of reality.
Human Design can guide you through the illusions created by the conditioned mind. Would you like to share any of your Solar Plexus Center epiphanies or feedback with me? You’re invited to ask questions as well.
By Laveena Lovick
A version of this article was originally written for JovianArchive.com. Reposted with permission.
How to Change Your Fate with Human Design
In a sentence: simply commit to your Human Design experiment.
Liked this video? I'm inviting you to commit to yourself and join me for a Living Your Design Awakening Experience.
Next Live Living Your Design Group class: https://goo.gl/gwSCZn
Video by certified BG5 Career/Business Consultant and International Human Design School certified Guide, Teacher and Analyst, Laveena Lovick.
Comments? Feedback? Would you like to share your thoughts below? =)
Why the Demise of Brangelina May Have Happened: A look with Human Design
The Demise of Brangelina - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's Human Design Connection chart
"Jolie and Pitt married on August 23, 2014, at their estate Château Miraval in Correns, France. She subsequently took on the name "Jolie Pitt". After two years of marriage, the couple separated in September 2016; in her divorce filing, Jolie requested physical custody of their children." Wikipedia
After nearly ten years in the spotlight, "super-couple" Brad and Angelina Jolie-Pitt, American actors, were married yet only three years later, divorce was in the air.
Here are their individual Human Design Charts (links allow you to save then to your free online Human Design software):
Angelina is a Martyr - Heretic (3/5) Profile, Split Definition Manifesting Generator with Emotional Authority on the Right Angle Cross of Consciousness (35/5 | 63/64) https://www.mybodygraph.com/share/2322154c6611ed28e4
Brad is an Opportunist - Role Model (4/6) Profile, Single Definition Projector with Splenic Authority on the Right Angle Cross of Eden (11/12 | 6/36) https://www.mybodygraph.com/share/2321954c6614264870
As the two dominant Aura Types on the planet, Generators and Projectors often can be found in pair bonding - with the Projector acting as a natural guide for the Generator's powerful energy.
With her Emotional, Sacral, Heart, and Throat centers defined, Angelina must have been irresistible for Brad with everything open but his Root and Splenic centers. Likely Angelina found a sense of security in his defined Splenic center. They both define the Root center on their own.
What's your assessment - who's in charge here, and why did they have issues in their relationship?
Here's a recent recording of my free (to clients and students) study group.
In this excerpt of a live Study Group on Composite Human Design Charts, we look at Angelina as an example. I share a little bit of insight into Angelina Jolie's relationship with Brad Pitt, and briefly look at her previous relationships as well as Mom & Dad.
Don't know who they are? (Really!?)
See "Brangelina" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brangelina
Would you like to discover how you are here to love another? Book A Private Relationship Session now.
Want to go deeper into your relationship?
Book a Relationship Class instead (it's like an extended reading but in group format over 2 months). Join us for "How You Are Designed to Love."
Five Important Reasons to Take Live Online Human Design Classes Now
Five Important Reasons to Take Live Online Human Design Classes Now
How many times have you bought a book and not finished it? I know you are busy. Life gets in the way of your best intentions, and learning is rarely a priority on your to-do list when there’s so much else pulling at you.
At Human Design Life, we use a better format for learning than buying a book that collects dust on the shelf, or even those large educational sites like Udemy and Lynda. Our live online courses are interactive yet recorded just in case, with a group forum for participation during and after your experience. Would you like to schedule in your personal self-improvement efforts and be supported in your commitment to an inspirational education that can help you grow?
Here are the practical reasons you'll want to take Live Human Design Courses:
- You're statistically about 75% more likely to finish your course.
- You're going to have the support of meeting other people in Human Design.
- You're going to be able to participate live and get your questions answered as they come up, thereby learning better from the interactive experience.
- You're going to pay a lot less than what you would if you were taking it privately, and the live interaction enriches the group experience.
Live classes such as Living Your Design and Rave ABC's count towards higher level certifications if it’s right for you to answer the call to become a Human Design Professional.
I’ve been teaching the first official step in the Human Design System educational curriculum, "Living Your Design," for over two years now with more than fifty participants. These live online courses have had near 90% completion rates. Between 50-60% attended every single live class; the rest watched recordings (due to time zone differences, travel and work schedules, etc.). We have a private Facebook group to connect and share before, during and after classes.
I don’t know many online teachers who offer live webcams during their classes. Living Your Design is different and requires personalized experiences provided by live interaction. I’m committed to offering this class live in person or online. (If you're ever in Mount Shasta and want a reading or private class, feel free to send me your design ahead of time and invite me to meet up with you.)
Online, I give you the option of both live webcam or just audio in addition to chat - because the two LYD classes I did without video, although great, did not feel as engaged or profound as all the other classes I did with video as an option.
I now use a special internet webinar software that has the least amount of lag (this is not Google-Hangouts!), and all classes are automatically recorded in case you want to review them again later. Feeling shy and don't want to be on camera or audio? No worries, there's live chat as well. Plus you get pdf downloads of the slides we use in class.
If finances are an issue, compared to the prices of one-on-one, you can’t beat live classroom interaction with real-time Q&A. It's like getting a Human Design Chart reading spread out over two months. I do live screen sharing of interactive Human Design bodygraphs on the fly. Looking at each other's charts in this way helps us all learn, and it’s great fun too!
Would you like to join any upcoming courses I'm conducting by request for Spring 2017? Here are the available courses:
Living Your Design: A Cellular Transformation
Description: The Living Your Design Workshop is a transformational awakening opportunity that can change your life if you decide to enter the Human Design experiment. Open to anyone without prerequisites; this workshop teaches the essential foundations of Human Design.
The Human Design System empowers you to know yourself. Take this opportunity to discover and live according to your authentic self. Do you know how to make choices you trust? Where you get thrown off-track? Do you know how to recognize what is correct for you? The information and exercises in this program delivered weekly over two months are designed to shatter the suffering of who you think you are and help you get aligned with your core essence.
The Living Your Design Awakening Program can be of tremendous benefit in deepening your understanding of your Strategy and Authority and the pain of the conditioning you have experienced. It can assist you with your personal experimentation as well as clarify what it means for you to “live your design.” This Living Your Design course leads you down an incredible path of self-discovery and knowledge. Although a Human Design reading is not required, it is encouraged before or during this program.
Living Your Design Awakening Program Content:
- What Human Design is & Why to Experiment
- The 9 Centers, How they Function and signposts of Alignment or not
- The Aura Types, Strategies, and Inter-Type interaction
- How Authority is activated and followed in correct decision-making
PreRequisites: None
Required Materials: Living Your Design Manual
Recommended: Human Design Overview or Foundation Reading
Next Group is forming for eight consecutive Saturdays at 10 am Pacific. Sign-Up Now!
Official Human Design Training: Rave ABC's
Although it may be enough for you to go through the experience of the Living Your Design Awakening program, for some people it is just the beginning. Many students who are passionate about learning more about themselves find the Human Design System provides accurate answers. Whether you want to become a certified professional or simply more informed in using this system for yourself, the Rave ABC's course is the next step.
Rave ABC’s is the first level of the IHDS professional and general educational tracks. This course is designed to satisfy your curiosity about the basics revealed in a bodygraph. It also provides the required educational foundation for your development as a skilled analyst, Living Your Design Guide, and the many other possible avenues you can explore beyond.
In the Rave ABC's we will discuss more of the origins of Human Design. We'll also delve deeper into the fundamental components that make up the profound synthesis known as the Human Design System. Rave ABC's is designed to show how all these pieces fit together to form the bodygraph and help you begin the process of learning how to analyze a chart.
Official Human Design Training: Rave ABC's Content:
- Black – Red, Personality and Design
- Circuits and Circuitry
- Hexagram Structure
Human Design Foundation Reading
Living Your Design: A Cellular Transformation
Required Materials: Rave ABC Student Manual; recommended MMI Software Student Edition
Rave Cartography...
is the second level of general IHDS education and serves as a prerequisite for all advanced education. Adding depth to the foundation built in Rave ABC’s, together Rave ABC’s and Rave Cartography provide enough tools to have a solid Human Design foundation. It offers a greater understanding of yourself and the world around you. In addition to the weekly classes, this class also includes study group meetings and homework. Total course recommended study time is 48 hours.
Classes include both interactive lectures, and study oriented workshops. This class is scheduled to begin January 4th on Mondays at 10am Central for 16 weeks. Guided Study groups are included. There are also 10 or more hours of recorded self-study lectures in addition to reading student manuals and completing various homework assignments designed to creatively help you integrate and practice the material.
Course Content:
1. Nine Centers
2. The not-self and its nine strategies
3. Definition
4. Authority
5. Angles and the 12 Profiles
Pre-Requisites: Human Design Foundation Reading, Living Your Design: A Cellular Transformation and Rave ABC’s
Required Materials: Rave Cartography Student Manuals Volume 1 & 2; recommended: MMI Software Student Edition.
Completion of this Rave Cartography program qualifies you enter the International Human Design School Professional Training Academy to become an Analyst, Cosmologist, Family Practice Specialist, Child Development Analyst, BG5 Consultant, or Professional Teacher. You will also be qualified to enter the Science of Differentiation College to study Rave Sociology, become a Holistic or DreamRave Analyst, or get your Differentiation Degree.
How You're Designed To Love and Be Love
If you are familiar with your design (you've been studying and experimenting, have a foundation reading and taken any or all of the foundation classes) and are still confused about understanding relationships, this is for you. Get ready to learn how you are designed to experience love and make decisions you trust when it comes to your romantic relationships.
I'm a split definition Projector. As a basic split Emotional Advisor, I'm designed to be an excellent guide and teach others what it takes to be in a relationship because I have experienced many of the mistakes in a relationship yet have a genetic imperative to work things out. Using the power of the Human Design System helps you discover the gift of acceptance and fulfillment in your romantic relationships.
Would you like to:
- Learn about how the different definitions are designed to relate to each other?
- Discover your "Love Gates" - find out how you are designed to be "turned on" when it comes to love relationships?
- Understand where you are open to amplifying the love gates?
- Recognize how you can get pulled away from the kind of love that is authentic and correct for you to experience?
A free introductory webinar is scheduled for February 14th at 12 pm Pacific.
When you commit to classes that take place consistently on a certain day and time, and there’s community, live interaction and Q&A about your real-world issues, you are far more likely to show up. The group participation and feeling of camaraderie means you will not only schedule the time for learning; but you will also participate when it's right for you, and get a whole lot more out of the experience.
If you do want to learn something new and have it make the biggest impact in your life, live courses are the way to go. Ready to join us?