What is A Living Your Design Guide?

Introductory Video

”So back into our presentation that I have for you, my inspiration is this, I love this quote, A living your design teacher as a guide to awakening this. This is what you're here to do.

Living design (he called it living design in the first class) is a great trip because your responsibility in that is that you're here to help wake people up, not train them as professionals. This is the only spiritual course you will find in human design your here to wake people up. That's your job, that's your. That's your responsibility. Ra Uru Hu

So if you're excited about that, I'm really glad that you're here because that's my excitement too. As a living your design guide, it is the forefront of all of the human design community. You are the first person that people most likely meet because we have the most living your design guides. It's a lot easier and faster to get into guide as a certification as opposed to analysts, which takes some time. You're the first like wave of people that are bringing this information out into the world.

So in order for you to have this system be something that is really, truly profound for the other person in that engagement, the first thing that you need to do is make sure that you're following your own authority first and foremost, and always, because people learn through your example. They learn from the experience that they have with you—that this is a logical, practical system, is not about beliefs, it's not fairy tales. It is helping them to make decisions that are correct for their genetic potential. Right? So that's all human design is. Somebody comes to you and says, well, what is it all you say? You don't have to go into this and that, this and that and this because it's not the components.

What it is as a whole is this is how you make decisions that you can trust. Simple. So as I go through this process, I'm going to be using a lot of my stories, my experience personally of teaching this knowledge. I love the groups. As I share my vulnerable experiences of being a teacher and a guide, I'm leading by example to help empower you in your own process. Your process may look very different from mine because your design is very different from mine. So I'm going to pass on what I know to be true about the mechanics to you to help you be successful in this process.


This way of making decisions that you trust and the mechanics is something that don't have to be argued with, but you do have to know enough about the information that you can see it for truth and you just lay it out there and you don't ask people to believe in you or because of something that you say, you always need to put it back on them. Rather than giving advice, “You should do this, you should do that.” It has to be “Well, how does that feel to you? What do you think? What do you think about…” if you're trying to get a mental projector talk to you, you speak to their design and I'm going to have a whole session on this where we're talking to that person's design based on their circuitry because this is their genetic code and we want you to unlock—help them unlock their own code. It's not about a power trip like I know more than you, so I'm telling you this is the way it is. Enter into it with a level of curiosity. What's this like for you?

So one of the biggest challenges, and I'm going to put that out here right now to help you resolve this fear of the biggest challenges when you first turn into a teacher instead of student is, "Oh, what if they ask a question, I don't know the answer to? What if they say something and I'm totally stumped and so I'm going to show you my design and I don't know what to think sometimes, I might be so overwhelmed. I have no idea what to say. My unconscious throat will just start saying things and what I've noticed works is I repeat the question. I share with them what I know about the mechanics and then I, I turn that question back around and I engage their authority. Whatever it happens to be, and that's where you start to tune in, listen to whether they're speaking from that authority or whether they're going back into they're not self and you just hold space for them to be aware. They may need to come back at you with their not-self and you cannot just sit there and point out "That so not-self!" That's not supportive or helpful. You have to bring them home to their authority and unlock their potential by getting, speaking to what's true for them and not accusing them of what's out here.

Because what's out here already has a lot of pain and suffering. They already think this is the problem and this is the solution. When it's not. So sometimes I just ignore the not self and I will go right back to seeing them for their light and that's what I found that works. And here's another quote from Ra "Mind isn't for turning off. It's not bad. It's far aligning. He says, it's for correcting. We have great minds," he says "They're beautiful things, but mine is not there to be your enemy for life. It isn't. It's here to serve. It's here to express you. So oftentimes in the beginning, if you listen to older Ra stuff, he hammers at the not self and you're going to have to take your own stance. However it is that you communicate, you will, you listen to naturally do that. So when you go into making mind your servant, you watch, you witness what's going on inside of your body, inside of your mind, and you detach from any association of ownership with that thought.

So every single open center in your design, I need you to be so aware of what those thematics represent so that you do not attach ownership for yourself to make your personal decisions from that openness. This is the thing that you need to do for yourself and you need to teach to your students so that they do not get confused anymore. And it takes a long time to decondition so it's not just this, "oh, I come, I do live in your design and then I'm done. I'm living my design." You know, that's not true. You know, it takes time.

So you have to role model it [Living Your Design] yourself. In order to make mind your servant, we need to see the beauty of mind and what it does. So when I teach living your design, if you have not taken living your design with me, I teach it the way I learned that human design America from Genoa Bliven and Genoa Bliven has a recommendation of doing something called Wild-Mind writing.

So that's one of the things that we're going to talk about next week while mine writing how you implement it, what's most supportive? I do not require it of my students, but over the years as I've gone through this process, the people who really get the most benefit either will do while my writing or if they're mental projector processing authority, they're talking about what they're learning in class with a sounding board, with someone else. Okay?

So when you go through my living, your design, awakening experience as an audit participant, I want you to do wild-mind writing if you can, like I really strongly, strongly, strongly suggest it, and then bring what you've learned to class and that's your training: is going through this process again with me at a different level of awareness.

Ra says “So many people have read all kinds of spiritual wisdom, but it does nothing effectively for their lives because that wisdom has no place to settle within their being. They are not themselves. How can anything grow in that soil? It settles into the not-self and it just gets filtered away into nothing. It means nothing. That wisdom stuff that they read, the books and whatnot. You cannot live out what does not belong to you. The openness. You can live in that charade, but it doesn't do you or anyone any good inside. You always know that it is a lie and that it is not real.”

The #3 Human Design Projector Success Secret

The #3 Projector Success Secret is WHAT you can advise others about.

LAVEENA: Okay. So let's go back to the next piece of your success secrets as projectors, as advisors. So the next piece is what? What are the challenges that you're here to advise on because you as a Projector are here to be an Advisor. That is the biggest thing to recognize is that we are here to advise the other people. Now how are we here to advise other people?

B stands for the area of where you actually Be. I'll just put be here where you be. Okay. Where are you? Be is described in the chart. Where. Where do you imagine that, that is?Where do you be?

So if that's the unconscious nodal environment. That's what I was looking for was nodal environment (your Unconscious Direction). Where would you see, how would you see?

PAUL: Personality Nodes.

LAVEENA: Yup! That's it! Challenges you can advise on are or where you are here to fulfill your incarnation cross purpose, your life purpose is where you be and how you see, so if you were to just look at a person's design and look at the Sun/Earth on their personality side and the nodal environment, the north and south nodes, the future direction and past direction, you would get a really deep sense of this person's movie, of their life purpose and how they are here to fulfill it. That is where you can provide guidance. Now it's not necessarily that those people have their life purpose as your nodes. However, those people are going to show up and you're going to find a really strong resonance with them.

It may be that the people coming to you are experiencing that and one of their larger life cycles like the Saturn or the Uranus or the Chiron. Maybe it's their solar return. Maybe they just need to have guidance from somebody, advice from somebody who sees things the way that you see things, so going into my example, my nodal environments is 27, 28, so I get a lot of Cross of Unexpected and 42 and 32, I get a lot of Cross of Maya this over the years. I just kept noticing why do I keep getting these same people all the time, the same cross. That's one of the reasons is because when you as a being are resonating or vibrating to your frequency. Now there's people being drawn to you that have something that they need from you and for me, it's the purpose of my mind process fulfilled and I happen to teach Human Design.

It doesn't have to be human design, but all of you as projectors have some kind of system that you're here to be of service to the other width, to master how people behave the way they do or why they do what they do. Some way of being able to guide their energy, their awareness, their perspective, their process, whatever it happens to be that they need from you that you've decided to specialize in. So if it's being and seeing and we have a design that gets nourished by life outside of what our unique differentiated design is, what do you imagine that W. stands for? Kind of teasing you guys because I haven't taught you this before, but I'm wondering if you can guess.

PAUL: Wisdom from the openness.

LAVEENA: Thank you Paul. Exactly!

You are a wizard in that openness, you are a wisdom person in that openness.

I had somebody in BG5; we have a profit potential training program on Wednesdays that I'm co-teaching with Karen. And one of the students came in and said, well, you know, I've got this defined throat center and I have all these wonderful channels and they're in these circuitries... So does that mean that I'm a wizard? I can speak with all of those voices. No, actually the true wizard in the open throat is a completely open throat that can speak in any different language that can communicate with any different voice. Think about Celine Dion, open throat, you know, I don't know if it's a completely open throat. Lady Gaga has an open throat, and they're both singers. That's how they make their money. So in the openness is where we have wisdom where we can advise on.

The #2 Human Design Projector Success Secret

The #2 Projector Success Secret is WHY you are in other’s Lives.

LAVEENA: Let's go to the next piece then and we have Why? If you've ever heard of Simon Sinek, he's a big why person, what's your big why?

So our big why is how we are here to help. We are here to help. This is our primary operative. You are here to help advise other people. How we do that? What do you think that sends for right there in human design terms, its Incarnation Cross. What is the incarnation? Cross stand for?

JULIE: Life purpose?

LAVEENA: Bingo! It's our life purpose, so how are you here to help? Each one of you has a unique cross and a unique public role. Your ability to be who you are is deeply tied to how your profile shows up in the world which BG5 five language we call public role, so your public role is going to show you how you are here to help. As an example, and we're not going to go through every all of the incarnation crosses or all of the Life Purposes or even all of the profiles right now, but I'll give you my example.

LAVEENA: I am a determined discover (3) and a practical marketer (5). That's how I Contagiate other people with my mind's process fulfillment purpose fulfilled through mine, quarter of initiation in the wheel where it is about me being able to Congtagiate other people with the way that my mind functions, the ones who recognize and invite me and the ones who want my level of how my life purpose shows up, so "It's innocent instruments of fate who can step in and change the fate of others through learning experiences and discovery." Being able to commit to an experience or an experiment like human design takes a lot of perseverance and that's where my 29 is in line three in the Earth. How I ground my core essence in being able to experience what it's like! Two of my Incarnation Cross gates are in generator areas there about the energy of the sacral.

So it's a big part of why I'm here to help is my life purpose. So for you guys, what I want to invite you to do at this moment is you. If you're particularly if you're strategic and you need kind of a focus or maybe when you listened back to this after as a receptive person that you kind of feel this out or brainstorm and go, okay, so "My incarnation crosses this, I know my public role is that..." when you go through Rave Cartography with me, you'll find out your public role and we haven't gotten there yet in this class, but you'll find that now you understand what your big why is from your incarnation cross.

Anyone want to add kind of any inspirations or recognitions about now you know what your incarnation crosses? That's your life purpose and that's your big why. Do you have any thing that you want to add or share to that? And you don't have to do it now. It could be later on when we look at your charts, we could talk more about it, but if there's something that's on your mind that you would like to share, please feel free.

KEVIN: Yeah. Going back to what you were saying about recognition and invitation. That's so important because it's really, it's about timing. It creates the correct timing for you to serve, and then the life purpose. I could just, I also have the Cross of Contagion, I've been with a specific focus honing in on that in my business and it, and I see the effect it has on the network. I see the effect it has on people and in that awareness of the life purpose has, has grounded me, and anchored me to be able to continuously be inspired to, to share that my message and to teach people human design. So that why is, is, is crucial, but that the life purpose gives a definitive description on that life purpose.

Yeah, absolutely. Great insights. Kevin

The #1 Human Design Projector Success Secret

The #1 Projector Success Secret is WHO is in Your Life.

Projectors make successful partnerships. Whether that is with their own or other Auric Types. BUT the who has to come into their lives correctly - through their life strategy of Recognition, Invitation and honoring their Authority.


And yet, from the point of view of the value of Human Design and what needs to be shared on the surface, it remains entirely focused here on Type and Strategy. It really is the whole story. And it’s the whole story in the sense that it is the synthesis of all the mechanical information that lies underneath. Everything about Type and Strategy is that it points us towards the only viable solution in terms of the being able to liberate the human spirit from the drudgery of the homogenized life and the dilemma of what it is to be not-self.

We are not equipped to simply be motivated by propaganda to transform our perception of life. It’s not enough for us to be moved, whether spirituality, religiously, mystically. The fact of the matter is that the mind is something that is helpless in being able to transform the life. And the only thing that truly aligns the life is the ability to be able to know where to find the essence of personal truth. I guess that’s really one of the most difficult places for a human being to go to. That is, to deny the possibility that the other has your truth. It takes a great deal of courage to be able to not only embrace your own Authority, but to live it. It is quite a thing to live your own Authority.

Ra Uru Hu

The video above is an excerpt of a recent live training I did. Here is the full transcript for the #1 Projector Success Secret!

LAVEENA: Welcome, I'm so excited that you're here and that we're having some fun now with looking at the Projector! This training is geared specifically for people who have taken LYD, ABC and are in Cartography, so there may be some qualities about what I'm saying, the ideas that I'm putting across it you may not be really familiar with if you haven't already taken those classes or you're not already in cartography.

So I've got my students here who are in Cartography right now and I'm going to ask you guys for your input after this presentation because this is going to be the first time I'm presenting the information that I've got prepared for you and I'm also gonna ask for your input. If you would like to share your chart and you don't mind being seen by other students.

I'm going to share this training with my Patreon community which is saved on youtube and then I put them in there. They're private and then I put them over to Patreon and then that way future students and people who are subscribers can also learn from the knowledge. So that's available to you guys. And we'll go do some chart work after I present to the information that I want to share with you. Does that sound good? Yeah? Okay, cool.


So, I want to show you what I've got prepared for you right now. We're looking at some Projector success secrets. I'm so excited because you're going to think that this is like super simple, but if you, if you don't know any of human design, it's kind of complex and you're like all over the place and you're lost.

If you're having challenges with succeeding and having challenges with enough energy, having challenges with your relationships, you're having challenges with making enough money. These are the secrets that are going to help you overcome that. You guys want to know what they are? There's only five, just five. I'm just so excited. Okay. Very first one who, who you are here to serve. So all of those projectors are designed to serve certain people and that is going to come through. We know this, our recognition and invitation, but let's redefine what recognition and invitation is because recognition and I don't want to say redefined, but just really established the boundary of what it is or the foundation of what it is. So that we're very, very clear on what recognition is and I want to invite you guys to go ahead and share with me too, if you have any inspirations, do you want to unmute and join the conversation?

This is not a lecture only piece. This is a communication of all of us, all of our wisdom, all of our knowledge, because you're in my classes, you've recognized me. Recognition comes with an energy exchange. It goes both ways. We have to have a recognition of an other in order to see how they can be made successful. Other people need to recognize our value to help them become successful. So it's a two way street.

Now invitation is another thing. One of the things I remember coming across human design in the very beginning and people going like, “Oh, I invite you to go do this or I invite you to go do that,” but they're not giving any kind of energy exchange to help support that invitation. So invitation comes with some kind of energy exchange. There's a give that comes from the other side that is going to help fuel your ability to succeed because we know as, as projectors, we don't have a constant connection with the sacral so we don't have a consistent ability to generate, we don't have consistent energy to manifest because we're not Manifestors (energy to the throat, consistent energy to make things happen).

So in order for us to fulfill our purpose, for us to serve, we have to have first the recognition-two way street. Then the invitation that comes with some kind of energy exchange. Is that clear for everybody and what do you have to add to that particular piece? If there is anything that you would like to share, an example that comes to mind, something that really, helped you recognize how this works for, for you now, if you've been in my classes, you've heard me talk about this before, you've heard me talk about who you are here to serve, which we know through recognition invitation, that's how we are invited into energy, experiences, communion with other people. So…

KENNETH: Our Aura focused and absorbing, and penetrating the core of a person. So, if it's not invited, we can become bitter and it can be too much for people to handle. Honestly. A lot of people don't want to go that deep and they don't want to get that honest and they don't want to face that or to be seen in that way. So if it's not invited it, it'll just have you know, an opposite effect of what we're trying to intend. to.

LAVEENA: Yeah, it can drive people away. Great add to that, because we know that for us, the way that we can penetrate into the core of a person, it's not just their identity center, it's actually the entire auric field of a being. We get in there and we go deep, like we really are curious, insatiably, curious. That's what drives all of those projected channels that we have. All of those channels that are projected in the design are curious about the other person can help the other person succeed. So that energy is focused, penetrating, absorbing, bringing in the conditioning, which allows us to recognize. Very specific conditioning that allows us to recognize. So everything for us has to be about discernment of the right other. The biggest projector success secret is the right other and all of this is giving you how to discern which is the right other. Now this is just the beginning. This is the foundation of fundamentals. There's more stuff we'll talk about beyond that as far as how you discern, but that's the first step. Our success depends on who we have in our lives. Anyone else have anything that they want to share before we move onto this next piece?

JULIE: I just wanted to say that I get asked a lot, the question about -and so I thank you for bringing it up- the question about the projector and a lot of people have a misconception that it only goes into the G of the other person, so, and it's a whole auric field exchange and that's one of the differences between the open g and then the Projector because the open g goes, it's the reading of the G, it goes into the GE, but projectors go into the whole aura.

LAVEENA: Yeah, that is such a good point to make. And to reinforce, Julie, thank you for saying that because what we are as beings are not designed to operate independently and I think that's one of the key pieces that once you recognize you are not an island, you don't have to do everything yourself.

You're not here to be all about you. It's about the collaboration with the other person. Of course, in alignment with what your design is here to do.

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The Human Design System DreamRave Design

What is your DreamRave Design?

Mine’s a Reflector

Most likely, you are too, as almost 70% of humans are. 

Notice in the above image that the Design of a dreamer is much simpler than your familiar Human Design Chart. The Head, Ajna, Ego and Solar Plexus centers are switched off when we sleep. So your DreamRave appears as a 5-Centered Design, as opposed to 9-Centered, with just 15 Gates instead of the usual 64.

The DreamRave calculation is 88 degrees of the Moon’s movement before your natal imprint and only includes current positions of the planets in mammalian gates. For these reasons, many people often see a Type change between their waking and sleeping designs.

Don’t want to do the calculations yourself? You can discover your Dream Rave Design by ordering your DreamRave chart here. Purchase it as part of your Full Advanced Chart or just choose the DreamRave chart only.

"Dream Design is perhaps one of the most interesting maps that exists in my work. It is fascinating because when you finally get hold of this and grasp it, you get to understand how powerful the impact of Dream Design programming can be.”

~ Ra Uru Hu

The Design of a Dreamer

Everyone has a unique DreamRave design that differs dramatically from their waking Human Design. When you compare the two side-by-side, you can immediately see the stark contrast and the limitation.

JovianArchive.com statistics of Type by DreamRave:

  • Reflector: 67.56% 

  • Projector: 14.93%

  • Generator: 16.64%

  • Manifesting Generator: 0.72%

  • Manifestor: 0.16%

    Here is an example of a Human Design System DreamRave Chart:

Human Design System DreamRave Chart Example

Human Design System DreamRave Chart Example

A note on buying Your DreamRave Chart:

This is not an interpretive service, it simply shows you what your dream design is.

Charts are run by hand so please be patient upon ordering as fulfillment is not instantaneous.

Read on for more of what your Dream Design can tell you! Ra taught that it’s the deepest conditioning, even higher than your split as a conditioning force.

“The level of conditioning that takes place while you're unconscious is incredible. I don't say this to take away from whatever your particular unique delight happens to be in your own dreamscape. My job isn't to destroy the illusions, it’s just to reveal the mechanics. I don’t care what illusion you want to go with, but the mechanics are very clear. The moment you step into that lunar body and shed most of your Personality, is the moment that you're going to be deeply conditioned.” Ra Uru Hu

What does Human Design say about our Dreams?

We spend about a third of our lives asleep. We have a different design in our waking state, that of our mammalian heritage. That means a third of our time alive is being conditioned as a form which is as alien to who we think we are as being a dolphin or a dog!

Mainstream science of dream interpretation is vastly different than the Human Design System Dream Interpretation and the role of nighttime dreams are viewed quite differently by us professionals of this fascinating tool for self-discovery.

Homogenization Station: Standard Dream Theory

“Sigmund Freud and C.G. Jung were pioneers in the field of dream psychology who theorized that dreams represent our deepest unconscious desires and impulses. They popularized the method of interpreting dream content with abstract symbolism and free association.

While modern dream scientists have mostly called these into question and replaced them with a new set of theories about, for example, the role of dreams in helping us process emotions, we are still left trying to interpret dream content and meaning.” JovianArchive.com

Most people interested in dreams have heard of Jungian dream theory, which states that dreams reveal more than they conceal. Carl Jung rejected Sigmund Freud’s dream theory interpretation—Freud believed dreams were mainly a product of discharging sexual (tabooed) impulses. He maintained that our dreams held important clues to be interpreted for insight into how our minds think.

Carl Gustav Jung’s Human Design Chart 2/4 Cross of the Unexpected

Carl Gustav Jung’s Human Design Chart 2/4 Cross of the Unexpected

Jung, on the other hand, stated that dreams are a natural expression of our imagination and needn't be interpreted for them to perform their function. Instead, he suggested that dreams are doing the work of integrating the conscious and unconscious aspects of our psyche.

Sigmund Freud Human Design System Chart 4/6 Cross of the Sphinx

Sigmund Freud Human Design System Chart 4/6 Cross of the Sphinx

The Human Design System’s DreamRave Design

Unlike Jung and Freud's theories, Human Design's DreamRave element is not about teaching us how to interpret our dreams for personal meaning. DreamRave is also not dependent on us remembering or not what happened. It’s not about lucid dreaming, either.

The DreamRave knowledge is yet another compelling aspect of the Human Design System that is astounding in its accuracy. Your DreamRave chart identifies your sleeping design to provide you with valuable data about why you dream what you do. The insights into what Ra called the "Night Forces" can be quite profound and hard to swallow as not being personal if you've spent a lifetime identifying with your dreams as “yours.”

The Shephard’s Dream by Henry Fuseli

The Shephard’s Dream by Henry Fuseli

As a helpful tool for awakening empowerment in your daily reality, your DreamRave gives you data about your nighttime illusions the way no other system can. Created from the same data that calculates your waking Human Design, your DreamRave illustrates the thematics of the conditioning you receive from the neutrino program while you sleep. Your DreamRave chart can show you what's holding you back from being empowered in your waking life—something you cannot see from your regular or even Advanced Human Design Chart.

“The work in DreamRave includes the ability to understand the actual mechanism of the sleep state, and the mechanical ways in which we are being conditioned and homogenized in that process.

This is a fascinating process as it helps us understand the nature of the dream archetype in a way that is mechanically precise. That is, there are different kinds of Personas. Each of the Personas’ carries a dualistic archetype, and these archetypes are what populate our dreams; they are the foundation for dream scenarios within the DreamRave itself.

So much of the attention about the nature of dreaming has been focused on interpretation rather than understanding it as a “seduction.” It’s one of the most brilliant seductions the program has—the dreamer's movie, the release from the normal domain, and the quality of the science fiction of it all.

We Are Receptors

If you look at a BodyGraph and the emptiness or open centers, it explains why it's so difficult for the average human being to escape homogenization; we are nothing but receptors.

When you're awake, you have the ability to deal with the conditioning to those receptors because you're conscious. You have a Strategy and Authority, a way of navigating through the conditioning field so that you're not drawn away from your possibilities; but, not when you're asleep, let alone all those human beings sleeping in somebody else's aura.”

What’s Your Weakness?

Your DreamRave may have an area of pressure called a "weak point." Some people have a weak point in their sleeping Design. A weak point shows where you are vulnerable, susceptible to certain influences that are not you. When your DreamRave Gates are bridging Gates in your waking Design, they represent areas of weakness that can filter into daytime awareness. If you are not aware of this, these areas can cause you to make decisions that are not in alignment with your true nature. Strategy and Authority are your protection from the weak point.

"... when you‘re looking at your Design and you‘re looking at your DreamRave the first exercise for you is to look at those gates or definition that translate over from your Design to the DreamRave and begin to look at them as your weakest point, and begin to think about them in that context, begin to see that this is your most vulnerable place. And then to begin to watch what it‘s like for you each day when you begin your process to see how these themes that are there are going to emerge one way or another, and they do. It is the brilliance of the program."
Ra Uru Hu


One of my Deepest conditioning elements is Sex

Here’s an example of nighttime conditioning. If we were to take Gate 50 into my waking Design’s split definition (two areas of colored in centers separated from each other create a split), you can see that because Gate 27 is hanging in my undefined sacral center, so adding the 50 would create a channel.

See how in my DreamRave Chart, Gate 27 is not there but Gate 50 is—Gate 50 is one of the deepest areas of weakness for me. Together gates 27-50 create the Channel of Preservation, having nothing to do with sex in the waking Design—but in the sleeping, mammalian-like Design, it governs reproduction - ie sex.

I remember growing up, all the way up until a few years ago (when my human design experiment really started to change me) I would often have dreams with fearful, sometimes sexual themes. Imagine how disturbed I was to also experience lots of massacres, cataclysms and bodies decaying! Gate 42 is from the demon realm, and it was responsible for a lot of nightmares for me before I started getting realigned.

The understanding derived through getting a DreamRave reading several years ago brought me so much relief from the confusion that identifying with those dreams can bring! I even remember killing people in my dreams, and waking up thinking, what the heck is wrong with me!

Can you imagine? 


What’s holding you back from Living Your Design? Conditioning.

The DreamRave can show you what’s holding you back from living your design. In changing the example above slightly—say you have both gates 27 and 50 (the Channel of Preservation) during sleep but your Human Design chart does not have that channel defined, and your authority is Solar Plexus.

The dilemma here is that you are so be deeply conditioned to behave in a Splenic (spontaneous) way, it can be a tough challenge to cultivate the patience necessary in decision-making as an Emotional being.

The benefits of understanding your DreamRave

“What you get in the dream can poison your waking consciousness.”  Ra Uru Hu


People who have delved into their DreamRave increased ability to notice the conditioning pressures at night. By understanding the dynamics at work, you are less likely to be held in the thrall of night time conditioning.

Many people who have experimented with implementing a strict routine of following their Primary Health System with their first meal of the day have also found tremendous benefits in terms of increased awareness and ability to follow their Strategy and Authority.

This has certainly been the case for me; I began following my PHS in January of 2013. Can’t remember killing anyone in my dreams since 2014.

Going to sleep correctly for your Type and sleeping in your own aura prepares you to enter into the dream state so that what you can take from it is of value to you, and wake up as yourself!

DreamRave study is a powerful and rewarding way of analyzing dreams that can empower you to let go of what isn't your authentic waking truth.


I hope you enjoyed this introduction to the Human Design DreamRave. I've studied it on my own and with IHDS. I am looking forward to right timing to submit my final project so that I can contribute peace of mind to others who can find comfort in this knowledge through correct operation.

Jovian has info for those of you this week who would like to delve into the realms of what Ra called the DreamScape. DreamRave knowledge offers us keynotes for each of the Gates, categorized into three groups; the Light Field, the Demon Realm, and the Earth Plane.

Discovering your dreamscape and the persona you don at night helps you comprehend the depth of your nighttime conditioning. With DreamRave, you can see how these influences affect you while you sleep. The residual imprints on your consciousness when you awaken can be understood through this knowledge.

If you are a student of Human Design and have the Maia Mechanics Imaging Software, here’s where to buy Jovian’s Human Design DreamRave extension.

The original source article written by invitation under birth name Andrea Abay-Abay in 2015. Portions republished here with permission.

Human Design System - Love, Sex and Caring in Relationships

Human Design System - Love, Sex and Caring in Relationships


Do you desire profound keys to how you are designed to successfully, peacefully and surprisingly connect in partnership and love relationships that are satisfying? IHDS Certified Human Design Relationship Analysts like myself can help!

Knowing YOUR way of Loving, Caring and experiencing Sex can offer clues to help you accept the kind of movie you’re in.
Which are you?

  • Are you more of a chick-flick kinda whirl, or maybe romantic comedy is your thing?

  • Do you have a “Romeo and Juliet” style of storyline?

  • Perhaps you’re in a steamy romantic action film?

  • Maybe the unrequited love and romantic drama is more your style?

  • Oooh here’s my favorite - the fantasy adventure with some magic on the side?

  • Or how about a romantic thriller, the kind of damsel in distress show that has you on the edge of your seat?

The funny thing is, although I’m using these homogenized movie dramas to illustrate the point that we all have different ways we’re attuned to love, there are billions of reality shows going on right now, and none of them fit perfectly into those categories above. We are all designed to love, care, and have sex uniquely!

Photo via JovianArchive.com

The more I decondition, the less attractive and real those movies seem, as I’m captivated more by the real-life movie I watch in the people who come to me for advice in their romantic partnerships.

Remember entering into relationships correctly is about Strategy and Authority, not what your mind thinks about any of this stuff. Yes, this is incredibly fascinating. Yet remember to follow your body into alignment. Personally I find great fun in unlocking the mysteries of how we connect, feels like reading those Nancy Drew novels when I was a kid.

In Human Design, there are layers and layers and layers of “keynoting” words or word-phrases that help us understand the function of the 64 Genetic Codes and their 6 different binary ways they show up in humans.

In this article, I’ll introduce the love codes that can give you a general theme of how you love as an introduction and point you to further resources to learn about them. I first learned about these as they were briefly mentioned in my Human Design Foundations classes. You can watch a 30 minute video of me presenting on them here.


Ask a physicist, and they’ll tell you love is chemistry.

Ask a romantic, and they’ll tell you it’s a yearning that drives all great fables.

The psychotherapist will tell you there are several kinds of love.

“Love” can be a generic term, for there are so many different nuances to the feelings of love.

One thing we can all agree on: it is impossible to thrive in life without love. Love can seem like an eternal mystery, the idealized myth of fairytales… but when you begin to look at love through the lens of Human Design mechanics, you’ll find that love is all about connectivity.

There are certain hexagrams Gates in the Rave I-Ching that carry the frequency we call love. In Human Design we call these (hexagrams) the “Love Gates.”

Whether you have all the Gates of Love consistently defined in your bodygraph, none of them or something in between, the way you experience those feelings we term love is outlined in these ten gates. If activated in an undefined center, you will be conditioned by that gate anytime it gets defined. If the gate is open (not colored in) then you’re here to experience and can amplify all the ways love can show up in your life. Wisdom is derived here if operating correctly. Rely upon Strategy and Authority to make decisions and the love nurtures you in this life. Make decisions from trying to find or hang onto these themes of love in your life and witness the pain of the mind manifest your not self suffering.

There are two primary themes of love; Transcendent and Mundane. The four Transcendent gates of love are looking for love through the other, and are rather impersonal. Rarely do these gates carry the powerful, intense feelings of love that the Mundane gates do.

The seven everyday, personal, “Mundane” (as Ra called them) gates of love are looking for love with someone, emerging according to the theme of that gate.

There is one gate (10) that carries both Mundane and Transcendent Love themes.

The Transcendent Gates of Love

Photo via JovianArchive.com illustration by MyBodygraph.com

Photo via JovianArchive.com illustration by MyBodygraph.com

Transcendent gates of love are the extraordinary, non-mundane kind of love associated with the following themes:

Rave I-ching Genetic Code Gate 25

Rave I-ching Genetic Code Gate 25

“The Spirit of the Self” Hexagram of Innocence: Human Design Gate 25 - Universal Love

Being loving in the universe; having a place to be loving towards what everything is.

Godhead: Michael - The Angelical Mind

Rave I-ching Genetic Code Gate 15

Rave I-ching Genetic Code Gate 15

“Modesty” Hexagram of Extremes: Human Design Gate 15 - Love of Humanity

Loving being human; caring about humanity and having a collective vision of how human beings are supposed to operate.

Godhead: Parvati - The Goddess of Marital Felicity

Rave I-ching Genetic Code Gate 46

Rave I-ching Genetic Code Gate 46

“Pushing Upward” Hexagram of the Determination of the Self: Gate 46 - Love of the Body

Loving the body; recognizing the beauty of everybody’s form, understanding the beauty of each body as a unique vessel.

Godhead: Christ “Love Thy Neighbor”

Rave I-ching Genetic Code 10

Rave I-ching Genetic Code 10

“Treading” Hexagram of Behavior: Gate 10 - Loving being Alive (Transcendent)

Loving being alive in the world; loving the world as it is, loving one’s-self

Godhead: Vishnu “The Godhead of Monotheism”

“The nature of the real Tantra, the love of humanity and the love of the body, they actually go out—and this is very technical—they actually go out through the 10th gate. That is, the 15 goes through the 10, it’s opposite, and the 46 goes through its 25, it’s opposite. Now this is the vaguest system in our health process. In other words, this is literally the way we breathe and live, okay. And it’s a very important circuit that’s in the body. It’s not a circuit I teach you, because it’s something that’s involved in health and in medical practice to understand this circuit. So when you’re looking at, for example, the love of humanity (gate 15), that the natural outlet of the love of humanity is to go through the 10 and either to be awakened, to find your form, or to follow your convictions. That’s one.

On the other side, the love of the body (gate 46) leads to initiation and an entry into communion. In other words, those movements are like this. So you can see what happens is that the individual Tantra fuels our direction and the themes of our direction whereas the Tantra that is collective then goes back into the body itself, goes back down. It’s not looking for the Throat,—goes back down into us. So, for example, the nature of the 15-5 establishes its rhythm to find the perfected form. In other words, to bring that rhythm to a perfected form and in bringing that to a perfected form, the ability to have the energy necessary to struggle in this life. In other words, there’s a whole movement that goes around.

The same thing is true for the love of the body. To initiate the community to the love of the body. To initiate the community to the body as temple which is why we build temples. We build temples because the 46 leads naturally to the 25, it’s opposite which is the priest or the priestess who says we will give them a temple for them. We will create a temple for them. We will create a body. This is the body of faith. You go into a church, you go into a synagogue, you go into a mosque. What you’re going into is the 29-46, going out the 25-51, and down into the 40-37.” Ra Uru Hu 

How Your Human Design Charts Connect

Connecting to people who have these gates consistently active in their design, you experience them as naturally loving. It’s just the way they’re hardwired. Their way of searching for a greater love is to be loving - it doesn’t necessarily mean that they love you specifically; the love itself isn’t necessarily in their other.

In a relationship with these people, it can feel like they are looking beyond you for even greater love. This can be a possibly disturbing experience for others to connect to when attempts are made to make their impersonal loving personal… don’t get offended when they don’t love you back. Its just mechanics.

People with these Gates can be very nice to have around despite their love rarely feeling personal. Transcendent love doesn't have to be personal to feel good and give you that sense of joy and possibility of life with the other. These four gates have a transpersonal quality deeply rooted in the G Center.

Again, this love goes beyond simply identifying with another - it’s finding love through someone. Rarely ever felt as strongly as personal love, transcendent love gates make up the Cross of the Vessel of Love.

The Mundane Gates of Love


Mundane Gates of love are looking for love with somebody through the dynamic connection and unique expression particular to each gate. There is nothing more intense than the definitions in composite charts that involve these gates when they bring connections to each other.

Each of these Gates carries with it a demand for personal connectivity. It is through these seven Mundane Gates - 10, 44, 40, 58, 41, 28, 55 - that we get our illusions of personal love
Mundane gates of love operate through mundane terminology or keynotes - that is, this is the ordinary, every day, earthbound kind of love that finds love through these gate specific themes with another.       

Which of these gates lead you to experiencing love through these unique aspects of love with the other?

Hexagram of Behavior: Gate 10 - Self Love through Others (Mundane)

Finding love of the Self through being loved by others.

Hexagram of Alertness: Gate 44 - Successful Love

Finding love through material success; the love of talent.

Hexagram of Aloneness: Gate 40 - Earning Love

Finding love through work to earn appreciation; the love of work if the work is supported and the work supports the people they love.

Hexagram of Aliveness: Gate 58 - Perfecting Love

Creating out of correction and challenge, perfect love; love that proves the strength of love.

Hexagram of Contraction: Gate 41 - Dreams of Love

Finding love through fantasies and sexual experience.

Hexagram of the Game Player: Gate 28 - Love with Purpose

Finding love through the struggle for purpose.

Hexagram of Spirit: Gate 55 - Eternally Indecisive Love

Mysterious, mystical, emotional Love that doesn't know if it really loves; unrequited love  


Layers of Interconnectivity - the Human Design Love Connection

All these ways of connecting are part of our program of learning and evolution. Each and every one of us has multiple layers of connectivity to others. But whether we have a connection through these Transcendent or Mundane gates, we call the emotion we feel through those connections Love. Knowing these gates can help you understand and recognize why situations can be uncomfortable, and free you from repeating unhealthy behavioral patterns.

The Love Gates describe the many themes of love that we can experience with all the people in our lives. Because everything is a duality, these can also be gates of “I don’t love,” or even hate, as well.

Most of us have some of these gates consistently defined within us, and it’s through these gates that we can learn about love from our connection with others by being ourselves.

If you have an activated Love Gate in an open center, when someone comes along with the electromagnetic (the opposite gate completing that channel) you may experience that relationship as “The One” and most likely may feel a stronger sensation of love than the other feels for you.

If you have an activated Love Gate in a defined center, your love for the person who brings the electromagnetic simply isn’t as powerful or compelling. It’s still there, but you don’t have the same response. You’re naturally investigating other connectivities.

The moment that you can be yourself and see the love for what it truly is, you can accept the other for who they are and be with them without trying to change or fix them. Our unique capacity for love develops within us through following our Strategy and Authority; not only for the benefit of others, but also for ourselves.

"If you allow someone to be who they are and they allow you to be who you are, then that's Love. Anything else is torture." Ra Uru Hu

Based on a fundamental transcendent love,
Human Design is a tool that helps everyone
to understand the various kinds of love,
how it works, and ultimately find self-love.


If you’re a mental Projector or the like who really enjoys self-study, I highly recommend “The Love Gates” Human Design System class - an audio program by Ra Uru Hu. Unfortunately the recording is old and not great quality; still if you like listening to Ra it is well worth the cost and the five and a half hours you’ll spend listening to it. It was one of the first programs I bought, even before I joined the Jovian team! (Disclosure: Although I still do work with Jovian, the above link is not an affiliate link nor am I paid to promote their products on my blog. I just like sharing what I’ve found that has been helpful in my experience. Original Love article written under birth name of Andrea Abay-Abay in early 2015 by invitation from JovianArchive.com. Republished here with permission.)

Did you know?

Love is just one of the many ways we are designed to connect with each other. There are also




Learn all about how you and your partner are designed to Care, Love, and be Sexuality intimate in relationship…

Who was Human Design System founder, Ra Uru Hu?

My latest keynoting of Ra Uru Hu.

Photo via Ra’s official site: JovianArchive.com

Will  Instinctively Innovate

and practically market  the details of an

empowering, competitive,  creative new system ​

to initiate others into perfecting their form ​

using a penetrating awareness of higher principals, ​

unconsciously impacting with genius efficiency

through the path of individuality, ​

the authoritative details of what he thinks 

as an Independent Clarion ​

whose purpose is fulfilled through his mind’s message ​

that has the power to shock the world into a new direction ​

using the energy potential to manifest inspiration without limitation. ​

His unusual monkish behavior led to transformation through retreat ​

that promised deliverance with a resoluteness of leadership ​

to be first in awakening by establishing answers and solutions as an authority on memory

to bring about Peace.

Creator of the Human Design System

Creator of the Human Design System

Ra’s BG5 Profit Potential:

As an Instinctive Innovator ​

and Practical Marketer, ​

Ra was a detailed authority who provided a system ​

that helped you to quit doing things for the money, ​

just quit being disempowered with that old stuff to join the new!​

He also promised and sold Inspiration ​

through establishing relationships that are interdependent, ​

his core essence being an investigator of occult knowledge ​

to become an authority on the wisdom of Inner Truth.​

Unconsciously Ra was driven to sell the collective a dream of efficiency ​

through enlightened selfishness ​

while communicating the acceptance of limitation ​

that brings about Freedom from pressure and stress.​

Valuing Principals which organize others ​

through potential sensitivity to the needs of his tribe, ​

he unconsciously sold pleasure through the wisdom of popular discontent.​

One of my favorite quotes of Ra.

One of my favorite quotes of Ra.

The brilliance of this man was truly incredible. The deeper I dive into Human Design, including the Rave Psychology, BG5 and OC16 systems he developed, the more in awe I am of my life and my place in it.

Thank you, Ra!