Mastering your System

Projectors are here to master systems so that they can be successful guides for others. Understanding a system to the core cultivates in the Projector the ability to recognize what is going on in the world around them, even inside of the other, perceiving directly how the process of enlivenment might be helped along through awareness.

Dear Projector, if you're reading this, the very first system you need to master is your own physiology. Not by domination, but by recognizing how your Design speaks its nature through your body, through your sensory contact with the environment, as it is received in awareness. We don't do any of our sense perceptions after all, we simply receive them as they are filtered by the Design.

In relation to your environment, you exist in a projection field. Projection is nothing bad (don't be fooled by much of the conventional interpretations in psychotherapy). The projection field is part of how you experience life, as well as your integration into the world - it is a mirror for you. What and whom you are drawn to connect with, how you perceive what is out there, is a reflection of your own state and condition. 

Learning the language of your own biology is key to understanding the way in which the Design operates in its wholeness. Recognizing directly that we're all breathing together in a single continuous body - and that it has a nature. This is something that is constantly being communicated to you through the projection field.  

You can learn the biological language of this system of life by studying how your form functions in relation to your environment - noticing its cycling through dualities of up and down, hot and cold, stimulation and neutral, acceleration and deceleration, energy availability and rest, intensification and deintensification, movement and stillness, doing and non-doing... 

noticing the rhythms, the way things wiggle and oscillate as they pattern themselves, the way in which things respond to each other organically...

noticing the way in which the attention is naturally beckoned towards beauty and the simple, gentle pleasure of sensory stimulation... 

noticing the way in which other bodies move and hold themselves up, without getting distracted by the personality layering on top...

noticing that all of this is already available without us needing to create any of it... There is seeing already happening.

All of this is what will reveal to you the nature of the Design, the intelligence that informs everyone's decision-making Authority, whichever one it may be. 

Every system (including yourself) contains oscillation, and in that oscillation the Design brings messages of support from the unconscious to the conscious. You might recognize these as felt qualities that show up: your hand suddenly reaching up to carefully support your head, fingers stroking your lips or the side of your cheeks, a gentle rocking back and forth as you sit, feet that suddenly wiggle... and then, as we notice that contact, perhaps a quality of ease showing up elsewhere in the body. Soothing. Stabilizing. More present. 

In the general Maya of Mind we pay little attention to these signals. We've been conditioned not to value them and even try to hide them or change them out of a sense of vulnerability or shame for looking weird. We were never taught to simply allow them to be and to drink them in. The Personality and the Design may have been placed into a forced marriage, as Ra liked to describe it, but they can have a communication of care and love. Between conscious and unconscious. Self to Self. 

In the Not-Self we can get caught up in the negativity of the mind, absorbed and seeking a way out, running in circles, not noticing how good it feels to simply feel the temperature of our hand on our face for an extended moment of time. A simple gesture, but exactly the right quality of support in the right place at the right time, with the right intensity, not too much, not too little, providing us with an enjoyable portal back to our senses in the present.

In these times of crumbling support infrastructure around us, we may discover innate support emerging from our own depths. Not because we went digging and excavating into our darkness with the mind in the hope of finding the light, but because we made the effort to reclaim our attention back from the addiction to the Not-Self. Because we trained the mind to see differently. Because we opened up the door to awareness and invited the intelligence of the Design into the live conversation we are having with the world in every moment.

The more your mind can reside in the natural movement of your Design and track it, receptive to what it brings to you without overamplifying it, the more you'll understand the operating system we're all embedded in. The more your own nature is integrated within you, the more you'll recognize it effortlessly outside of you. And wisdom begins to flourish in your undefined centers. This is a biological cellular knowing, not a superficial mental memorization of 'how things are supposed to be' or copy-pasted wisdom from elsewhere to try and make an impact. The ocean of neutrino information simply flows through you, and you know what you need to know.

The more you can surrender your eyes to go where they want to go, seeing what they want to see while ignoring the delusional interpretation process of the Not-Self agenda, the more your Strategy and Authority can begin to truly unfold moment to moment. 

This is vital for how we navigate the spaces between invitations. As Projectors, we too must be correct moment by moment, even though we might wait for the right invitation for years. In between invitations, what we take care of is our eyes (including our third eye), gifting ourselves the ability to perceive clearly. This is what the other Types need from us. To help them recognize where the unconscious Design already wants to go, and how we might get organized around that.

And all of this begins by recognizing when enough is enough. Recognizing when your system is making the shift from acceleration to deceleration, activity to rest. If you're reading this, I invite you to take a few moments to simply let go into wonder, without trying to create anything new. Perhaps gently asking yourself these questions, slowly, one by one, to nourish your seeing and guide your own awareness:

1) If I let my eyes go where they want to go, wandering around in the external environment, where do I notice the greatest sense of ease?

2) Without mental interpretation, what are these eyes already seeing that I may not have noticed before? 

3) What are the physical properties of that? Can I see its color, texture, shape? How does that register to my awareness, without me trying to do or create any of it?

4) If I stay with this just a little while longer, lingering at this contact surface of awareness with the external world, as my eyes easily go where they want to go, might I notice something different than before? Is there something new?

5) After having wondered freely for a little while, how do I feel overall compared to before?

If you took the time to participate in this little exercise, I'd love to hear about your experience.

Enjoy your movie,


Have you had a Human Design Overview yet? Ready for the first step in awakening to yourself? Sign up with Hagen here.

Living Your Human Design Isn't Always Easy

Living Your Design Isn't Always Easy

During a profound shattering it may seem like you're never going to come out on the other side. Each of us have layers and layers of past conditioning that is neutralized, as cellular transformation is realized.

In my HD experiment I've been experiencing an ongoing Shattering, mutating in pulses throughout the last few years and would like to share it with you all. This transformation is centered around my Undefined Splenic Center (survival recognition function) and completely Open Heart Center (willpower function).

My Story

For years, on and off for decades, I actively avoided looking at my face in the mirror. It was too triggering for me to me to endure, spiraling me into unhealthy excesses to avoid feeling. I would go days without seeing my reflection. Most of the time only taking momentary glances to make sure that I was semi presentable to the outside world. At various points throughout my life, I’ve encountered others telling me how pretty they thought I was. They often confessed wishing they could go without makeup too. I just didn’t see what they saw and was skeptical of their complements. They never knew the truth of why I hardly wore any.

I don’t remember what my face even looked like before the scar was there. I was such a small child when the incident occurred that left that gash above the corner of my lip. But I remember the moment it happened, reliving the horror in my dreams and, often, while I was awake. The terror, the lack of security, unable to defend myself as I cowered in fear. I still feel the aftershocks when my emotional wave is low.

My mind taunting me with a persistent, lingering false belief that I wasn’t worth protecting.

That I wasn’t worth it, or anything.

Tainted Self-Love

That voice in the back of my mind has tainted my entire life since. Destroying any hope that I would actually find happiness within, always looking outside myself to fill a void. Neediness encompassed most of my decisions and actions. Proving I was “good enough” was a norm. Always looking for someone or something that would allow me to grasp a “love that would fix it all.”

I dulled my senses just to be able to look in the mirror and “doll” myself up. At times I abandoned my natural gifts to conform to what others thought I should be. Trying to prove that I was good enough for them. Holding onto things that weren’t good for me because I wanted to be ‘loved’.

At the time, I didn’t know a better way.

I do now.

Now don’t get me wrong, I tried. I’ve not just been sitting on my hands for decades. Starting when I was 7, I began my quest to self-heal. By the time I was 13, I could comprehend more complex ideas and started intense research in the fields of healing, self-help and psychology.

I’ve studied so many systems. Shadow-hunted the hell out of my deep-rooted fears and unhealthy conditioning. Sat through countless hours of meditation and self-hypnosis in an attempt to unlock self-love. I’m far from that terrified little girl I was 36 years ago, and yet I was still triggered by the memory, especially when it came to embracing my self-worth.

My Worth is Not Determined by the Actions of Others

And now, years into my Human Design experiment, I confidently say that when I look in a mirror, I LOVE what I see. All of it. Even the messy bits. And sure, the memories are still there, but the pain. The pain has gone.

I didn’t get to this point alone. I have the best entourage a gal could ever dream up. A wolf pack of the most empowering humans that are deep into their own HD experiments. Including a mentor who is not afraid to share the messiness of her past to help us forge ahead through the trenches.

As a Projector, this is exactly what I need. I learn about myself through learning about others. Each of us radically living our own experiments while empowering, sharing, and supporting each other.

The other day, I looked into the mirror and declared, “I love you.” It wasn't the first time that I had reflected those words back at myself, but this time it felt different.

I Felt Cool, Calm & Emotionally Clear

While gazing lovingly at myself, a Flaming Lips song stole the scene. It’s been one of my favorites since I was a teen and completely encompasses what self-love feels like to me.

I’d like to share the lyrics and their official video with you.


“When You Smile” by The Flaming Lips

It’s like I never had to see it in your eyes or feel it I could tell

When you smile.

It’s like I didn’t need to say anything or do much, I could tell

When you smile

All of the subatomic pieces come together and

Unfold themselves in a second...

Every single molecule is right, when

All of the subatomic pieces come together and unfold

Themselves in a second.

written under the Cosmic Influence of

ⵙ 43.5 ⴲ 23.5

I originally published this article with no expectations on HumanDesign.LIVE, the safe space that was lovingly created by Laveena for our Fractal to learn from sourced based material and support each other as we continue on with our personal Human Design Experiment.

I would say that I am surprised by the number of responses I have received when I shared my story, but with my design, I often draw in those who need someone to listen to what they're going through. Each message has been rich with stories of similar experiences. 

One of the greatest joys I have uncovered with Human Design is the ability to not only more clearly see myself, but also see others and where their struggles may come from.

Thank you to all of you that have trusted me with your personal stories. I adore your courage to share.

Sometimes it helps to be able to share what you’re going through with someone who just plain gets it.

I invite you to reach out to me if you are looking for support for your own Human Design Experiment and deconditioning process.

A Fresh Start - Coming Back to Your Senses

Thoughts from a 2/5 Splenic Projector in the Human Design Experiment

The great thing about being Splenic is that any moment you can just start over.

I’ve been ‘in the experiment’ with Strategy and Authority for a number of years, and this morning I let go of my imagined linear track towards the 7 year deconditioning marker. I just started over with a beginner’s mind. No answers, only questions and curiosity.

What does it really mean to follow my Splenic awareness moment by moment as a Projector? 

I was recently interviewed by Jelena Legcevic to provide some insight into questions like this for newcomers to Human Design. And I had a thing or two to say about it. But having had some time to ponder all of that, I’m considering that the question is more powerful than the answer.

I recall some things I wrote in my original introduction to this network, which more or less includes one of the most alive questions I have today:

How can I live more closely to the contact surface of awareness with its body and the environment - here and now?

Metaphorically speaking, in front of me I can see a fork in the road. Paying more attention to the simple signals of the senses and how the external world is contacting me, or getting predominantly absorbed in the wonder of my defined Head and Ajna, and whatever the mind thinks it knows or hypothesizes.

I can’t get rid of that mind, but perhaps my attention can be much more anchored in the sensory world than it currently is.

Much of my habitual attunement to the body signals have reinforced a way of sensing inside the body. But I think the real place for me to be is at that contact surface with the environment - the exterior world. Primarily noticing the external, then recognizing how the inner speaks about that sensory world and its qualities, rather than first digging into the inner sensations in order to get a perspective on the outer.

But I reckon that I still often get caught in a mental trap where the mind insists on being the interpreter of sensory data, moving from physicality to symbolic meaning and back, rather than simply from physical signal to responsive impulse.

Having a mind that is incredibly loud acoustically and visually, it presents a major psychic hurdle. Reinforced habits that keep my attention stuck on the mental plane, such as episodes of triggering memory flashes, leaving me dangling desperately in the unresolvable questions of my undefined Centers.

It’s a curious thing that there is this assumption floating around that we can somehow ‘remember’ our true self, our authentic individuality. Perhaps you experience something similar in your process that prevents you from staying present to the body’s life. This sudden overwhelm that opens Pandora's Box and out comes a flood of memories and past conditioning, pressuring you to find some kind of anchor in the truth of who you are amidst the confusion. Then the mind interacts with the memory and creates an endless loop of overthinking, pretending it is trying to see something new that finally resolves the 'issue'. And in the meantime you go back to some routine coping habit rooted in a Not-Self strategy.

If any of this sounds familiar, you’re not alone!

To at least open up a pathway out of this, in order to have a fresh start and not get spellbound by these psychic episodes of mental resistance to transformation, we can take a look at some particular mechanics for insight:

The Memory Circuit

If you look at the image above you can see something straight away: memory is not about the Empowered Knowing of Individuality.

For those of you who want to study this in greater depth, you can find resources on this as part of Ra's Rave Anatomy Courses.

Without going into too much depth on the memory circuit in this short article, I just want to point out one obvious thing: there are no Individual Channels that are part of the memory circuit. 

So this leads us to a crucial insight: whenever you have memory flashes in which you’re seeking to find your individual truth in order to overcome life's oppression – you won’t. It isn’t mechanically possible. Yet in the hypnosis of that experience, the bait is that if you just dig deep enough, you can figure it out. At least, this is what keeps me endlessly tunnelling down the rabbit hole – dissociating away from my sensory contact with the external world. And it's this external environment that I invite you to bring yourself back to. 

A fresh start in your experiment is all about gently coming back to your senses in the present. The simplicity of how the outer landscape is contacting your various sense organs here and now. After all, the intelligence of your Authority is rooted in your sense perception.

Sense perception is part of the substructure beneath the level of the Line, called Tone. You can learn more about this by finding relevant material online, and you can also be guided into how it works for you by Laveena in one of her Radical Transformation Clinics. 

The mind may find this boring, addicted to the intensity of turning life into a problem to solve and coming up with many stimulating strategic ideas and revelations, but this boredom can be a refuge for your self-recovery that eventually opens up into the simple pleasure of being.

Reattuning to the external world, its simple physical features and many qualities - in whatever way they are available to you without forcing anything. Without seeking the next sensory orgasm for the mind to get high on, but simply dwelling in the contact with the environment, allowing your attention to freely wander and trace the textures of the landscape with ease and curiosity.

Letting your eyes go where they want to go for a while, and just noticing what it’s like to be where you are. 

How are your senses letting you know that you’re in this place, here and now? 

What does that knowing smell like? Does it have a flavor? A color or texture? A warmth? What else?

And while you’re here, you might as well notice how your body is enjoying that for a while.

Soft snowy vibes amidst misty mountains,


Keynoting example of Emotional Projector from Professional Analyst Training Level 1

PTL1 Analyst Training - Keynoting Practice (Design Nodes)

Hi all,

I've been invited to share some of the keynoting practice that happens behind the scenes in our PTL1 Analyst Training classes. 

Last week we were practicing entering into someone's chart through the Design Nodes and bringing these together with Type, Strategy & Authority and Openness.

I did my best to write up keynoting for Naraya Fox. In the video above you can listen to me read out loud while Laveena touches on the relevant aspects of Naraya's chart as I speak them. 

At the bottom of this article, you can find the text written out in full.  

This may be an interesting and helpful example for those of you who have taken the foundational courses such as Rave ABCs and Cartography, and for those of you who are self-studying, if you would love to do analyst work like this. 

Analyst Training takes approximately 4 years, so we're just at the beginning here, but the difference in my ability to read into a chart after two semesters of training with Laveena is already something I'm enjoying very much.

When I write an analysis like this I bring together the skill of reading a chart and the poetry of keynoting with what I have physically recognized in the person (if I've met them). The magic of the Human Design system is that the keynoting is highly accurate, it works, even though you may not necessarily know what these things mean to the person you're speaking to. You speak the words, you watch them land and evoke a real physical response. It's magical, and this can also be a source of insecurity initially.

It's always a slippery slope for me to say things I cannot be certain of. I have been educated not to assume someone else's reality, not to impose my ideas about who they are or think they should be onto them. Listening back to the recording, I can hear this familiar hesitation in me. When it comes to Human Design, if I have directly seen a particular phenomenon described in the mechanics, then I know what I'm saying. But many times, I read someone's chart and I know conceptually this is how it works - but I haven't seen it live yet. 

I don't enjoy approaching someone with 'this is how you're supposed to be'. We all know the Not-Self will be prone to disagreeing with you anyway, but equally you can't just go: "No no, I'm the Analyst here, I know what this is, you're Not-Self and don't know who you are. Let me tell you." 

(or at least with my undefined centers that would be very tricky to pull off with integrity.)

Especially when you actually don't know what it is, and you only have the theory, your imagination and assumptions... You can end up gaslighting your client. It's necessary that you recognize where you are at with a measure of humility. Then surrender to the process of transmission, and with respect to the one you're talking to. Simply knowing how to do keynoting does not mean you 'know better', that you are aware and understand the mechanics.

This is the edge that you walk on as an Analyst, because there will always be so much you haven't directly seen, and that you can never experience yourself. This is where you inevitably do take a leap of faith and trust in the system as Ra laid it out. And that's why it has to earn your trust through validation over and over again, indefinitely. Even after death, Ra needs to continue to prove himself ongoingly.  

As a professional in Human Design, you take the risk and see what happens. If you use the right keynotes then more often than not the receiver knows exactly what you're talking about (they are living it after all) - and that's the magical surprise. You never know if it's going to happen, but when it does it's extraordinary. Then you discover alongside them how those particular mechanics function - it's very beautiful and humbling to experience. So most importantly, it is the physical response that matters, that's where the theory of the system is substantiated in practice.  

I can remember doing keynoting for a Reflector, and as I read it out to them experienced them feeling seen at a level that the aura doesn't allow for. I watched their body posture drop into an open relaxation with tears of relief rolling down their cheeks. They said they finally felt like they could be who they were with somebody and feel understood. Had I tried to scan them with my Projector eyes without studying their chart, I only would have seen myself. 

All of my Human Design teachers have said people come back to them years after their Foundation Reading, thanking them for the keynoting because it was profoundly true and helpful in the end - even though the person didn't see it and disagreed with it at the time. They went on with their lives, continued with their trial and error process and eventually came to recognize that what they had been told was valid after all. 

I can say this was certainly the case for me. Perhaps you had a similar experience.

So, for those of you who are keen to read here is the text:

Naraya, as a Projector you are Designed to be recognized and invited into the environment where you can thrive and fulfil your purpose. In the wake of the invitation, it is your emotional authority that lets you know this is the place to be. It is through the neutral clarity that arises, after the highs and lows have moved through you, that you can follow an invitation to an environment that nurtures the flourishing of your purpose in due time.

For the first half of your life, where you find yourself is a place of need. An environment where there is the pressure to have all needs met on the material plane and perhaps even the scarcity thereof. It is a transpersonal environment where you are surrounded by familiars, people who use their network to find the opportunities to meet their needs, and there is likely to be burnout and fatigue – though it may not necessarily be yours. It’s an environment of interrelatedness, where individuals find cooperation as part of a team.

Halfway through life, you can expect a change of scenery as you bump into a new place for you to be on your experimental trajectory. It is a place of privacy, where there is active withdrawal and the transformation of a weak position into a strength. A place where people find dignity in their fatigue and retreat without turmoil.

Naraya, as an Investigative Martyr, your public role is to be embedded into these environments as someone who studies deeply to secure the foundations for their authority about what they know, share and can support others with, through experimental trial and error. These are places where you can successfully make and break bonds in your determination to discover what actually works. These are the environments where you can move through public spaces where people can come and go through your aura as you process and digest life and assimilate its information.

As you accumulate life experiences and capture the lessons inherent in each mistake, you are driven to remember what didn’t work. This gives you a healthy pessimism, meeting others with your belief that what is best can never be achieved. This prevents you from becoming unrealistic in your expectations. At the right time, you’ll be able to share the secrets you have kept safely so that all can benefit from the nuggets of wisdom they contain.

You may find yourself surprised that people in these environments will recognize you for your sensitivity to the needs of the community and how they can be met, for your ability to recognize which feelings to focus on within the whole spectrum of possible experiences we could share, and for your individual mental inspiration that is highly mutative and empowering in its knowing of underlying principles to life’s mysteries.

Naraya, you have a profound emotional nature, the depths of which are largely unconscious to you. As this emotional undercurrent stirs, your fantasy and imagination may give rise to expectations and a yearning to have desire fulfilled and needs met. It is important that you cultivate patience with yourself and learn to enjoy fantasy for what it is without giving in to the pressure of expectation. To experience the experiencing for its own sake so you can be fully immersed in it and know what merits reflection afterwards.

It may be very tempting to jump spontaneously into wild adventures, especially either on the emotional highs or lows of your deeply sensitive nature. It is here where your mind can trick and trap you through conditioning, Naraya. With patience you can observe and watch it think that you should prove your worth, that you should make big promises and commit, that you should hold on for your survival even if whatever you’re holding onto is toxic to you, that you should continue to do more and be more productive even though you’re all out of energy and need rest.

The mind may think that you need to make sure you demonstrate that you’re the best, that you have the right values, that you can persevere no matter what difficulties may come your way, fuelled most intensely by the fear of responsibility and irresponsibility. 

If only you had more skills, more ambition, more joy and stimulation, more continuity, more power, more vision – don’t buy it! You are not lacking any virtues, gifts or abilities. You are enough exactly as you are to live this life correctly and thrive in it. Bitterness can contaminate you with any spontaneous mental decision that leads you into the wrong thing that goes wrong. That is not what you’re here for Naraya, you’re here for the right thing that goes wrong.

Trust in your emotional nature, this emotional body of yours, to know when the right time has come to say ‘yes’, to interact with and guide those who recognize you for the things that light you up inside! When you align with your Inner Authority your mind can be freed to pay attention to who is out there and to recognize their beauty, their gifts, their energies so you can know how to guide successfully.

You have an incredible potential to be wise about who has got the willpower to reliably support the tribe. Who has got a healthy ego to massage and sell the tribe on what is best for its continuity and material well-being? Who has got the drive to rise up in the material world and do what it takes to get there? 

Whose immune system is healthy or unhealthy? Who has got the values by which we can nurture our young correctly? Who has got the vitality and joy to correct our collective patterning into the future? Who has got the skills that can bring out the depth so the correction can be creatively expressed?

And who has got the receptivity and the vision to know which creative direction we should invest our wealth into? These are the things you can recognize and know! Once your mind is no longer burdened with worrying about your life, these are the things it can start to pay attention to instead.

For yourself, you can become wise about the fact that you have nothing to prove, that your value is innate. You can be wise about when enough is enough and when to let go.

And with the patience to wait for recognition and an invitation, it is your emotional body that will let you know with whom you are here to connect, and whom you are here to guide in a way that brings you success and fulfilment. 

The Projector's Subtle Habit of Initiating

A HumanDesign.Live Advice Post by Hagen Artley, 2/5 Splenic Projector, Mental Split, Cross of Explanation

The following article can be enjoyed in 2 ways: full-length and summary

If it's too much of a read for you, only reading the bold black and blue text will still make sense and summarise the whole thing.

Dear Projector,

Your curiosity is something that probably many Projectors encounter about their own behaviour in relation to others along the way. And how incredible to get to this place of questioning something that seems to be a very ordinary thing to say:

“I would like to spend time with you sometimes. :)”

Is this actually an initiation? If so, how many other ordinary interactions or messages we text to others frequently could be initiations? 

It’s quite a radical thing to ask ourselves. How could we tell? And does it mean that statements like this are incorrect every time?

Laveena often says in her classes that Strategy and Authority, particularly for Projectors, are for the big things in life that really change things up for us: the people we spend time with, the relationships we have, the places we stay in, where we live, the work we do, etc. However, for day-to-day navigation and regular interaction with friends and relatives, many Projectors experience the need for a more refined tool to help them navigate the subtleties – as not every single thing comes with an explicit, loud and clear invitation. And it's not like we can use S&A for the big things and then return to mental decision-making in between...

After his first few years of teaching the Human Design system, Ra approached Projectors with an apology. 

He said he’d done them an injustice because so much of his attention had been focused on trying to get Generators to respond. He came to realize that Strategy and Authority was too limited for Projectors. Ra added Color Transference as another essential tool for our Type to recognize what contexts and interactions are correct for us, and which ones are not. He introduced it as a ‘power that we (Projectors) never had before’.

Color Transference is something that operates at a level below the Line, so it requires a more subtle level of perception and awareness to see it. Projectors more readily operate at that level, though it may take some years of deconditioning for the brain fog to clear enough so that we can see the phenomenon at work. It's part of the Four Radical Transformations of Human Design. 

The two main Color Transference tools we were given are Color Motivation (Personality Sun/Earth) and Perspective (Personality Nodes).

You may already know your Color Motivation, Perspective and Transference, but before I talk about how it applies to this process of learning how not to initiate, I just want to clarify things a bit more for those who are new to the mechanism.

A great piece on this by Ra to start off with is this one:

Here Ra talks about these tools that we as Projectors can use in relation to others in order to develop our seeing as passenger consciousness. He explains in detail the dilemma we have with Strategy and Authority alone, and how we can turn it into a problem when it doesn’t have to be one.

One of the things he says here is this:

“You get an invitation from somebody, you enter into that correctly, but the reality is if you're watching your process during the course of the time you're with them, you'll notice that there'll be a shift to your distraction. You're suddenly being pulled away from what's correct for you and it is in those moments where you need to recognize you’re being conditioned and watch that conditioning. 

Because this is what it's all about. And being able to SEE the conditioning, gives you a way out.

Very hard for projectors to go like this. It's very hard to say “I need your generating and manifesting but not now.” There's this fear that you don't get it back, there's this fear that you lose it. There is this deep deep drive inside to hold onto… that connection no matter how you end up rationalizing that in your design.

So it becomes very important for you to begin to see the way in which you are being influenced on an ongoing basis by those beings around you. And remember why we see this. Not to end the relationship. This is not about that. It's not about saying “this person is terrible for me and I never want to see them again”, it isn't about that at all. It's about your potential, to actually SEE them conditioning you.

Most people think that you need to have a solution “Let's stop the conditioning" and so on… We don't want to stop conditioning. The only time that you can stop conditioning, is when you die. Conditioning ends at death. Until then it's a part of our lives. It doesn't have to be something that's negative. It doesn't. It could be the most fascinating thing in your life.” 

– Ra Uru Hu

In this article, we’ll just focus on Color Motivation. Laveena has already written some rich articles on the subject which you can find here:

In a nutshell, below the level of the Line we have further layers of differentiation: the Color, the Tone and the Base – this is called the ‘substructure’ out of which everything we see on the surface of the Bodygraph emerges. Layer after layer, our frequency works its way up from the depths of the Base to the surface of the Line as it differentiates into a precise and nuanced expression of consciousness in form. This substructure is the way in which the crystals of consciousness operate as they filter the neutrino information feed.

Now, Color Motivation is the state of mind that you are pulled into by your environment and the people you interact with. 

It creates the cognitive filter for how you take information in and how you learn. This state of mind is informed by your sense perception, which takes place at the level of the Tone - but we don’t need to go into that much detail here. Similar to our 6 Lines, there are 6 different Color Motivations named Fear, Hope, Desire, Need, Guilt and Innocence. To know which one applies to you your time of birth must be quite accurate and you’ll need to access software that can produce charts with this information (all popular HD software I know of can show it).

When you are able to watch your mind, when you can observe what’s going on in there without identifying with its ‘I’ as being who you are, then you can witness these layers of the mechanics live at work. 

You can notice the scripts of the Lines as the voice in the head chatters away, you can notice the adaptive Not-Self strategies from the undefined centers show up as mental agendas and proposals for action (“if I do this, then I’ll get that”). And you can notice the Color Motivation – it is the overall state of mind you are in, the underlying quality that animates your thinking.

Each of us has a correct Color Motivation that is pure, that allows our Personality to assimilate information and express Outer Authority. However, it is also a binary. 

Color is something that is moving and dynamic, it swings constantly from its correct frequency to its distracted counterpoint like a pendulum. When the Color frequency shifts, it undergoes a process called Transference.

Transference means the frequency shifts over to its harmonic opposite. Fear shifts to Need, Hope shifts to Guilt, Desire shifts to Innocence and the other way around in each case. When this occurs, we experience a distorted quality of that Color Motivation. It becomes disconnected from correct cognition. 

This means we do not see clearly and the mind tends to freak out about this because it temporarily has no access to awareness, and it doesn’t know when awareness is going to be restored – it is blinded.

When you look at your own Transference Color Motivation you can add the word ‘blind’ in front of it to make its quality very clear: blind fear, blind hope, blind desire, blind need, blind guilt, blind innocence. Each one of them is an unintelligent expression of mind, and one of them will be particular to you. 

This is not something that is bad or wrong. You don’t have to try to fix it. But it is also not a basis to make decisions from – it is something to observe. We need this contrast in order to distinguish what our pure Color Motivation is. It helps us recognize correctness from incorrectness. It is not something we can do anything about, we can only learn to abide more and more deeply by S&A as opposed to overreact from the Not-Self.

To learn more about the specifics of each of these Color Motivations, you can join Laveena's Radical Transformation Clinic for Non-Sacrals here:

So having explained the basics a bit, we can return to your inquiry, Roxana.

Is the text message “I would like to spend some time with you sometimes. :)” really an initiation?

What makes you think so? Did you feel bitter some time afterwards?

Giving this some thought myself, looking at examples in my own life, it seems to me that the Color Motivation can be a determining factor. It’s what turns a message like that into an initiation as opposed to a simple expression of appreciation and transparency. To me, the key seems to be the energy the message was written with, not the actual words themselves. 

I think you could write the exact same sentence to two different people and one would be an initiation and the other would not be. What would make the difference?

One would carry the energetic charge of some kind of attachment to an outcome, some kind of anticipated fulfilment of the agenda your mind was crafting the message with, rooted in your undefined centers. The other would carry the charge of non-attachment, a simple voicing of appreciation for your friend, without the pressure for them to even reply or respond to it. Color Motivation Transference is a tool that you can use to recognize one from the other in the act of writing. 

What state of mind are you in? What energy motivates your communication?

Roxana, in your case, were you in an emotionally clear place within yourself? Were you motivated by intelligent Need or blind fear? 

From my personal experience, Color Motivation Transference can show up with varying degrees of intensity, from very subtle craving to full-blown desperation. In any case, when it shows up and we act on it, we’re tapping directly into the Not-Self strategies of our undefined centers.

  • So, through the undefined G’s endless search for love, identity and direction, was your mind worried about losing this person in your life?

  • Was your mind craving for the Life Energy of the Sacral to be turned on again?

  • Did the other person give your undefined Heart external validation of self-worth to boost your mental self-esteem?

  • Or were you feeling mentally anxious or bored looking for someone inspiring to focus on?

Maybe it’s someone special who just seems to draw out this incredible information from you that not everyone does.

For Split Definitions like you and me, our minds might be motivated to try and find a bridge that connects the islands of our Definition together. It’s likely that the person you were texting is someone who bridges your wide split, making you feel more whole when you are together with them. 

In a state of blind fear I assume there can be a confusion about other people. The mind can start to obsess about survival risks, attaching to others in order to find security. You might experience mental worry about losing the bond you have, not wanting to make any mistakes. Or you might not know whether you can trust other people and get lost in alienation, too afraid of everything.

Correctly motivated, on the other hand, it could be good to let your partners know how important they are to you.

To share a bit from my experience: in some relationships, people have very explicitly invited me to feel free to engage with them as I please. In other relationships, I can feel the expectation from the other for me to initiate them, but without any recognition or invitation towards me to actually do so. I can notice disappointment in them that I’m always waiting for them to make the first move, and my mind thinks ‘I should’ initiate something with them in order to maintain the bond, but there’s no genuine energy in me moving in that direction. So, I think the relational context sets the stage for how much freedom a Projector can have in how they interact. 

To me, particularly as a Wide Split Definition, what does matter is to express the real difference someone’s presence makes in my life. To have a secure bond it is important that we are aware of what it’s built upon – without that being a burden or an expectation.

Having said this, I also find that this open freedom to engage does not always provide my Projected Channels the energy to actually show up. Perhaps these beings love to have me around and interact with me, but don’t actually recognize me for any of my specialties. Perhaps I don’t need to be saving the day with everyone all the time 24/7 either. These are things I also wonder and am learning about. We’re all walking paradoxes trying to find our balance between this and that.

My sense is that it's the invitation that energizes the Projected Channel to function correctly. When there is a correct invitation, there is something specific - there is a context with your name on it ready to receive your input. 

There is an aliveness waiting for your guidance. It isn’t random, it’s a body specifically calling for yours, it’s the wider ecosystem asking you to fulfil the role you were designed for so that life and consciousness can continue to evolve.


As I’m writing, the Definitive Book is lying open on page 354. It shows Gate 11: Peace – Ideas. Many people have ‘ideas’ in their minds about what they would like to do and who they would like to do it with... 

But the secret of this Gate is that these ideas are not for manifesting into action, they are simply there to share and stimulate us - and this will have an effect, but not necessarily the actual realization of that particular idea into physical form or experience. 

I’ve noticed many people in my social circles feeling so powerless because their ideas are never fulfilled. They think they have this great idea and they just need to find the right person who will value it and provide the energy to make it happen – and it never does. They may take a few steps in that direction until the creativity falls flat and they feel slightly frustrated, bitter, disappointed or even angry that it just didn’t work out again.

My reasoning here is that those ideas are top-down impositions from the mind that are not rooted in any local physical context or situation at hand – they won’t evoke a generative response to make them happen. They are inspired by the past and give rise to beliefs and stories. 

The 3rd Line of this Gate, the material Line, is called ‘The realist: The acknowledgment that peace is transitory’. Its exaltation says: ‘The realization that ideas come and go’. Its detriment says: ‘A pleasure in ideas that have no real application’. 

Our 3rd Line process here is not about materializing the idea through trial and error, it’s about finding peace in the realization that these stimulating ideas are beautiful as such and don’t need to be carried out – even when we feel bored or conflicted about life.

So why am I talking about Gate 11? Because it highlights to me an important concept: relevance and irrelevance. Only when something is relevant to the movement of Life Force will it be enlivened by the call. 

We have many ideas about where we think we’re going, what we might do together, and so on. Our imagination may be filled with beauty, but ultimately it is the unfolding process of the form that actually materializes. We don’t make it happen, we are it happening as we witness it.

Yet I think that many of our common interactions with people - the subtle text messages, the emoticons and gifs we use, the ways in which we stimulate each other with memes and ideas - can be these small nudges of trying to push life into the direction of an idea we hope to see fulfilled. An idea that in the end is irrelevant to the life process – especially when it arises out of a mind in Transference.

Whatever it all might be, in the end, may not matter very much. If you know the Design of the person you were texting you could make a few connections and perhaps learn an interesting thing or two about yourself. But the importance here would be to find clarity about your own inner state of mind, as the conditioning reverberates through your openness. The same would apply to any other kind of ordinary interaction that we could easily take for granted.

Roxana, to be able to recognize subtle forms of initiation and misinforming hidden behind ordinary gestures and communication, all you really need is to watch your mind and recognize its condition. Then notice if it’s pushing you to act spontaneously while disregarding your emotional wave and how you genuinely feel, ignoring what you have actually been recognized and invited for in that relationship. 

According to what I’ve learned in Laveena’s classes, this may take more deconditioning time for you as a Quad Right Variable. This is because your Right brain needs to be fed correct nutrition for a longer period of time in order to function optimally again. 

(The same would be true for any other Variable with a Right brain. So for anyone else reading, grab a chart that shows you the arrows of your Variable next to the head. If your upper left red arrow points to the Right, then you've got a Right brain too.)

Remember that Transference is not something bad or wrong, it’s a natural process of learning through observation. It is not something that you are doing, it is not something that you need to get right. It’s something that happens as a consequence of how your environment, and the beings in it, impact you. 

As you said in your message, you’re experiencing more and more how these things work for you and that’s all this is really about, no? 

To be able to live life this way with enough self-love to embrace the whole experience, watching ourselves grow in awareness on this journey through space – isn’t that the greatest gift?  

Enjoy your movie,


The Relationship between the Human Design Channels of Charisma and Structuring

In this video, I describe the Relationship between the Human Design Channels of Charisma, 43-20 and Structuring, 43-23 and touch briefly on the genetic similarity of gates next to each other.

Discovering Human Design - A Projector's Experience

Discovering Human Design - A Projector's Experience

Flashback: my first published Human Design article in the Jovian Archive Newsletter!

Andrea in 2012

Andrea in 2012

This article was originally posted on my blog in summer of 2014. It was republished on right before they put an ad out for a social media content creator, and one of my instructors (A Cross of the Sphinx) asked me if I'd like to apply since I seemed good with social media.

That invitation changed my life radically, and as I did my Living Your Design Guide training my prayers for the past two years were answered - I was invited to work with HD professionally. Thank Jupiter for our Sphinxes to help to give direction in this life! With her invitation I began to travel the path to be the Analyst and Teacher I am today.

For fellow seekers who are searching for answers, I hope this remembrance of what it was like for me to begin my Human Design experience inspires some Hope in you to dig into your own experiment.

With Love, Laveena (name changed in 2017)

I was invited into Human Design a few years ago by someone who guessed I was a Generator from what he knew of me. He ran my chart, which showed I was one of a new Type of human that started appearing here in 1781 - a Projector. He then said emphatically "You NEED to know this stuff!”. I ordered the Definitive Book of Human Design, got a reading, and my deconditioning journey began through taking Living Your Design.

Since discovering Human Design, I have listened to and watched thousands of hours material, mainly from the Jovian Archive Media Library in the free as well as paid areas of the site, but also learning through many personal readings, coaching sessions and taking classes from certified analysts like Genoa BlivenKumud KabirDarshana MatthewsBecky MarkleyLasita Shalev and Carol Zimmerman.

I just re-took the foundation classes with Bethi Black at an in-person Human Design Intensive in Mount Shasta. This training blew me away in terms of my understanding of how I really am designed to function. Though I loved the convenience of the online foundation classes I’d taken over a year, now that I was more comfortable with the terminology, condensing that knowledge into a shorter time span and adding the in-aura interaction into my process allowed for a breakthrough in my understanding that I needed and am incredibly grateful for.

Some Human Design material I have reviewed several times over to absorb deeper meaning. Human Design uses the English language creatively to interpret the energy present in a graphical representation synthesizing major exoteric and esoteric sciences in order to understand the forces that make us who we are. Despite my years of study, after this week’s Intensive I feel like I just woke up to my design and am hearing so many things as if for the very first time. I'm in awe as I observe my body’s movements and have a visceral feeling of the practical applications that the Human Design System has in my life.

Meeting the Author of my favorite book in 2015. Photo by Lynda Bunnell

Meeting the Author of my favorite book in 2015. Photo by Lynda Bunnell

I know I can remember now to follow my Projector strategy of waiting to be recognized and invited into the big decisions in life – those critical, life altering decisions of where to live, who to love, what to do for work. I know I can wait now for clarity over time through the emotional wave of my defined solar plexus before actually moving forward with those big decisions.

In practice, I made lots of mistakes. And yet this is a far cry from the old me who would constantly strategize about my future or jump the gun on decisions. Not only would my mind scheme and manipulate, it would initiate big changes spontaneously because of the intense feelings I was experiencing in my powerful, mutating Solar Plexus Center, the source of my own inner authority, the one place in my design where I am designed to make decisions - the one place that I had been deeply conditioned NOT to trust.

Now I know how to wait. My waiting is interesting, it is active. I am never bored as I watch my movie. I am actively waiting. Waiting for clarity. Waiting for fulfillment. Waiting for the perfect timing of movement.

This looks like a more introspective me in conversations, with far more patience when it comes to big decisions. I know to wait - not to try to force anything or figure things out - though putting it into practice is much easier said than done, and I consistently catch my mind as I fall into old patterns of behaving. I know to hold back from jumping in to answer other's questions without being asked. I know to restrain from doing things without being asked. And I know that I don’t have to do everything that people ask me in order to prove myself. I know these things, but breaking the habits of my “Not-Self” way of being takes time, and I’m not there yet when it comes to the everyday patterns of my life.

However...The awareness and release from this constant pressure of conditioned behavior is a relief beyond words. That pressure that I have felt all my life to prove that I am capable, that I am worthy, that I am loveable, that I am good enough - that pressure was slowly but surely killing me.

Laveena 2015

As a child I was told constantly that I could do anything I put my mind to. Such a well-meaning and positive sounding phrase! Yet the things that I expressed that I wanted to do most were dismissed as unrealistic fantasy by that same advisor who told me what I should do instead.

Growing up as the eldest, I was used to fulfilling high expectations and being bragged about by my family, step-family and in-laws, to the point that I found much of my value in achievements and in how other people saw me. My self-worth was deeply dependent on what I thought others thought of me.

I suspected at times that the constant pressure to prove myself was detrimental... yet I didn't know how to turn it off or how else I was supposed to be!

Andrea 2016

Andrea 2016

When I turned 30, seven years ago, I consciously became aware of the frenzied pattern of over achievement that I had grown accustomed to as a problem. I knew that I had this energy within me, pushing me to be ambitious, to constantly achieve in order to prove myself, to work hard to become smarter, faster, better, stronger, more beautiful, more sexy, to take immediate action. This energy, that is not who I really was, pushed me to set my mind to do something and make it happen, to force success. 

Sometimes it worked. I had a long list of accomplishments to justify my time, my worth, my value, my importance. They became resume boosters in several careers that weren't right for me, as I struggled to be consistent; to be busy, to be productive, and most importantly, to be hard-working. To live up to society's’ expectations. I was completely ignorant of my lack of life force energy to work and overworked my body. I pushed myself at the detriment of my health to accomplish, to acquire more, to achieve the American Dream.

What I learned was that my happy feelings of accomplishment didn’t last for long; chasing my many dreams burned me out to the point of extreme overwhelm, constant exhaustion and deep, debilitating depression. Even though I got everything I thought I wanted, I was bitter and felt guilty inside.

Now, I see that those thirty plus years of the recurring feeling of not-worthiness was a by-product of my personality pushing my body to do things it didn’t want to really do, and my bio-form just couldn’t operate correctly because of my blindness to my own inner truth. I had collected so many new experiences and accomplished so many amazing things, yet I never felt successful even when I did seem to “have it all.”

Andrea early 2017

Andrea early 2017

I see now how open and vulnerable I was to the conditioning field of the people around me and the way that I was raised. My own incompetence (though my mind blamed it on others, wide split that I am) made me into something I was not. In my over-eagerness to please the people I loved, to prove myself and to be loved, trying to be what I was not led me to living a negatively conditioned “Not-Self” life. My expectations of myself and the expectations of others were pressures I forced myself to meet and if I couldn’t… well, I sure didn’t handle it gracefully, to say the very least.

As a Not-Self human I rarely made decisions from a place of calm or clarity - my decisions were generally impulsive, when I was either very up or very down emotionally. I ended up regretting so many of them very, very deeply - some of these decisions haunted me for years. I am designed to make mistakes and learn from them, but boy, some of my learning experiences were doozies and I would not wish them on anyone. 

Despite the innate resilience that is hard-wired into my design, I got to the point where I nearly killed myself. With similar chart aspects to the recently self-deceased Robin Williams, (“Individual circuitry”, “Split Definition” and “Emotionally Defined”), I had huge waves of powerful emotions, never felt whole when I was alone and often experienced the melancholy and sometimes depression that pulses through my being.

The ache of an individual without the ability to express it’s uniqueness can drain the life out of you when not understood, and can lead to intense feelings of loneliness that may have tragic endings for a Not-Self being. When that mutating pulse is understood and honored, it could instead lead to things like deep inner truth, innovative thinking and insight, intense creativity, radical change, higher knowing, and authentic direction. When you discover the truth about yourself, you are given the keys to unlocking your true potential and living the fullness of a life you were truly born for.

My Human Design Bodygraph. Illustration thanks to Loki at

My Human Design Bodygraph. Illustration thanks to Loki at

For 35 years I worked hard at making my life a success, wanting to accept and love myself, but looking in the mirror with unconditional love was just not possible. Rejection of self is a difficult place from which to learn how to behave. The pain from the countless mistakes I've made over the years through my trial and error learning process made it truly challenging for me to forgive, accept and love myself without guilt or trying to change anything.

It took heart-wrenching events of deep personal loss for me to really see the patterning of my experiences and to try to break it. Without Human Design to help me understand the program I was living and the reasons for my bitter predicament, who knows how much longer I would have chosen to live here. With Human Design I know I can peel back the layers of Not-Self to begin living as who I truly am and find the sweetness of success that I desire and was born for.

After hitting rock-bottom, thanks to an invitation I escaped the low-land city life that was not correct for me and moved to the mountains (before I even knew about Primary Health System), focusing on being in nature, meditation and studying to get back to myself. Human Design was the major tool that allowed me to finally understand my life and brought the light of hope back into it, allowing me to function again.

Name changed to Laveena summer 2017

Name changed to Laveena summer 2017

With Human Design, I knew I had had finally found the keys to mastering my life and what made other people tick. Now that I've been experimenting with the system for a few years, and after being invited several times to write about it, I know I can finally speak up and share my individual knowing to make a contribution.

Honoring the deep call from within to understand the way the world works in terms of the illusion we are living, I decided to commit my life fully to learning and sharing this work and my process with others when recognized and invited.

The vast majority of you who might be reading this will not need the kind of intense study in Design that I did to see results. All it takes is finding out your Type, Strategy and Authority and beginning your own experiment by testing it to see how it works. Human Design is not a belief system. It is a way of understanding the mechanics of the forces around us that shape who we all are.

As a Projector, I am designed to love and master systems - and our Projector process necessitates more study than any other Type. One of Ra’s primary recommendations to Projectors is to learn from our own kind, so I sought out those I could learn from. During my first year of living my experiment and studying design, I experienced major "shattering" of many beliefs about myself, the world and others that I had stubbornly clung onto as truth. It was really hard at times; I felt very confused and there was A LOT of crying!

Laveena 2018

As a solar plexus defined being, with feeling cognition, I'm a highly emotional person – something I was always deeply ashamed of. Starting as early as a young teenager I was prescribed powerful medications (which I could never consistently take) that just were not right for my sensitive system. Several important people in my life constantly pushed medication on me and sometimes I gave in just to please them. I didn’t trust my emotions and the people closest to me didn’t trust me because of them. They just couldn’t.

As the messenger of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu would say at times after delivering a particular bit of information “It is what it is” or "What to do?” Whether you are emotionally defined and feeling your own powerful waves of emotion or not emotionally defined and amplifying the emotions of those around you, there's nothing you can do but learn about your design, so that you can understand the mechanics to ride the waves of emotions, “Live Your Design” and through it all, "Love Yourself.” Human Design has shown me how to do that and I know it can do that for you too if you are ready for this knowledge.

No matter what my re-birthed form looks and behaves like, and on whatever mountain she will end up (I am designed to function optimally in the mountains), I finally get glimpses of what “passenger consciousness” means experientially and I am enjoying the movie of what it is to be human in my own form.

Now I want to ask you a few questions.

Would you like to know who you really are?

Would you like to see your true strengths and gifts?

Would you like to know what your Life Purpose really is?

Would you like to live life as the person you were born to be?

If you answered positively to these questions I invite you to join me on a journey of deconditioning yourself of the negative beliefs and incorrect behaviors that in all probability make up the bulk of who you think you are.

Laveena 2019

Get your Human Design Chart to find out your Type, Strategy and Authority now so that you can begin your own Human Design experiment to truly wake up to what you really are. I highly recommend a personal reading with a professionally trained analyst; all have had at least 3.5 years of deconditioning and intense immersion in the authentic version of this knowledge as it was given to Ra Uru Hu, the original messenger of this work who brought it forth into the world.  

Whatever path you take, the sooner you understand your design’s Strategy and Authority and implement this understanding in your life to begin your experiment, the sooner you can stop living a Not-Self life and live out your authentic uniqueness.

Isn’t it time to live the life you were designed for and experience the satisfaction, success, peace or surprise that is your birthright?
