When Does a Human Design Storyline Develop in the Human Design System?

Your Human Design Storyline is a weaving of the unconscious and conscious lunar nodes in your Human Design Chart. In this video, it is explained that between the ages of 29 and 49 your Human Design storyline develops.

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What is your experience in experimenting with decision-making with your Strategy and Authority?

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Laveena's Personal Storyline Part 1 - Link Nodes, the Cognitive Potential

The Unconscious North Node, aka “Rahu” on the body side, is the Body’s link node to the personality.

It is also the point of imprinting that shows your Human Design Fixed Star.

My Link Nodes are Unconscious Rahu: Gate 28, Conscious Ketu: Gate 42.

This means I get a lot of these Incarnation Crosses in my life because I fulfill my purpose with people like them or going through those as part of their life cycles.

Here's a memory trick to remember which is North vs South:

Ra Uru Hu brought us the Human Design System for our children, and children are our future. The north node is the future direction so RaHu = North Node.

What are your Link Nodes?

This is an excerpt video from our NEW Professional Analyst Training level 1, semester 3 on Link Nodes.

Why do the Human Design Gate 28 and Gate 38 get sad or depressed?

Here’s the answer:
Gate 38 is the Fighter. People with this gate get sad when they don’t know what to fight for.

Gate 28 is the Game Player. People with this gate get sad when others won’t help them find life’s purpose.

Learn more in the video below!

As a Human Design Analyst Teacher, I get to create my own training in line with the IHDS curriculum from the plethora of multi-decade education Ra shared, incredible knowledge like this so that you can share it with your clients. Human Design Training is like the most powerful self-awakening and the enlightening journey you can take as a self-realization deep-dive. Are ready to begin your formal educational journey? Would you like to become a world-class Human Design Coach?

As a trainer of Living Your Design Guides over the past almost 5 years, I'm about to pass on that torch to Peter Berv, 3/5 Manifesting Generator. I've just wrapped up creating the updated live lectures for this Living Your Design Guide course, and we'll have one flip-teaching/live discusssion and mentoring version next month before Peter takes over when he gets IHDS certified in February. Check out the course below this video!

Keys to our Crumbling Cross of Planning age explained

Cross of Planning and Cross of Maya as keys to our age briefly explained in context with the global era locks of the Identity which controls humanity’s evolutionary movement.

The Channel of Money, Design of a Materialist 21-45 isn't really Part of the Tribal Circuitry in Human Design

Separate and Alone: Did You Know the Human Design Channel 21-45 isn't really Tribal? #RaSaid

"The 45/21 isn't really a part of tribal circuitry, though I know that formally you were taught that because obviously, it becomes the expression of the tribe. But when I was given the knowledge, the 45/21 was something that was established as being truly separate. You don't really get to see that in ordinary Human Design knowledge, you really don't. Where that is something that is significant and where the real essence of the 45/21 is really displayed is when you look at the WA, or as it's understood in business analysis, OC 16, that is, larger group configurations. This is a channel that is the thematic of large organized groups." Ra's Rave Anatomy Book 2, Tribal Circuitry: Expression through Willpower, page 52.

Human Design Mandala Godheads Exploration: Harmonia's Time of the Year

The following article is something experimental. I'm exploring another approach for looking at the Wheel and the Transits. Feedback from certified analysts and analysts in training is very welcome - especially if this is not what / how you see! 



On the 5th of August the Sun made the transition from the Quarter of Civilization into the Quarter of Duality. It crossed the threshold from the 33rd Gate of Privacy - Retreat into the 7th Gate of The Army - The Role of the Self in Interaction. Since then, the overarching Transit theme has been Bonding. 

These past 5 weeks we have been conditioned to think more deeply about our relationships. 

So far we have moved through bonding themes regarding Role clarity and commitment. Followed now by the assessment of which bonds are worthwhile; which bonds to continue maintaining or go deeper with, and which ones not to. You might have changed jobs or responsibilities, you might be weighing who your friends, partners or allies are at this time. Or you might have refused, taken a step back or quit altogether. You might have given yourself a break from bonding.

Our minds will continue to be primed for evaluating the correctness of our bonding until early November.

Orientation to Now

The Sun has just exited the 64th Gate of Confusion - Before Completion (the mental pressure to make sense of the past) and has entered into the 47th Gate of Oppression - Realization (the ability to conceptualise abstractly about past experiences and piece residual impressions together into a meaningful picture). Which we will discuss below. 

I'd like to briefly explore the basics of the Human Design Transits. And then take a step back to look at things from a bigger picture perspective. 

Rather than the usual analysis of Transits (following specific Gate activations), I'll synthesize and summarize according to what Ra poetically called the 'Faces of the Godhead', as shown below:


There is a hidden structure in the wheel that groups hexagrams together in bundles of four. Each group of four has its own holistic value, which divides the wheel into 16 faces. 

Ra gave each face a name corresponding to influential divine figures that for him captured the essence of what each bundle is about. They represent forces in the human psyche that are ancient and could be said to have always framed human thought and activity in archetypal ways. 

This structure provides a simpler progression to track the annual cycle (16 faces vs 64 gates) once you know what each face is about. 

I won't cover all 16 Faces here - though you might like to check out Ra's Quarter by Quarter course on Jovian for that.

We'll just explore the Faces we've recently moved through in the Quarter of Duality. Instead of discussing all eight Gates (7, 4, 29, 59, 40, 64, 47 and 6) we'll talk about 2 forces: Thoth and Harmonia.

So rather than giving us a detailed look into the specifics, we take a step back to see an overarching frame in which the specifics take place. I often find it practical to zoom out in this way. 

Before diving in, there's a brief explanation of what Transits are. Then we'll explore Thoth & Harmonia and conclude. 

What are Transits?

1. Mental Conditioning / Personality Education

The first thing to understand about Transits is that they are a stream of mental conditioning received from planetary influences. This is an information feed that pushes and pulls on the mind and generates mental content. Transits lead us to think about specific life themes in particular ways, they produce scripts in the mind that can escalate into behaviour and action through reactivity. 

We are spinning and cycling through space. Wherever we are, we have a direct relationship to the cosmic bodies that surround us. The Transits in Human Design are an orientation to the planetary agents in our solar system that activate the gates in the BodyGraph. This is a function of their movement through the Rave Mandala Wheel.

Original Imprint



When you look at your own chart, you can see that the activations you carry are associated with given celestial entities moving through particular gates at certain moments in time.

The Transits track the ongoing movement of the planets relative to our unique designs. As they continue to activate gates, they become a transitory influence on us. They may 'turn on' certain centers that we have undefined in our original designs, or bridge our splits, for example. 

When this happens, our minds will be 'turned on' to think about those transiting themes temporarily. In this way, the planetary aspects continue to influence how we perceive and think about life as time goes on. As such Transits may drive shadows and lead to distraction by influencing us in the undefined centers. For example, not knowing when to quit in the Sacral Center; thinking we should do more. Or overpromising and overcommitting in the Heart Center; thinking we have something to prove. This can have health consequences. 

When we are running on these scripts, we are caught in what the Human Design System qualifies as a reactive 'mental decision-making' process. We are being triggered by transitory influences and jump in a stress response to try and do something about them. When this happens, the Transits are overriding our body's wisdom and its individual authority.

Heart Center and Sacral Center defined through Transit influence.


When we can refrain from blindly reacting to the content generated by the Transits, we can observe the information feed from a different point of view. We are not entangled with it. We can begin to discern between misinformation and information that may be relevant for us, because we can discern what our body intelligence is indicating. The intellectual content we take in either way will affect the way our Personality shapes up.

Certain themes may be relevant for us at this time while others are not. Some of the content is simply a perspective on the world or on the way things work, but not something for you to actually get preoccupied with. Some education comes in the form of being challenged in your ability to stay true to your Inner Authority and learn how to own it.

How can we tell what's what? Human Design recommends following your Strategy and Authority to find a stable anchoring in the body and a sensory connection to the environment.

2. Incarnating Imprints

It takes time for things to change."

- Richard Beaumont (Foundation Analysis, 2018)

The second thing to understand about Transits is that they are incarnating imprints. They are new generations of beings coming into the world. Just like you received a planetary imprint at birth and 88° of the Sun before. 

New Baby Born (07 Sep 2022)


Right now, the mental information feed we are collectively experiencing reflects the Personality frequency of new born children and the Design frequency of children born 88° of the Sun from now.

Changes that we are thinking about, that we might feel compelled to act upon, are changes that these new generations will naturally manifest over the course of their lives. 

There's a beautiful sentiment that comes out of seeing this. New generations are the change that we are mentally conditioned to think about. Put in a different way we could say that we are the change our ancestors dreamed of. Not by giving ourselves over to propaganda, but innately by being who and what we are. 

This is a very empowering insight, because it connects us to the larger process of our species. It integrates us in the continuity of ancestry and descendants. It gives us a sense of lineage as homo Sapiens on planet Earth. At the same time it removes the pressure and stress of needing to change something, of needing to be different than what we already are.

Yes, no doubt the world has significant issues and there are many social movements fighting for meaningful change. The Transits reveal that we already are part of a movement of change, and that the work we do relates to the undoing of incorrect conditioning - not by changing who we fundamentally are in order to try and affect the world. We innately will resonate and conflict with established structures given the difference in our imprinting, our own mutative impulses and our own ambitions for growing.

We already are a force of change, it may just not be the change our minds think we should be due to Transit influence and the moralities of our conditioning.

Our institutions are subject to the pressure of humanity's collective reactivity to Transits from the ground up and from the top down. In this way we come to manifest these themes incorrectly at large, founded on general absence of awareness. 

Back to School

1. Thoth (7,4,29,59)

So let's talk about these two regions of the Rave Mandala Wheel that we move through every summer. 

The Quarter of Duality opens with Thoth, and you can see above the associated gates. If we string together the keynotes for these gates we get a holistic value that could read: 

"Find your Role by understanding and committing to a pattern and reproduce."

This is essentially a job description. This is the prompt to find your place somewhere in the reproductive process of the species and perform your task. Go back to class, be a good student. Make a child, be a good parent. Commit to the job and immerse yourself in the process to learn. Whatever your particular Roles might be. 

We know life can get chaotic and messy. A teacher of mine often says "If you still believe in them, you gotta make mistakes." We make mistakes to learn from the outcome. Teenage one night stands that lead to a child. Accepting a new full-time job after a recent burnout that still demands recovery. Giving premature advice to institutions as an influential public figure. And so on. It is tricky when we're inexperienced and don't yet know the actual demands of the job to gauge if we're up to the task.

There might also be the confusion of 'what are we to each other?' when there is still exploration happening in ambiguous relational space.

Once Role clarity is established, we have a framework for understanding our relationship and our responsibilities within that. It opens up the door to productivity.

A major thing I've seen managers grapple with is being responsible for managing a team of people who actually don't want to be part of the process anymore. When we say 'yes' to something and agree to participate, we go through a whole experiential cycle. Preferably with ease and readiness to grow as opposed to resistance to the decision we made.

2. Harmonia (40,64,47,6)

The gates of Harmonia when keynoted together might say something like: "Making sure the relationship and the effort are worth it," or "Delivering in a way that makes sense and takes care of conflict." 

This is where the Sun is currently shining its light. Are we in reciprocity with each other? Am I in a contract / relationship that serves or burdens me? Is there a power imbalance in the relationship? Does it make sense for us to continue? Children may be asking themselves right now if they're gonna be part of the same friend group as last year, or if they're gonna focus on other people.

Harmonia wields a selectivity to intimacy to determine which pattern gets to continue to reproduce into the future and which one does not. There is a sensitivity to emotional correctness that demands respect. 

We also see the tendency here to bring up the past when there's conflict. It can become emotionally entangled in measuring and quantifying who did what in order to determine if there is any form of indebtedness. 

This is a zone that is emotionally charged and brings a pressure to think about the past and the future relative to our bonds. Wondering whether our investment is going to eventually have been worth it or not. Binding us to our history. 

By honouring your Strategy and Authority as you move through this, you can imagine two sides sitting at a table. On one side sits the mind with its proposals for what to do, on the other side sits the Inner Authority or the body's intelligence. Recognizing and including both sides in their contrast can allow you to see which way you want to align - and whether there is even any decision to be made at all.


We move through these faces cyclically every year. They flavour our seasons, the themes we think about as we move through the year - they shape our holidays. If we live our lives by making mental decisions, we can see how these repeating themes recur annually to also shape our lives. 

Alokanand Díaz has a course titled 'The Program is Not Your Life'. Just because there is stress or pressure surrounding any of these themes, does not mean there is a decision to be made. The way the mind may be interpreting life now may not be true once the Transit has passed. Even certain physical phenomena that seem to point in a certain direction may pass. The Inner Authority is a specific compass in the uncertainty of all of this. 

Given the way things are changing globally, I suspect there is a lot of confusion about roles, relationships, contracts, tit for tat, indebtedness, etc. out there. These are areas that we have traditionally navigated through cultural norms and religious moral frameworks. Human Design is neither of these things. It's about finding the answer in you, which may have nothing to do with what anyone thinks. 

Finding out where the road goes step by step. Movement by movement. Wave by wave. Interaction by interaction.

I wish you well,


Learning the Human Design Lingo - A Rave ABC's Course Introduction

Rave ABC’s is an empowering extension of the Living Your Design Awakening Experience. It is also the first requirement in learning how to read Human Design Charts!