In the Not-Self we can get caught up in the negativity of the mind, absorbed and seeking a way out, running in circles, not noticing how good it feels to simply feel the temperature of our hand on our face for an extended moment of time. A simple gesture, but exactly the right quality of support in the right place at the right time, with the right intensity, not too much, not too little, providing us with an enjoyable portal back to our senses in the present.
In these times of crumbling support infrastructure around us, we may discover innate support emerging from our own depths. Not because we went digging and excavating into our darkness with the mind in the hope of finding the light, but because we made the effort to reclaim our attention back from the addiction to the Not-Self. Because we trained the mind to see differently. Because we opened up the door to awareness and invited the intelligence of the Design into the live conversation we are having with the world in every moment.
The more your mind can reside in the natural movement of your Design and track it, receptive to what it brings to you without overamplifying it, the more you'll understand the operating system we're all embedded in. The more your own nature is integrated within you, the more you'll recognize it effortlessly outside of you. And wisdom begins to flourish in your undefined centers. This is a biological cellular knowing, not a superficial mental memorization of 'how things are supposed to be' or copy-pasted wisdom from elsewhere to try and make an impact. The ocean of neutrino information simply flows through you, and you know what you need to know.
The more you can surrender your eyes to go where they want to go, seeing what they want to see while ignoring the delusional interpretation process of the Not-Self agenda, the more your Strategy and Authority can begin to truly unfold moment to moment.
This is vital for how we navigate the spaces between invitations. As Projectors, we too must be correct moment by moment, even though we might wait for the right invitation for years. In between invitations, what we take care of is our eyes (including our third eye), gifting ourselves the ability to perceive clearly. This is what the other Types need from us. To help them recognize where the unconscious Design already wants to go, and how we might get organized around that.
And all of this begins by recognizing when enough is enough. Recognizing when your system is making the shift from acceleration to deceleration, activity to rest. If you're reading this, I invite you to take a few moments to simply let go into wonder, without trying to create anything new. Perhaps gently asking yourself these questions, slowly, one by one, to nourish your seeing and guide your own awareness:
1) If I let my eyes go where they want to go, wandering around in the external environment, where do I notice the greatest sense of ease?
2) Without mental interpretation, what are these eyes already seeing that I may not have noticed before?
3) What are the physical properties of that? Can I see its color, texture, shape? How does that register to my awareness, without me trying to do or create any of it?
4) If I stay with this just a little while longer, lingering at this contact surface of awareness with the external world, as my eyes easily go where they want to go, might I notice something different than before? Is there something new?
5) After having wondered freely for a little while, how do I feel overall compared to before?