Will, can you feel that loving your body means accepting that just because you can get into someone’s personal space does not mean it’s correct for you to be intimate with them?
An Invitation to Human Design System Professionals in Training
Can you dedicate yourself to learning through cultivating awareness - observe, question, listen, offer compassion? Walk the path first, no one knowingly follows a hypocrite, and you won't be effective in guiding them if you're not LIVING this knowledge.
Human Design Living Your Design Professionals, we're in this together
Human Design and Money: Material Dignity—Serving the Fractal, Not the Market
Material Dignity: Serving the Fractal, Not the Market
In this article, I hope to help you on your way with finding the livelihood that's correct for you - whether you're considering starting your own enterprise, or looking for something new to do.
Per invitation by Ninna Amora, I'm writing a short article on the nature of the fractal with regards to one's service, vocation, profession - and target audience or market.
This is something that has come up from various directions; from clients, students and friends who are exploring how to apply the Human Design system as a means of establishing their interface with the material world, the mundane bureaucracies and many economic barriers that are part of living in a homogenised environment.
A prominent set of questions that I see many people asking themselves includes:
"How do I reach my audience correctly, when I do not want to do it from a place of strategic manipulation and typical sales tricks?"
"How do I connect to the material flow authentically, when I can barely articulate who I am or what I'm about?"
To make a living by earning a financial income, there needs to be an entry point into the marketplace at some level. This is where society tends to demand clear identification; a reliable product or service that promises certain results in exchange for a set value. If you've got an undefined or completely open Heart Center, especially in combination with an undefined or open G - the Not-Self mind is probably already getting desperate.
At some point in our growth and maturation process, we're put in the position where there are many questions with no ready answers, and no acquired experience either. Something seems to be expected from us in order for us to make progress, but we have no clue how to meet that.
Whether we are young and just starting out, or we already have a career trajectory behind us, as we follow our strategy and authority (perhaps even going through the four radical transformations) then we're likely to reach a point at which we barely recognize the person in the mirror. We've changed so much, we have traded knowing for not knowing, certainty for uncertainty, mind for inner authority - we've become much like an alien to most people out there.
Being truly different in this world is something we bear, not as a burden, but as an ongoing empowering challenge nonetheless. The most difficult part is communication, crossing the divide between the differences that separate us in order to bring our message across - without abandoning our truth. It isn't easy to understand and be understood while operating from an irrational body-based authority..
One of my Living Your Design students recently told me it feels as though he's undergoing a metamorphosis, like growing a new skin that is still delicate and very sensitive, and yet he has to meet social complexity and harshness with this unexpected sensitivity on a day to day basis. Suddenly dropping the Not-Self armouring can leave us feeling vulnerable and naked in the face of people who do not seem ready or willing to understand where we're coming from. If we add an undefined Solar Plexus to this story, the nervous system can be particularly apprehensive, touchy and nervous about being revealed for who we really are.
The pain can be significant to such a degree that there is very little bandwidth left for actually coming to understand the other, falling back on our own assumptions and projections rather than dialogue and listening - because it requires less energy.
Putting things into perspective: we are shapeshifting back into who we were born to be, reclaiming the gifts that are hidden in parts of us that were deeply wounded - once rejected by the world we now want to intimately connect to. By really grounding ourselves into the material plane. This is not simply a psychological adventure - this is as physical as it gets. It's a process that requires a lot of energy, and so we can expect to become more intolerant at first - it's a biological thing, nothing personal. Yet we have to be aware, or risk falling into contempt.
If you're recognizing yourself in this process, then it is your rite of passage of coming into spiritual adulthood. We are soon entering the next Global Cycle of the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, a time in which one of the keys to survival will be finding the spirit through materialism. For those of us who genuinely want to live in awareness and purpose, there is no sidestepping this anymore. Mother and Father's protection is diminishing and will start to be pulled away come 2027. It's time to emerge into the world on your own legs, in your own authority and in material dignity according to your unique spirit.
So far, I've mentioned three undefined Centers: the Heart, the G and the Solar Plexus. If, like me, you have all three of them undefined then you'll probably recognize they operate as a complex. In a recent post Laveena refers to them as 'The Big Three', and provides a simple step by step process to unravel them:
These three strong pain points can weaken one's self-esteem, sense of worth or value, and ability to confront emotional conflict and crises. Each of the shadows that we find in these Centers can prevent you from actually coming home to this planet, wandering endlessly through the mists of insecurity.
The Undefined Heart: 'I have to... in order to be valuable...'
The Undefined G: 'Fix an identity that secures direction and love...'
The Undefined Solar Plexus: 'Live a secret life (while avoiding the truth)...'
This complex brings the three strategies of these undefined Centers together into crafting what is basically a social caricature that reflects the homogenised environment. You shape yourself according to your conditioning in a way that secures you a place of belonging, compensation, and minimised hassle. 'Give them what they seem to want, so I can have and be something as opposed to nothing.'
Then when you get home you can look into the mirror (or every window reflection along the way) to check out the attributes you've adorned and misidentified yourself with to keep up your self-confidence. (Again there's no shaming in any of this, it's just the way in which these undefined Centers express themselves mechanically when conditioned.)
One of the manifestations of this is getting trapped and fooled by appearances. Homogenised society pollutes the collective projection field with all sorts of deceiving and distracting images that glorify the Not-Self. People hiding behind convincing facades of status, class, power, wealth - disguised in all sorts of material glamour in order to attract, seduce, distract and possess. This pollution does not only fill up our streets with advertisement, but it also fills up our minds with a plethora of conditioned ideas about what it means to be worthy of attention, support and financial compensation.
And the Not-Self makes its bargain plain: here are our ideal models, strive to look and behave like that and along the way we'll find something you can get paid for. If you don't, we'll ridicule or marginalise you. All homogenised conversation essentially ends every other sentence with 'good model' or 'bad model'. Thumbs up, thumbs down. I think we're all very aware of the mental judgment that goes on in everyone's heads.
To our own Not-Self mind, this is what the worry is about and it can trigger an identity crisis. We were raised to understand and express ourselves based on comparison with others, and this gives everyone else a reference point for mapping us onto their value hierarchy. The Not-Self defines relationships between self and other by contrasting the conditioned models that are being communicated:
You dress, walk and talk a certain way, which emulates a model that fits somewhere in the bigger picture of society where you think you should be in order to get what you think you want. Somebody else dresses, walks and talks a different way, you compare your models (totally subconsciously for most people), and you think they are 'that' and you are 'this' and therefore you 'should' or 'should not' interact a certain way - or can't even hope to interact. This is how we are divided and divide ourselves into social classes. It's how we give ourselves away to corporate behavioural psychoanalysts and algorithms because we're enthralled into a predictable pattern.
This is the conditioning we face when we are revamping our livelihoods from a place of unconditioned authenticity - and this is not a stellar issue for everyone. Some of us have a very clear and self-empowered sense of identity and role defined. Some of us have a very strong ego defined that can handle all of the above without losing themselves. Most of us do not.
What stood out to Ninna in our recent conversation, was a perspective on inequality that is not often discussed in Human Design circles. The conditioning that I just described above is not simply of the mind, unfortunately. We have concretised it into urban planning and law. This is where the Not-Self finds its juice, all the evidence it needs to back up its perceptions of not being good enough on the one hand, or feeling self-entitled on the other. It's the kind of context that leaves people struggling with the price tags of professional Human Design readings, and why you see certain geographic, economic and racial backgrounds dominate HD social media groups.
There is a limitation at work that we have to come to terms with, however distasteful it might be. The human population at large is segregated, and many people do not have access. And even when people do have access, a story in the mind often tells them they can't afford it or that they're being economically exploited just like everywhere else. As you probably heard Ra say - it's a dense Maya. So how do we cut through that?
In my work as BG5 Consultant, when I'm collaborating with people to find the work that is correct for them, a lot of energy is initially spent on discerning 'Who am I?' and 'What am I here for?'. The usual habit for people is to try and find some direct answers to those questions based on what I can analyse in the chart - followed by 'Now who can I sell this to and how do I go about it?'. Unless you're a 44/26 or a 1/8 with a bunch of third lines, from my perspective this is not the right approach - because we're playing right into divisive assumptions and conditioning.
I asked myself those questions for years, having acquired expensive business and economics degrees, having done a lot of introspective self-analysis and spiritual journeying - I had learned a lot, but gotten no closer to 'financial freedom' or articulating 'my service' in alignment with what I perceived my values to be.
The more I thought about these things, the more isolated I became, the more disconnected I felt from ordinary people. Not only that, but I also found myself more and more incapable of actually meeting genetic, cultural and economic difference. Regardless of the amounts of languages that I could speak. At some point, unless people were into Human Design, we basically couldn't sustain a meaningful conversation for more than a minute.
My Not-Self mind was roaring with assumptions that people wouldn't give me a chance based on what I looked like or how I spoke, while secretly rejecting everyone else by the same token. Feeling sorry for myself as 'a privileged white European dude on the Cross of Explanation' - haven't we had enough of those?
See, when people ask themselves "Now who can I sell this to?", chances are the mind is going to do some classic market segment analysis that reduces people to homogenised patterns. And though there is a place for that too, it isn't going to enliven your service and livelihood or help you understand what you're here for.
Taking a market approach like this follows an assumption that that's what your life is about - and it isn't. Your life, if you're here, is about expressing your Outer Authority as value for the other. That is something else entirely, and this is the only path to material dignity in alignment with who you truly are. If your way of making an income doesn't support that, you'll watch your spirit fade.
And this finally brings us to your fractal.
You are not here to serve a market, that's what it looks like on the surface and as we integrate into this mundane world, but that is not what your activity is. Don't let conditioning reduce you to that.
Just like everyone else, you're an aspect of existence itself. You're a differentiation of the Totality as it evolves and experiences consciousness within itself. As a nine centered form we get to share this process with each other in awareness. And because we are a fundamental part of the whole, we are intimately interconnected with everything else - according to very specific geometry. This geometry defines our innate place, and this place defines our value for others. All of this is coordinated by the monopole in the G Center and unfolds naturally.
There is nothing extra you have to do in order to be deserving, worthy, or competent enough to meet the forces that are here to nourish you. Just be yourself, doing what you love to do.
When you look at a fractal, what you're seeing is basically a self-similar form. A pattern that repeats within itself geometrically and connects all of its iterations in an underlying wholeness. There is a self-similarity like this that you share with everyone you ever encounter in life, at some level. This self-similarity is love.
When we analyse a chart, we can find fractals in many different ways. But for you to find out who you're here to serve with your Outer Authority, you have to find the fractal that corresponds to your correct trajectory through life. This is represented by the Nodes of the Moon.
Laveena teaches that the Design Nodes are 'Where You Be' and the Personality Nodes are 'What You See'. By bringing these two together with your incarnation cross, and by looking at this within the context of your chart as a whole, we can keynote and describe your place in the ecosystem - and how exactly you're here to bring value to the other in this life. These are the answers that catalyse significant breakthroughs for clients.
Ra Uru Hu was embedded into an environment where he was surrounded by other experimental 'freaks' who were ready to experiment with something new that he could initiate into the world. A shocking system rooted in his unique seeing about the nature of creative individual self-expression and mutative direction. A wisdom about the nature of limitation grounded in facts, voiced through his recognition of spirit - that innocence alone does not guarantee success. An impact that would allow future generations to survive the coming times. This was his fractal service.
It starts by understanding the difference between a 'market' and a 'fractal' (in Human Design terms):
A market is something you engage with in order to make money, to purchase something, or to leverage in order to build infrastructure.
A fractal, however, is your self-fulfilment through the other. It is who you are and where the illusion of separateness between self and other is eventually dissolved. The market is an abstract impersonal entity, the fractal is something you can actually care about.
When you can recognize your fractals by being correct in your own frequency, following your Type, Strategy and Authority into correct interactions, then you'll start to see what life is asking from you. You'll start to see the recurring themes in your life that you're here to learn about, you'll start to see Outer Authority being pulled from you to make a difference in someone else's life, and you'll start to notice what physically enlivens your spirit and body.
Putting this recognition into an articulate form that people can understand and compensate you for is a joyful and easy process. Whichever marketing strategies you then end up using, it follows correctness and awareness. And at the same time, your service is not strictly bound to the marketplace, it can occur anywhere anytime.
And so you'll notice something else too: the illusion of social class shatters. Who you speak or don't speak to is determined by correctness, not superficial appearance or preconditions. Whether the other is a beggar whose words you can't quite understand, an executive CEO whose experiential background intimidates you, or someone with a gender or skin colour you haven't seen before. When it's correct, there is value exchanged without effort. This doesn't mean you won't have to put energy into establishing a connection, a relationship, a mutual understanding - it may take work, but it'll be correct for you.
So as a BG5 professional, analysing a chart is one thing, helping someone identify how their fractal shows up in real life is another. And for yourself, receiving the analysis is one thing, but opening your eyes and ears to the world around you, putting your attention back out there to really see who is in your life - what enlivens them? This is something else entirely. (Shout out to Undefined G Projectors in particular.)
In the process whether we're moving through this ourselves or we're helping someone else find their way, we all find our edges. We encounter the limits to our empathy, our compassion, our understanding, and it's the relationship that provides us with the opportunity to grow by learning. We are mirrors for each other. Whenever you're listening to recorded lectures by Ra, pay attention to when he describes his own learning by relating to his students, given where he was coming from. It's quite humbling.
This is the trajectory of alchemy through relating, transmuting the shadows of our undefined centers into wisdom by living correctly. It's the only way you get to Outer Authority.
Your service is what characterizes the interaction and bonding along your fractal path through the material world (following your Profile). There is the enjoyment of correctness through cycles of pleasure and pain, cost and loss, profit and gain, and within that; the experience of flourishing as yourself - as you make a purposeful contribution to life and consciousness. Not because you have to. Not because it's the moral thing to do. Not because if you don't you're never gonna get what you want.
It just happens because you are who you are. And there is peace, satisfaction, success and surprise in knowing what that's like, and watching the material world roll out the red carpet in front of you.
Enjoy your movie,
Human Design Chart Reading Priority Practice with Freud and Jada Pinket Smith
Unraveling the Not-Self - Human Design Infographic
For No Definition, Single Definition, and Triple Split Definition - Shadow Priorities
Human Design System Manifesting Generators on Waiting and Responding
IHDS Living Your Design Guides Amy Garvey and Micala Duvoux on Waiting and Responding
Human Design Pros in Training Guided Study Group Princess Diana
Princess Diana Human Design Chart
Human Design Guidance Infographic
Unravelling the Not-Self Purpose Part 1
The Most Important Human Design System Professional
Do you want to learn to be a Human Design System specialist, expert, coach or consultant?
Perceptual Attunement: Seeing Correctly Through your Aligned Human Design Viewpoint
Radical Transformations using the Human Design System
Some inspiration from our Radical Transformations, which is also included in Professional Analyst Training Level 1, Year 1.
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Relating without Blame: Split Definitions and the Penta
The Human Design System Penta by JovianArchive
In this article we'll be taking a look at relating with awareness.
Functional relationships are at the core of what makes civilization work and what allows us to thrive in the many social processes that we get involved in throughout life. And given the nature of the world we are raised in, such relationships need to be fought for. They cannot be taken for granted, they are precious and rare. The legacy of the Not-Self that pervades cultural models, stereotypes and moral ideals include co-dependency, indebtedness, blame and fault-finding - and this is not what relating is about.
This article features valuable quotes not only from course material on split definitions from Ra, but also information from my BG5 Career and Business Consulting on the nature of the Penta.
The Penta is the group entity that determines group and family dynamics and therefore much of the household scenarios that form our early life conditioning.
In my experience as a Broad Split design, what I have seen along the way is the complex interrelation between the split definition that is prone to blaming and the emergent stress or toxicity from group fields (Pentas that essentially do not have the energy they need to be successful). These things come together to create dynamics of scarcity, blame and hurt that are unnecessarily personalized and internalized. It becomes a part of our Not-Self story and we carry it with us into any new context we enter into. When a new context is similar enough in configuration to our family of origin, this can be especially triggering and bring out a version of the Not-Self we thought we had left behind.
If you're unfamiliar with the Penta, further below I will describe concisely what it is and the implications it has for human society, community and households - after introducing the split definitions.
Relating Without Blame - Split Definitions and the Penta
The Broad Split
"It says, “Look, I've got this broad split. I need, I need to have this. It’s what I'm about. This is what I'm here to experience; this is what I’m here to learn. If you cannot give this to me, then this is not a relationship that is correct. If you cannot give me, as in this case, the intimacy, if you can’t give me these things, if you don’t give me the marriage and the bonds of the 19/49 or the romance (of the 39/55), if you can’t give me these things, it’s not going to work. And I don't need them all. But, if we are going to work together, this is what I need from you.”
This is not about saying to somebody that they are not correct. What happens to the not-self with these broad splits is that they’re always just simply blaming. And again, blaming in the context of bitterness, frustration, or anger instead of understanding that because of their very design, anyone who will bridge that split of theirs with that broad split is ready to hear what they need from them, because they’re already bringing it.
“This is what I need from you.” It goes deeper than that because I want you to really understand that this is not about dependencies. It isn’t. These broad splits, in all of their relationships, have big problems because they're always saying there's something wrong with them instead of saying there is something I need from you. There’s something you can give me. And in that, we can form a more perfect bond, because that’s really what it's about.
Until the broad split gets to that place where they can be comfortable in their skin, then looking out there and seeing that they’re not good enough and that they're not good enough is simply the conditioning mechanism, and in fact, they are good enough, can be, but you’ve got to let them know what you need.
Two sides of the split definition process:
The single bridge learns what it needs for its relating life and then educates its partner.
The broad split lets its partner know what it needs and then the relationship can flower.
This is the fundamental responsibility that is there in the split definition.
Everything about the split definition is that they're here to teach relating. But they do it in different ways. The [simple] bridge split says that you’ve got to be able to do this. The broad split says you’ve got to be able to give this.
We have an enormous problem in the nature of communion. Human beings operating out of mental authorities are full of fears. Relationships, whether they are going to succeed or fail, can be very threatening. There are all kinds of pressure that is attached to these things.
All the many, many years that I did readings—I've done readings for thousands of people who are divorced, separated, angry, frustrated, bitter, or disappointed, all of those things. Nobody teaches a child how to be correct. Nobody teaches adults how to be parents. Nobody teaches human beings how to be correct together in respect. Nobody teaches these things. They don't. And the teachers that we need are lost in the maia.
Imagine, the next time you see somebody, one of these people who tell you all about relating and how people should get along, you make sure that you get to check their data, because you'll see that they're usually single definitions and they don't know what the hell they're talking about. They don't. It’s only the split definition that’s really going to be able to make a difference in that. We need to be properly educated. We need to not be afraid to recognize who knows something.
If they’re not aware, then we're going to have nothing but problem relationships. Yet at the same time, you can see that it takes a great deal of awareness to be able to come to grips with your design as a split. It takes awareness. It takes real awareness to get past the traps of the bridges as conditioning traps to begin to see that this is what you're here to master and teach in the way of relating.
None of the rest of us, none of us single definitions, triple splits, quads—we are incapable of evolving in terms of relationships; incapable. It's not our responsibility. It’s not built into us. It puts enormous pressure on that 46% of humanity who are split definitions, because the responsibility then becomes theirs to make the relationships work. And of course, it goes back to what I began with. It is a very difficult thing. Only the split definition can see a relationship as bringing wholeness. Nobody else can.
If I'm ever going to give another training for relationship teachers, I will only invite splits. I won’t invite anybody else, because the reality is that they're the ones who have the gift and those gifts can be so special. A lot of it has to do with what it means to accept and be open to outer authority. This is something, when it comes to relationships, is often very difficult. Yet at the same time, to recognize that it is inherent in any split definition to be a true outer authority for what it means to be together and to be able to maintain the quality of our bonds. This is what they’re about."
- Ra Uru Hu (Excerpts from 'Split Definitions & Relationships' IHDS, 2009)
I'll start off by highlighting this bold statement by Ra: "None of the rest of us, none of us single definitions, triple splits, quads—we are incapable of evolving in terms of relationships; incapable." I'm not sure to what extent this is actually true. What does your experience tell you?
Personally, the split definition does stand out to a significant degree when it comes to healthy relating for me. The other kinds of definition don't appear to be very interested until they are educated in one way or another to see the value or until they make it a part of their spiritual or vocational path.
Yet, I have also seen single definitions who have worked very hard to relate with awareness and wisdom about the nature of giving and receiving from the other with clear communication. And as a young split definition there were many things I learned from single definitions for me to be able to relate correctly.
The limitation however, was that in most cases there wasn't the understanding of the mechanics at the time. And therefore much of the examples I saw looked like honourable attempts to forge a lasting bond, with the people involved learning a lot about not disrespecting oneself or the other, but they didn't actually work out as a functional relationship in the end.
Usually the single definition distorted their own nature to the point they got fed up with their partner. I've also seen a weird dynamic of "I'm not blaming you ( -but I'm blaming you)," emerge more than once. Which is almost as funny as it is sad.
When this was not the case and both people felt very content with themselves and the other, it was because they felt like they could be themselves and do their own thing without needing to compromise that. And yet, all of this is still categorically different from the mechanical nature of being a split definition and the outer authority this can lead to.
Image by Sumeet Mishra
One of the reasons why relationships are difficult is that they can get very confusing rather quickly, and most of us want to do it right without knowing exactly what that means. The Not-Self doesn't only want to do it right, it wants to be in the right. It wants to win in the relationship, if you know what I mean. Whether it is by being really 'good', really 'bad' or really 'normal' - either way it wants to be victorious and is willing to pay a very high price for that.
Few people alive today grew up with parents who could role model for them what relating with awareness is like. One of the reasons for that (beyond not knowing their Designs) is that the moment you're together with both of your parents at the same time, or they're together with you, none of you can fully express yourselves. You're in a Penta. Parents may have a very different relationship that is available to them when they are alone with each other than when they are suddenly joined by their children. They may have a private relationship the children may never actually know about.
As soon as three people or more come together, the Penta takes over the social dynamics with only one goal in mind: to be a successful family (group) according to whatever societal / material model they espouse. It's about accomplishing the lifestyle and being able to demonstrate that success to other families, inevitably in a competitive way.
The communion that is possible between two becomes something else once we reach three. It was quite a shock for me to come to see this when I first studied the Penta, and recognized I actually didn't know who my parents were.
So what is a Penta?
Here's a quote from some of my BG5 Consulting work to explain the concept to clients:
The graph that you see above is called a PentaGraph, with its various structural components. It is the Design of the Penta as a Form, in the same way that we have a Human Design, or the various Designs of Mammals, Plants, Cells, etc., which are all different.
You can learn more about this in Ra's lecture series titled 'The Architecture of Life' in which he shares with us the Design of Forms.
At the BG5 Business Institute we use this graph to work with families, teams, communities, organizations in order to learn how to create a social and productive group organism that is functional and effective.
For this article, what is important to take note of are the empty spaces in the PentaGraph. As you can see, some boxes are colored in and some are left grey. These grey boxes are empty. Those that are colored in are the energies that the team members bring into the group field. These empty places are called 'Gaps'.
When a Penta has Gaps and is supposed to be a unit of its own, it generates a particular sense of scarcity in the field. The atmosphere and energy of the group becomes oriented around that scarcity and starts to focus on it. This in turn has an effect on the minds of the participating group members; their attention is hijacked to focus on 'what's missing' or 'what's lacking' and 'who is supposed to bring this in?'. And so this is what the mind will start to think about, and subsequently what everyone will start talking about.
When they can't find that energy, you can imagine the Penta becoming 'ill'. It starts to generate a kind of toxicity in the field that incentivizes the members to seek out the missing energy resources or competences. When acted out, this translates into toxic behaviour and communication. Most of the social dysfunction we see in society is a consequence of getting pulled into incomplete Pentas and being blind to their existence and conditioning influence on human beings. Like liver cells being blind to the fact that they are part of and determined by the liver as a transcendent whole.
Take the PentaGraph in the previous image as an example, you can see that they are missing four vital energies (which we call Skills in BG5). The skills at the bottom you might recognize as being associated with the 5th, 14th and 29th Gates in the Sacral Center. They are the generative power of a Penta, without them the group cannot hold together continuously nor attract the resources necessary to empower their creative direction. There's no sustainable lift-off of whatever vision they might have.
In a Penta these energies do not operate like Gates, their frequencies are modulated and they become something else within the construct of the Penta. Something that we can recognize as the productive energy flow of businesses (and material projects of all sorts) in which human beings come together to generate an income, resources or rewards.
This is the flow that families create. Generate the income that puts the food on the table, pays for the mortgages, pays for schools, pays for the car, the fancy clothes, etc. Assume responsibility for your role in securing everything a family 'should' have in order to be materially successful in the world, to be competitive enough so that its members can 'thrive' as part of society.
Communion goes out of the window here when the Penta can condition everyone to look at everyone else through that material lens. 'Are they upholding the model?', 'Are they fulfilling the role properly?'. And this is what opens the door to dynamics of blaming in the household when the Penta doesn't have the energy it requires. The mind thinks 'We can't seem to succeed in realizing the dream - whose fault is it?'
What I call a 'Blaming Atmosphere' is especially the case when there is a Gap in the Skill of Commitment. When this energy is lacking, the group is running on empty promises while nobody can actually follow through on their commitments. Among many other things, people start to make excuses and accuse each other for not putting in the necessary effort to make things work.
So now imagine what happens when we bring several split definitions into this kind of environment... They have a predisposition in the Not-Self to blame themselves and the other for lacking what is needed, and then this whole idea of 'blame' and 'fault' becomes amplified by the Penta and its scarcity conditioning. And eventually this becomes a cultural norm that is part of our lifestyle. It is a milieu we are raised in, it's something that we can take for granted as 'just the way human beings work'. It becomes an internalized part of our psyche.
And yet it isn't true - there is no awareness in blaming.
On the other hand, by respecting each others' Designs and understanding our context, we can speak transparently about what we perceive, about what we notice, about what is needed in order to make things work, and how scarcity could be overcome.
Free from expectations, free from blaming and fault-seeking. We can be unattached in a healthy way about actually 'achieving the model' or not.
We can be anchored in the present and with awareness have a healthy dialogue about our experiencing, about our learning, and navigate together moment by moment without disconnecting, disassociating or falling out into blind aggression, contempt or violence due to the mind's fears.
It all starts by understanding who you are, who the other is, who you are together and what context you're participating in.
It starts with awareness and the willingness to relate.
Enjoy your movie,
A Human Design Chart Reading Is Not About Mirror Gates
Do you know your Human Design Mirror Gates?
There is an important relationship here between these circuits. What are they? Find out in Professional Training!
Above is a fascinating image of deeper underlying mechanics we term "Mirror Gates" that is helpful in our understanding as Analysts (which you can learn about in Semester 1 of our Professional Analyst Training).
Fascinating as it is, this and other mechanical structures are not necessary to explain to your clients in an Overview or even a Foundational Chart Reading.
True, the information and technical detail in a Human Analysis are very important. But a chart reading isn’t about the information and technical detail in totality.
It is possible to have every piece of information ever delivered about a Human Design chart 100% memorized and still not be able to deliver a quality Foundational reading.
The Human Design System is logical, organized, and integrated.
While the mind will make it confusing, complicated, and fragmented...
Especially when the chart reader is not deconditioned nor educated correctly.
Which leaves their client walking away confused, not empowered, and either doubting the system, the reader, or worse, doubting themselves.
I remember being approached for partnership by a self-proclaimed professional Analyst who did not have any certifications to speak of, yet created their own Analyst Training program. This young person reached out to me over four years ago with flattering words about my HD work, sharing how much they admired my success and wanted to collaborate with me. They then (without being asked, or asking) promoted their training program and their readings in my Human Design Facebook group by sharing a Soundcloud link to a sample "career reading."As a professional BG5 Career and Business teacher and IHDS Professional Teacher, I was curious about their offering to train Analysts, so I listened.
Their sample reading was not effective in terms of giving the client a good picture of their career. The story told about the bodygraph was a disjointed collection of mechanics (though accurate in theory) about the gates and how they functioned, what they did, and all kinds of facts not necessarily applicable in context were included.
A Person is not a Gate nor a Line nor a Color
The reading itself was not especially specific to the human that the chart was being read for, in that though the words used may have been technically accurate, they were not woven together in the depth and breadth of the holistic analysis that we teachers are taught by Ra to train our students to explain the graph.
I know it takes a long time to gain proficiency translating the bodygraph in ways applicable and practical to the individual. Reading the chart is an art that is a sacred duty between the reader and their client. The poetry of keynoting is a calling, a passion, a purpose, and all of us refine our abilities over time.
Ra wanted people to wait 7 years to start analyzing charts professionally, but he settled on half that time and made it a requirement for teachers instead. It takes a full 7 years for your cells to decondition from the not-self purpose (your mind's false stories that drive your actions). This is why it takes a long time and a lot of training to meet the requirements to become a professional teacher.
A lot of the deeper HD realms are revealing but distorting when you get too "mind-y" about it. The most common mistake I see is people taking one aspect of the chart, going on and on about that one aspect, and talking in "snippets of Ra" without putting everything into the holistic context of that person's design.
Here's an example.
Recently, a student shared in my class about feeling disempowered when somebody told her "you are not here to lead, ever" because of her psychological Motivation being Innocence.
When the student questioned the reader, because that statement didn't feel good to her, she was told: "no, never."
This student's design had a multitude of consistent leadership gates in a Defined Throat, giving her Influence and Oversight, both consistent Leadership Traits. And she had a Public Relationship strength, a primary leadership channel within a small group that is designed to be recognized for her ability to represent and speak for the group's direction and identity. She can, in fact, hold a leadership role if her Authority says yes.
Remember, we are not just one aspect (in this case, the color) of a gate. We are a holistic Being with a multiplicity of layering, including current cycles that show the whole picture of what we are currently living out, depending on our age.
So as you perhaps dive deeper into the Human Design System, I want to remind you of what the most important thing is.
Stay on the Chart's Surface
If you could only tell someone ONE thing about their Design, what aspect would you choose?
Personally, I would give them their Authority.
Strategy is useless without Authority.
The strategy gives the mind something to do while you wait for deconditioning to kick in enough to shift the cells back to their more natural, you could say, or innocent state of Being.
Yes, Profile is always fun, like a magic trick. Definitely speak to them according to the Public Role they play in their life's work. However...
Everything about living rightly to align to your design hinges around Being Your Own Authority.
If someone is new to Human Design, remember not to get lost in the woods of details that do not matter to them yet.
(Overwhelming them with too much information, too soon is a classic mistake I too have made).
Learn to weave your client's Authority in and out of the Analysis, to bring them back home to themselves. The deeper layers are there to be uncovered within by them through the Authoritative process of their own experience.
Take appropriate phrases that lead them to discover the channels of their strengths in truth, couch those life-force and life-giving phrases to resonate with key aspects of who they are, and layer those truths at the beginning, middle, and end for them to experiment with.
People remember things if you repeat them often enough in different ways.
Repetition is the mother of all Learning, as Ra would say.
Remember FIRST, to ask yourself as you look at a chart:
What CAN the energy (life-force) do?
If you haven't given your client a solid HD Foundation in their specific Authority, the reading is just "mind candy" that may be utterly fascinating, but not as practical, useful, impactful, or helpful as it could be.
To deliver an effective analysis, the key takeaway must always be how they can trust themselves. Encourage and teach them how they can be their own Authority, remember that. Don't supplant their innate call towards alignment with your theoretical learning of one aspect they may have, because when anything is taken out of context with the rest of their design, it is inaccurate.
Remember, everyone has everything in the Bodygraph either consistent (defined) or flexible (undefined). We all have seeds of potential planted places that you cannot see when you are looking at a human design birth chart. That natal design is not the whole picture of a life story. That natal design is a frozen moment in time, showing us what is reliable and trustworthy to make decisions from. It also shows us what is designed to be learned and lived in this life, to become wise about through experience.
Please consider that when you position yourself as the person who knows better than them (because you may be further along in your studies) and give ultimatums "No, you are NEVER here to lead" you take away their power of Authority. Give your client their Authority, give them their power back. This is their Experiment.
What I love about teaching these Analyst Professional Training courses is that we are embarking on a profound educational journey into all the various layers and aspects of YOU over quite a long time, and you cannot help but come to a profound personal awareness when you study the layers of this system.
What I love most is watching my students transform and blossom as their own Authority, with is a process both magical and mysteriously beautiful, making each of us the hero in our own journeys through life.
Professional HD courses as laid out by Ra are very effective at revealing to you how you have made and will continue to make life hard, full of resistance and difficult.
Because the not-self looks to others for confirmation, approval, validation, and acceptance, we are all lost to that tendency unless we wake up to our own sovereignty.
To make it very simple, just remember: each person is their own Authority on and for themselves.
How they can be their own Authority in the way they are here to live in Truth is the most important thing to get across in a chart Analysis.
PS. As an IHDS/BG5 Teacher dedicated to developing HD Professionals, I value empowering fellow HD lovers who want to be successful in making a career out of helping others know themselves. If you have taken courses already but wish to sharpen your professional skills, we have a 70% discount for repeating any IHDS professional training course with us.
Just email office@humandesignlifecoaching.com with the name of your prior IHDS teacher to request to Audit (repeat) the class of your choosing. Professional Certification classes like Analyst and Guide Training include regular study groups to practice the poetry of keynoting, ask questions and discuss in a community of your peers.
Analyst Student Keynoting for 1/3 Triple Split Emotional Manifestor Cross of Sphinx
1/3 Triple Split Emotional Manifestor Cross of Sphinx
Advanced Keynoting for 1/3 Triple Split Emotional Manifestor
The following article is another example from my PTL1 keynoting practice under Laveena's guidance. It may be of interest to you if you'd like to do this kind of HD Analyst work yourself, whether you're self-studying or you're considering signing up for professional training (it may be fun to try and locate which activations in the chart the keynotes are coming from). It could also be enriching for you if there are any particular similarities between you or people you know and this particular design.
I can honestly say that Laveena's learning environment has been priceless for my personal growth and deepened understanding of the system, of people, groups and correct interaction. I was self-studying in very advantageous settings for a long time before, but the classroom interactions and one on one relationships that have developed out of these courses here simply took things to a humbling new level.
If you enjoy the quality of what you read here and you'd like to receive an analysis like this about your Career Design - or gift it to someone you care about - I'm offering a festivities discount on my BG5 Career Overviews here:
Dear Katya,
What is Truth? Is there such a thing as an absolute truth for you?
Even if it takes a lifetime to discover, would Your Truth be worth dying for?
Katya, you were born to impact the world with your creative individuality, with the sharing of your mental activity that is mixed with confusion, and by supporting your tribe with your instinctive honesty and aloofness, with your conscious refusal to engage in hypocritical interactions, and your unconscious indifference towards others that ensures your own well-being. Though this may sound surprising, you were born with the willpower to transmit what is best for your tribe’s continuity. And you have the unconscious ego to manipulate memory in order to sell others what would be beneficial for their wellbeing, even though in your self-absorbed nature your ego may fail to respect the experiential lessons of history.
Waiting for emotional clarity, when you are in the right mood for social interaction, you can cautiously confess to others and inform them about the passion and values that move you, and touch them deeply with the quality of your voice. When you speak your individual truth, you make a profoundly mutative impact, empowering others to experience the full range of emotional depth through your creative self-expression.
As an individual you are here to be consciously inspiring for others, grounding your receptive intuition and aesthetics in the patience to ride your emotional wave to clarity - following the special timing of your creativity. Katya, taking the necessary time with your creative process is what provides you with the secure foundation that bolsters your confidence as an authority on what your creative light shines out into the world. You will likely experience deep melancholy, a mood of sadness about all that is no longer, and all that is not yet, a mood that beckons the artist in you to reconnect with the creative muse and channel this emotionality through poetry, music, art and beauty.
Being true to the quality of your own mood like this gives you an ability to provide direction for others in a way that leads them to their own truth through inspiration. This strength is unconsciously anchored in your ability to lead in an anarchistic fashion.
Katya, when you are in the mood, you have an openness to listen to others in order to learn about what is meaningful to us collectively as human beings. You listen with a maturing optimism and the hope that openness will lead to better relationships, while unconsciously you filter what others share with you through a healthy dose of pessimism. This can engender the need for others to present concrete evidence, and it can also evoke a sense of humour about your experimental process of experiencing life as a series of events where things go wrong, where bonds are made and broken - in your determination to discover what actually works.
You are driven to be mentally active in order to find clarity, allowing your abstract mind to move through confusion in its own timing, protected by conscious participation in the mental process so that you can clearly identify opportunities for transformation. Overconfidence is part of your body’s nature while it processes mental pressure, and this means you may experience yourself unexpectedly alone in sudden moments of transition while you are moving through the crisis of your inexperience in life. In this way you can come to see the futility in your environment, where people are genuinely in a restrictive and difficult position without realization, without the ability to make sense of it all. This is a perspective that you are here to have in a physical environment of conflict, friction and retreat.
You can see that there is nothing the mind can do and you can only be who you are. That people can only role model their own uniqueness for others, so they too can come to find their own.
Embodying the wisdom to move beyond your mind, what might you discover?
When you let go of any preconditions in interaction, and difficulties do not need to be fixed, what truth might you find? And who might you impact with it?
Katya, your process of acquiring wisdom is characterized by the inconsistent energy to bring closure to a cycle at the right time, after having moved through its beginning, middle and end as an influential mediator, not succumbing to just any pressure for growth.
Your process is also characterized by an inconsistent energy for paying close attention to details, and to the step by step progression of patterns as they move logically into the future, which requires the fuel to be still in order to concentrate.
However, it also requires that you watch your mind and no longer let it push you around through pressure or craving. The mind may think that you should rush to get things over with more quickly, that you should find the right dream to focus on in order to get out of a perceived contraction, or that you should start a new experience NOW. With this depth of emotions that you carry, Katya, there is no truth in the now. It takes time, patience and self-love to access your emotional intelligence in order to make a correct decision.
The mind may worry about generating wealth and who can invest in your creative potential and direction. It may worry about intimacy and needing to be more available in order to find the right partner. It may be concerned about your personal power or sense of disempowerment to energize your correct behaviour. It can lead you to overdo things in order to access more power, or to attract more wealth or intimacy while completely disregarding your emotional nature and clarity.
It may run a story that if you don’t act spontaneously now you won’t have the freedom or space that you need to be yourself, or that you might miss out on something you desire. It may use an amplified fear of authorities and fear of dying before your purpose has been realized, it may worry that there might not be a tomorrow for you. Therefore, it may be wiser not to believe everything you think. The mind cannot mentally rationalize what your truth is, it cannot answer the ‘mystery of your life’ and what you should do with it. When it can pressure you to make rash mental decisions, you may find yourself destroying something out of anger that you come to regret - or other people unleashing their anger on you.
It could be very tempting to make hasty decisions on your emotional highs or lows, Katya, when there is nothing but the excitement of hope or nothing but the pain of despair. Such decisions would be dangerous and are unlikely to bring you to a more peaceful place. For there to be awareness, it is necessary for these waves to pass while your body processes and digests this life. This means you would have to wait patiently for neutral clarity to settle in before you can know if the right time has come to make a move.
It may be beneficial for you to move through public spaces where you can be exposed to other auras as they simply move through yours. You do not need to interact socially, but the simple auric contact and exchange of information may help you connect the different parts of you into greater synchrony, which eventually fosters clarity to come. To maximize the ease and grace with which you make your impact, you may find that informing those who will be impacted by your decision in advance tends to bring about greater cooperation - or at the very least less resistance.
When you know the peace of your Manifestor nature by aligning with what is the correct timing for you, the resistance of anger will subside and your mind can be unburdened from decision-making. It can finally unlock the wisdom potential that is there in you.
Katya, you have the potential to be wise about whom you can actually start something new with, and with whom it is time to break the bond. You can be wise about whom it is correct for you to sit still with in order to concentrate on details. You can be wise about who has the correct resources to empower your creative direction.
When it comes to pressure you can have the wisdom to know that not all dreams must be manifested. That pressure does not need to compel a decision. You can know that you have your own timing, you can be patient with yourself and relax regardless of what other people’s expectations might be.
In the transmission of your awareness, Katya, you are a force of creative destruction. So it may take death and resurrection to find the truth of who you are. It may take a revolution! Know that peace and a transformed world is what awaits you on the other side of returning to the uniqueness of your true nature.
Awakening Human Design Analysts
The Professional Phone is Ringing. Will you answer the Call?
IHDS Human Design Analyst Teacher Laveena Archers
One of the most profound tools for awakening awareness, the poignant language Ra gave us in the Rave I'Ching is "part haiku, part dictionary."
The Rave I'Ching describes the 64 Hexagrams (Gates) and describes each of the six lines for each Gate. In the Rave I-Ching, Ra has given us names of the Incarnation Crosses, our Life's Work, and the highest expression of purpose.
Newcomers tend to over-identify with details and forget we can never take one Gate or Live in isolation.
Our job as analysts is to decipher the elements in context to a being's quantum intelligence.
Over-analyzing one specific Line of a chart is tricky. We need to continually come back to the surface's frequency because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. One Gate plus one Gate in a channel is not only about the gate description or even the lines therein. It now encompasses a unique life force frequency in context to the entire Design.
Remember the Personality is a third of what you are, the Design is a third of what you are, and the Quantum of the two is more than the sum of the parts (one plus one equals three). We need to always bring our analysis of a chart home to the context of the Quantum.
When you put too much focus on just a part of the chart and don't look at that part without bringing it back to the whole, your analysis might not help someone as much as giving them all of the valuable information that can lead them to develop their self-awareness.
When in Doubt, Zoom Out
Feeling stuck? I like to say, "When in doubt, zoom out."
Remember to keep in mind the Type, Strategy, Authority, defined centers/channels/gates when you look at a line.
Look at the big picture and do your best to practice describing what you see in context.
I notice the way they teach us to do this at IHDS leads to horrendous run-on sentences. What to do? It is what it is. At some point, you get good at pausing, breathing, touching in with your client's receptivity and presence to the information you are conveying to them.
In an analysis...
Ask Yes/No Questions of Generators. Invite the Projector's Seeing of Others. Inform of thier Impact, to Impact Manifestors. Initiate the Reflector to their Objectivity.
Genetic Continuity
When you study enough Human Design, you come across the term "genetic continuity." Besides all lines of similar values relating to each other, the pieces of every chart you encounter seem to have a recurring theme or pattern.
The genetic continuity related to the Type/Strategy/Authority/Profile/Cross is a breathtaking symphony of keynotes that speaks to the nature of a person's Being and what they are learning or where they are nurtured.
This theme you see is consistent breathing in or out of the Being's expression and living of their life. You come across paradox and complexities that are to be brought into a contextual relationship to the whole.
The Rave I-Ching is a kind of poetry. It takes time to "grok" the lines. The "This" and "That" is a generality of two extreme polarities in most cases. You are very specific, and so are your clients.
On his deathbed, Confucious said he wished he could have more time to learn from the Book of Changes: "Give me a few more years so that I can devote fifty years to study Change, and I may be free from great mistakes." The Ancient Chinese Book of Changes can take a lifetime to understand.
Similarly, the Rave I-Ching lines take time, and they can make more sense when applied in context with the entire chart. Here are my Type recommendations to learn these Lines.
If you're a Generator, would you like to start with your own lines, to map and meditate on over time?
If you are a Projector, I suggest you read the lines of the people you know best or spend the most time observing in aura.
Manifestors need to understand their Impact.
Reflectors, can you study the lunar Transits?
In my Professional Analyst Training classes, we offer you a 64 digital set of flashcards as seen below. You can print them out and laminate for study purposes.
Image by Naraya Fox
On every Flashcard, you will see the "chop" or image for the Hexagram, with a colored drop shadow to help you remember the elements that create the Hexagram. We've started with the I-Ching name and the Gate description, along with the Center it is in, and the keynoting Ra gave us for each Line. These are intended to help you remember what the nature of each Line is about for each Gate. You don't have to memorize all of it right away. It is helpful to get into the practice of speaking this language and seeing what magic it holds for both you and your clients.
When you read the Rave I-Ching Lines, for most, there are two sets of definitions. One sounds positive (Exaltation), and one seems negative (Detriment). These are two sides of the same coin. It is the "this" and the "that" of the Line. Some people think of it as the light and the dark. I like to label it as Ease and Challenge. Who doesn't like a good challenge? Ra liked the Detriments. He thought of them as very honest. The collective tends to see the Detriments as "bad" or "wrong" and the Exaltation as "good" or "right." Remember, Human Design is not about these things. It's about accepting everything in alignment and watching as the Observer.
We all get to experience the This and the That. When we follow our Strategy and Authority, we may experience more ease. When we are acting from the "not-self," we may encounter more of the challenge. Yet, those challenges are there for a reason. Certain people will influence you to express the challenge, which colors the nature of your relationships with them. No choice.
Ra said he wrote the Rave I-Ching for the "not-self" because you tend to vacillate between the extremes when you are misaligned with your true nature. The not-self thinks in very black and white thinking, without any shades of grey. When you begin to live life uniquely, you become aware of the widespread rainbow of colors rather than just this and that. Ra said we could all write our own Rave I-Ching at some point because we are, each of us, very, very unique.
Do you recognize yourself or others in each of these areas when you read your lines? What can you learn from accepting the nature of your Being, your Seeing, your living, breathing ALIVENESS?
Often when placed into context, the Line's name says it all, and you don't have to read the entire description of the Lines to your client. Speak from grokking, in context, and you can convey the meaning with so much for than words. The tone of your voice, the keynote names you choose to emphasize, the pauses in sentences, and inflection can give substance to the way you string together your words. Even if someone doesn't "get" it right away (and many won't), you're speaking the language that can unlock their genetic potential, and the keynotes take time to work their magic.
I can still remember how strongly the words "You're here to Mutate the System" rang in my ears from the first professional Analyst reading I got from Kumud. Did I know then what that meant? Heck no! In the last couple of years, I have seen how my teaching way changes, morphs, and mutates as my Design's embodiment deepens. A Manifestor makes an Impact. A Projector takes that Impact and softens it for use with their Others. No wonder I not only took Ra's recommendations of learning from fellow Projectors like Darshana and Becky, but I also gravitated to listen to Ra, Genoa, Alok and Lynette over the years!
Some lines are a learning process, and some lines speak to the quality of you.
Hexagram Line Speak
The 1st line description for each Gate will give you the foundation of that Hexagram.
The 2nd line description for each Gate will provide you with the natural projection of that Hexagram.
The 3rd line description for each Gate will give you the material way of that Hexagram.
The 4th line description for each Gate will provide you with the externalization of that Hexagram.
The 5th line description for each Gate will give you what others project upon that Hexagram is.
The 6th line description for each Gate will provide you with the transitional nature of that Hexagram.
In some cases of Line descriptions, there are one-sentence line introductions in blue. This is not the case for all lines. When there is a blue description, it means that this is what you are learning about over your lifetime. Like how 6th Lines have a maturity process, so do the Line descriptions in blue. If there is no blue description, then it is a given. Blue lines are not a given, they are to be learned.
In the Rave I'Ching book, you will see a planet glyph associated with the lines listed next to them.
Because the planets are in a particular position in the sky at the moment of birth and they will activate the Hexagram and a line within that Hexagram when you are born.
When planets activate certain lines, they "fix" that Line either in detriment or Exaltation. The up pointed pyramid notes this or the down pointed pyramid-shaped triangle you will see on your chart and all the Line descriptive pages in the Complete Rave I-Ching.
Some things Ra has said over the years touch me very deeply. This audio clip is one of them. Awareness is everything in Human Design.
The longer I have experimented, the easier it is to allow communication to flow without self-censoring or holding back because of the mind's fears.
Live your Design, and the Awareness you can communicate becomes richer, deeper, and more rainbow-like, shining like the sparkling dew in a garden of roses.
The more Unique your perspective, the more profound your Awareness, the more YOU you become.
Giving this gift of seeing to our clients, students, friends and family, when asked for, is one of the sweetest things I have experienced.
It is my desire that you too give this gift to yourself, and to the world.
Namaste, beloveds.
Happy Human Design Holidays!
Dear Fellow Human Designers,
Our entire HumanDesignLifeCoaching.com and HumanDesign.Live team wishes you all the very best this holiday season, however is correct for you to celebrate it!
In these times of change, there is one constant - your design. It is through our resilience and determination to grow and develop, as well as our resolve to support each other in this most radical (to the outside world) experiment of living our designs.
This year has seen a number of shifts within your awareness if you were observant and dedicated to living the truth of your human design.
Each of you is making the world a brighter place through this important personal and professional work that you do.
Thank you for joining us in our mission to focus on the most important thing there is - authenticity with Self. In doing so, we raise global consciousness through our own personal experience and dedication to honoring our individual processes. In supporting each other to do the same, we have created a very special community here over the last year, and I'm so grateful for your contributions.
I know for me personally, dramatic changes have been afoot and I’m delighted to have adventures in learning Human Design with others who are as passionate about living their individual Truth as I am about collaborating with them to discover it.
Now more than ever, we are thankful to have such an incredible community supporting and celebrating one another. It's been so delightful to see you connect and engage with us and each other.
Here's to an authentic and fulfilling 2022!
Love Yourself!
Warmest regards,
Laveena Archers
The Third Radical Transformation: Perspective aka View
Human Design System Lunar Nodes and Our Life's Direction, Path and Seeing
Our next Radical Transformation Clinics Group INTENSIVE starting this month is beginning soon, with very limited space available for 5 participants (only three spaces left). Join us here. If you require a payment plan, email office@humandesignlifecoaching.com for financing options.
The third transformation is an extraordinary one. It’s called Perspective.
Perhaps one of the most insightful aspects about this knowledge is the ability to see exactly how the unique mind works, both as Not-Self and in terms of its potential as differentiated awareness. This is revealed through the study of Rave Psychology, and specifically the Personality node and its Perspective, or View.
It is through Perspective that the mind establishes how it’s going to conceptualize. Every human being has a unique way of looking at the world. A unique way that is correct for you, precisely correct for you.
When you’re looking at the world through your particular perspective, only then are you providing the mind and Personality with the foundation to conceptualize in the way it was intended.
We’re Here to See
It’s only then that you begin to see, and we’re here to do something very special with that seeing. We can only get to it uniquely, but the moment that we achieve it is the moment we turn around and do what we do best: communicate.
The magic of awareness communicated, the beauty of what we call “outer authority.” We‘re here to filter the consciousness field, to filter it as purely as we can, and share it.
Ra Uru Hu, Founder of the Human Design System
Inner Authority: Material Willpower
Ego Authority: The Will To Do Something
"Ego authority is very limited in the way it can occur because of the hierarchy of the authorities. In order for the ego to be the authority the chart CANNOT have a defined solar plexus, or a defined sacral, or a defined spleen. This means that there are only 2 channels that can activate the ego as authority: The 45-21 channel and the 51-25 channel.
Ego authority is the authority of the will, of willpower. The ego center is essentially a 'me' energy. This is not to be confused with the 'self' of the G center. This is rooted in possession. Possession of things and of place. Who‘s first? Me. Who‘s in charge? Me. Who owns this house? Me.
Two Channels
There are two channels that create ego authority are the 45-21 and 51-25. This first channel is a manifested channel, and therefore anyone with 45-21 ego authority will be a manifestor. Of course, this is provided the sacral, spleen and solar plexus are not defined. The second channel is a projected channel and as long as the G center is not connected to the throat (which would make them an ego manifestor) people with the 51-25 only are ego authority projectors.
45-21 Material People
The dynamics of the 45-21 energy are straightforward. It is the focus of 'me‘ on material plane and the control that comes with that. This channel is called the Money Channel but it‘s not simply about money. It‘s about all of the elements of holding the community together in a particular order. This involves education and where one sits in any given status based organization.
In terms of authority, it means that such a person has to have the willpower to support their decision, to bring their will energy into play. There can‘t be any waffling about it. This person has to be able to forcefully say, with heartfelt conviction, 'This is for me. I will do it.' This is, after all, a manifesting channel. They have to have the complete conviction that they can control the endeavor, whatever it is.
The ego authority, if the person decides to get a Ph.D. for example, they must have the full force of their will over an extended period of time. To do that, they must begin with a strong sense of will towards the goal. There must be a clear goal and utter conviction that they can reach the goal."
- Excerpt from IHDS - Cartography 4 - Authority (p.16)
In recent articles and discussions on the HumanDesign.Live network, the topic of Free Will vs No Choice has come up frequently. I'm also encountering it these days in interaction between people who have the Ego of the Heart center as their Inner Authority and those who have an Undefined Heart center altogether. Telling people with this Inner Authority that Free Will is an illusion and that therefore they should give up on imposing their willpower and manifesting their control is unlikely to lead to any success. They have no choice but to establish material control by making a commitment to a goal. It seems to me that for them, this illusion of Free Will isn't going anywhere.
The revelation of the Heart center was one of the most liberating insights Human Design brought to me when I first began studying the system. I was in an environment where a lot of new age spirituality was going on all over the place. I had sat in sanghas and participated in various group healing modalities where people came together to address 'the problem' of the ego, its perceived selfishness and tendency towards 'separation'. And the leaders of these circles had constructed a whole detailed logical process of step by step trying to eliminate it.
Defined Ego Center the Human Design System
To learn there was such a thing as a Defined and an Undefined Heart center, and that there was a significant distinction to be made between correct and healthy Ego and an amplified Not-Self distortion was absolutely mind-blowing to me. I have a fully open Heart center and I had been so seduced by these practices of demonizing the ego and habitually trying to shatter the ego of others at the slightest manifestation. Looking back now, it was terribly misguided and plain unaware. And I have a suspicion that a Free Will vs No Choice conversation could head in that direction too if we aren't careful.
The struggle of inconsistent Willpower that most of humanity experiences sets us up for envy and jealousy in the Not-Self. Those of us with the Heart center undefined see the Materialists who can consistently manifest their will on the material plane, who can assert their 'me' above anything else in their life, and then there's the instant temptation to condemn those beings because when 'we' try to do that things go sideways.
The paradox to see is that the Ego serves its Tribe, that the 'me' of the Materialist is a function of its place in the hierarchy, inevitably supporting the community in its material wellbeing in one way or another. Their Willpower comes back around full circle. While in the Not-Self that 'me' becomes a self-serving menace in its blind disregard for others.
When introducing newcomers to Human Design, this is often a very humbling conversation to have with people who have Defined Egos, listening to the abuse they have faced from people overreacting to them for no good reason (and it is particularly painful when these people are Projectors). People who try to break the ego of the other in the attempt to prove themselves superior (spiritually or otherwise). And if they can't then they suddenly fall into a black hole of their own insecurities, ironically looking toward the Defined Ego for some external validation of their worth.
This dynamic is a radical misunderstanding of how things work, and it is a blindness to who people really are. The correct Ego is an incredibly beautiful thing. I thank my lucky stars for the Defined Egos that have supported me and stood up for me throughout my life. I now enjoy watching the egoic masks emerge in order to face social challenges. It is deeply impressive to me to witness someone consistently putting their heart forward to maintain their own integrity, or on behalf of whatever or whomever they represent.
At first it can be a bitter pill for the Not-Self to swallow; to sit in the presence of a Defined Ego and come to terms with the fact that this other being has what you will never have and being put in one's place in this way. Yet, once accepted this becomes very sweet. You were never meant to compete with them.
Once you can be who you are and the other can be who they are, your awareness can be free to witness the beauty of their process of proving what they're here to prove, seeing how the Ego is applied to that end. It's no longer about 'oh I wish I could do / have that'.
Once you've accepted your place, the hierarchy stops being a problem and the superiority/inferiority complex can start to dissolve. Nourishing resources can begin to flow downstream to you, and from you to others, in the way that is just right.
Enjoy your movie,
Living Your Human Design Isn't Always Easy
Living Your Design Isn't Always Easy
During a profound shattering it may seem like you're never going to come out on the other side. Each of us have layers and layers of past conditioning that is neutralized, as cellular transformation is realized.
In my HD experiment I've been experiencing an ongoing Shattering, mutating in pulses throughout the last few years and would like to share it with you all. This transformation is centered around my Undefined Splenic Center (survival recognition function) and completely Open Heart Center (willpower function).
My Story
For years, on and off for decades, I actively avoided looking at my face in the mirror. It was too triggering for me to me to endure, spiraling me into unhealthy excesses to avoid feeling. I would go days without seeing my reflection. Most of the time only taking momentary glances to make sure that I was semi presentable to the outside world. At various points throughout my life, I’ve encountered others telling me how pretty they thought I was. They often confessed wishing they could go without makeup too. I just didn’t see what they saw and was skeptical of their complements. They never knew the truth of why I hardly wore any.
I don’t remember what my face even looked like before the scar was there. I was such a small child when the incident occurred that left that gash above the corner of my lip. But I remember the moment it happened, reliving the horror in my dreams and, often, while I was awake. The terror, the lack of security, unable to defend myself as I cowered in fear. I still feel the aftershocks when my emotional wave is low.
My mind taunting me with a persistent, lingering false belief that I wasn’t worth protecting.
That I wasn’t worth it, or anything.
Tainted Self-Love
That voice in the back of my mind has tainted my entire life since. Destroying any hope that I would actually find happiness within, always looking outside myself to fill a void. Neediness encompassed most of my decisions and actions. Proving I was “good enough” was a norm. Always looking for someone or something that would allow me to grasp a “love that would fix it all.”
I dulled my senses just to be able to look in the mirror and “doll” myself up. At times I abandoned my natural gifts to conform to what others thought I should be. Trying to prove that I was good enough for them. Holding onto things that weren’t good for me because I wanted to be ‘loved’.
At the time, I didn’t know a better way.
I do now.
Now don’t get me wrong, I tried. I’ve not just been sitting on my hands for decades. Starting when I was 7, I began my quest to self-heal. By the time I was 13, I could comprehend more complex ideas and started intense research in the fields of healing, self-help and psychology.
I’ve studied so many systems. Shadow-hunted the hell out of my deep-rooted fears and unhealthy conditioning. Sat through countless hours of meditation and self-hypnosis in an attempt to unlock self-love. I’m far from that terrified little girl I was 36 years ago, and yet I was still triggered by the memory, especially when it came to embracing my self-worth.
My Worth is Not Determined by the Actions of Others
And now, years into my Human Design experiment, I confidently say that when I look in a mirror, I LOVE what I see. All of it. Even the messy bits. And sure, the memories are still there, but the pain. The pain has gone.
I didn’t get to this point alone. I have the best entourage a gal could ever dream up. A wolf pack of the most empowering humans that are deep into their own HD experiments. Including a mentor who is not afraid to share the messiness of her past to help us forge ahead through the trenches.
As a Projector, this is exactly what I need. I learn about myself through learning about others. Each of us radically living our own experiments while empowering, sharing, and supporting each other.
The other day, I looked into the mirror and declared, “I love you.” It wasn't the first time that I had reflected those words back at myself, but this time it felt different.
I Felt Cool, Calm & Emotionally Clear
While gazing lovingly at myself, a Flaming Lips song stole the scene. It’s been one of my favorites since I was a teen and completely encompasses what self-love feels like to me.
I’d like to share the lyrics and their official video with you.
“When You Smile” by The Flaming Lips
It’s like I never had to see it in your eyes or feel it I could tell
When you smile.
It’s like I didn’t need to say anything or do much, I could tell
When you smile
All of the subatomic pieces come together and
Unfold themselves in a second...
Every single molecule is right, when
All of the subatomic pieces come together and unfold
Themselves in a second.
written under the Cosmic Influence of
ⵙ 43.5 ⴲ 23.5
I originally published this article with no expectations on HumanDesign.LIVE, the safe space that was lovingly created by Laveena for our Fractal to learn from sourced based material and support each other as we continue on with our personal Human Design Experiment.
I would say that I am surprised by the number of responses I have received when I shared my story, but with my design, I often draw in those who need someone to listen to what they're going through. Each message has been rich with stories of similar experiences.
One of the greatest joys I have uncovered with Human Design is the ability to not only more clearly see myself, but also see others and where their struggles may come from.
Thank you to all of you that have trusted me with your personal stories. I adore your courage to share.
Sometimes it helps to be able to share what you’re going through with someone who just plain gets it.
I invite you to reach out to me if you are looking for support for your own Human Design Experiment and deconditioning process.
The Mysterious Difference which Makes a Difference
This article is a response to a question from the humandesign.live community:
“As a 6/2 MG with emotional authority, waiting is extremely difficult… Almost painfully difficult. If one is in a difficult place in life and has the urge to make a change, but there is no change to make, what should they do?”
– Joshua French
Human Design Sacral Center - Life Resource of the Generator
In one of my recent articles '幽玄, Melancholy, Waiting, Art and Noticing', I connected certain Japanese aesthetic principles to our experiences of Waiting and Melancholy, using artistic work by Andrew Wyeth to convey the simple profundity of waiting for correct enlivenment to emerge on its own.
Of course, being a Non-Sacral Projector, I write from a point of view that asks us to value non-productivity and patience. Not only as a safeguard against rash mental decision-making, but also in the awareness of being careful with the energy we have.
Life is not a simple formula of energy availability and its general application. The energy any one of us carries is specific. It isn’t to be used for just anything because someone out there thinks we should. It’s there to be used for what we love. Our context is what enlivens our spirit and enriches the world in turn. And in order for our forms to function they need a healthy balance of activity and rest, no matter what Type we’re talking about.
This balance is naturally something you can only find yourself. Nobody else can know when enough is enough for you.
Others can only observe your signposts and what you’re broadcasting. At best they can tell when you’re approaching or have passed your healthy limits and ask you some good questions to help you orient yourself according to your Type, Strategy and Authority.
Neither can your mind tell when enough is enough - until it has surrendered to the body. Only then might it be sensible enough to recognize when it is time to stop after registering the body’s intelligent cues. Learning the language of your own biology is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself, which takes a significant amount of time and feedback – especially if most of your defined Channels are unconscious.
Having said all of this, consider then the perspective of a 34/20 Triple Split Manifesting Generator with all Centers below the Ajna defined according to a DLL PLR Variable - including a fixed ‘sports’ Channel between the Root and the Spleen.
Don’t worry if the sentence above still reads like an alien language or total gibberish to you. What I’m saying is that we’re looking at a person whose body needs to be actively moving and physically exercising to be healthy. Someone who is designed to be busy with a tremendous amount of energy building up that is ready to engage. Someone with an energy resource that must be depleted in a fulfilling manner every day.
It isn’t necessarily the best advice to tell this kind of Design to ‘stop doing’, dressed up with beautiful Zen poetry or Taoist philosophy. It may be a tempting avenue in order to prevent Not-Self chaos. After all, for the Emotional Wave there is no Truth in the Now. But recommending they get into a habit of ‘non-doing’ may equally lead to aggravation.
The Way of The Generator
“Sacral Beings Have to Work. The Sacral is about work. It’s why I call Generators slaves; they’re workers. Sacral beings have to have work. They have to be able to use their energy. They have to use their energy effectively. They have to live through their work.
Everything about Sacral beings is about work. Think about the horror of life when you do not work the work that’s for you. Think about the horror of life of being busy working at something that you don’t like and don’t enjoy, and it’s not for you; it’s a horror.
Because everything about a Sacral being is about the beauty that’s possible for them in doing what feels correct for them to do. That they use their energy properly, that they use their energy efficiently. It’s about work. Are You Ready?
I have a joke, a trick, that I did for years when I was doing readings. A person would sit down beside me and sort of try to get comfortable. And before I would turn on the recording machinery, I would say, “Are you ready?” Most of the people that come to me are designed to respond in one way or another. When I met the Voice, the first thing the Voice said to me: “Are you ready to work?”
- So, are you ready?”
– Ra Uru Hu (The Way of the Generator)
It’s important that the Generator works, and that the Sacral energy is used in a regenerative manner. This doesn’t mean it can’t be correct for you to have a meditation and stillness practice – it depends on your Design, follow S&A, you know the drill - but one thing is for sure: the Sacral energy must be used to the point of satisfaction.
So let’s make an essential distinction here between waiting and doing nothing. The concept of 無為 ‘Wú Wéi’, popularly referred to as ‘non-doing’, is a Taoist term. To provide some continuity with my last article, I can invoke Alan Watts here for translation: ‘Wú Wéi’ basically means ‘not to force anything’. It is to act in accordance with the flow of nature. Not resisting it, nor trying to push it in a certain direction we think it ‘should’ go.
The dilemma is the mind’s fearful tendency of forcing life down a conditioned pathway.
“ … in the end, you have to see that the greatest enemy you have is your mind, because your mind hates your Sacral. It hates it. “How dare you, you grunting, groaning thing have control over my life. Here I am with my vocabulary, my education, and my wonderful knowledge, and here is this, “uh-uh” telling me what to do.” The mind wins most of the time because that’s the way you’ve been conditioned. You’ve been conditioned to believe that what you think is what is correct for you, and that what you think is how you’re supposed to live your life. And it’s all a lie—your mind isn’t going to accept that lie until your Sacral is living your life for you, and not your mind.
And your mind will be in there screaming; it doesn’t stop. It’s not like your mind is going to surrender to your Sacral and say, “Oh, isn’t it nice to be awake!” It doesn’t do that. It says, “You’re being an idiot, look at the rest of the planet. They’re all running around like crazy; you should be doing that, too.” Because that’s the mind. Your greatest battle is with the mind.”
– Ra Uru Hu (The Way of the Generator)
And so when we bring our mental decision-making to a halt in order to ‘Wait to Respond’, ‘Wait for Recognition and an Invitation’, etc., it can be disorienting at first. We can look to the 5th Gate for understanding the nature of this Waiting game a bit better:
Gate 5: Waiting – Fixed Patterns: Fundamental attunement to natural rhythms. Waiting as an active state of awareness.
Ra would say it is like a pregnancy.
This is not about doing nothing. It is about not betraying natural rhythms through forced mental initiative. The mind’s burden of decision-making is then transmuted into simple active awareness - our witnessing presence to that which is unfolding.
In my previous article I used the term ‘dwelling in nature’, and this is what I was referring to. If we could imagine for a moment a forest hermit dwelling in the natural landscape, immersed in the natural rhythms of the elements, flora and wildlife. No longer attached to ‘the world’, and yet in their attunement still waiting for ‘it’ - waiting for the call.
Dwelling in the form principle, there's this obvious mystery at work:
What’s the next response gonna be?
Which environmental input will evoke my body to respond?
It’s such a mysterious thing that everything we’re conscious of at any given moment is happening on its own. We don’t ‘do’ any of our sense perceptions. The filtering of that information is all done for us, and we can just enjoy the outcome. This kind of active awareness is not the same as 7 centred hypervigilance. There is the allowance for the unknown to remain unknown for as long as it likes, and at the same time there is curiosity about what is being revealed.
What am I noticing in this moment?
What are my senses bringing to awareness?
Where might my eyes want to go of their own accord, moment by moment, if I don’t force them down the same old tracks?
Love is our context for life and work.
And yes, to anyone else reading, I know Ra’s descriptions can sometimes be heavy to digest, especially in times of pain.
In your case, Joshua, as a 6/2 with the alienating change of scenery Saturn has recently brought to your life, while it's vital not to skip over any shadows, joining Ra in experiencing the mind as an enemy may not be the most supportive perspective either.
The mind may not be a friend at this point – and friends in general may seem hard to come by in a polarized and distracted environment. But there’s no energy to waste on battling the mind in isolation. Storms of the mind pass on their own eventually.
“..If one is in a difficult place in life and has the urge to make a change, but there is no change to make, what should they do?”
In our brief conversation you recognized the pain was coming from your gut relative to your current working environment. In BG5 career coaching we emphasize environment as being a vital point of intervention. It is your environment that determines the nature of the information you receive. In the ‘wrong’ environment, there may be nothing satisfying for you to respond to.
Scientist and anthropologist Gregory Bateson coined an amazing definition for information: ‘a difference which makes a difference’.
So much is changed by noticing differently. We fall into places and people according to where our eyes go and what they pay attention to. We can align to different information simply by turning our head (or not even that). We could be miserable in the shadows and just and inch to the left find ourselves basking in the sun.
The mind is great at imagining mountainous obstacles where the tiniest detail could make all the necessary difference. In times of pain and total overhaul of what we value, renewed appreciation for the small can shift our realities around.
Unconditioned Beauty
Bateson called beauty ‘the pattern that connects’, and I think that’s quite on point. Not only is Gate 5 the Gate of Waiting, it is also the Gate of Fixed Patterns, with which we connect into the wondrous world of plant life. It reflects the fractal patterning of nature that connects the microcosmically small to the macrocosmically vast. The Channel of Rhythm 5/15 is shared by all biological life and defines the aura of the biosphere as a whole.
One tiny moment of glimpsing unconditioned beauty is an information imprint that can scale up fractally across your life. It’s like that brief instant where you decide not to react and catch your breath instead of engaging in someone else’s drama. It can change the course of the rest of your day - and beyond.
In such moments, you may remember the difference between right and wrong, correctness and incorrectness, at a level the mind may not immediately grasp - but the body does. This isn't any conditioned idea of what is beautiful, but a deep impression of beauty in which the external world reflects your unique nature back to you.
Unconditioned beauty and love go hand in hand, and they are the hallmarks of our unique trajectory. This is the magic of the G Center and its Magnetic Monopole, the Center of the Higher Self, Transcendent Love, Direction and Creative Self-Expression. It is all already there.
Now, to answer your question, Joshua, I cannot tell you what should be done - that would be disempowering to you. I’d say this is a crucial time for you to discover for yourself who you really are and where your source of power and authority really originates from.
However, where is the unconditioned beauty showing up? As you wait for the next response, as your body processes the hope and pain of your emotional wave, how do your senses bring beauty to your active awareness?
And perhaps - has the time come to change your job?
Strength to you in your transition to the roof, brother.