Today's Human Design Inspiration
Will You walk through the door to your inner truth?
Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 3 Line 1 and Earth in Gate 50 Line 1
Human Design Transit - April 16th, 2022
3 - Difficulty at the Beginning - The Gate of Ordering
The fundamental challenge of initiation is to transcend confusion and establish order.
1st line - Synthesis
Difficulties can be only overcome when all the pertinent factors have been analyzed.
⊕ ▲ The understanding that confusion is natural and must always exist before clarity can be achieved. An innate knowing that order will emerge from confusion.
☿ ▽ The reliance on intellect at the expense of intuition can lead to unnecessary frustration. The inability to know that order will emerge and the drive to find this knowing elsewhere.
50 - The Cauldron - The Gate of Values
The value of historical continuity whose traditional values serve and enrich the present and the future.
1st line - The immigrant
Humbleness of origin that benefits rather than restricts destiny.
♂ ▲ The desire to be effective and successful that builds on the most fundamental strengths while it refines its nature. The awareness that the growth and refinement of values will benefit destiny.
♀ ▽ A dissatisfaction with/or embarrassment with origins, that makes an obsession of refinement. A dissatisfaction with original values that demands refinement.
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Rave I'Ching Hexagram and Line Descriptions of The Human Design System from and the Rave I'Ching by Ra Uru Hu of
Hexagram 42, Increase, the Gate of Duration
A special look at all the Lines of Gate 42 from the hexagram and the gates 42/32 from a Nodal Perspective, with some personal stories thrown in.
Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 42 Exaltation Line 5 and Earth in Gate 32 Line 5
Human Design Transit - April 13th, 2022
Remember to be Practical on 5th Line Days
42 - Increase - The Gate of Growth
The expansion of the resources which maximizes the development of full potential.
5th line - Self-actualization
☉Δ The fulfillment and actualization of purpose as a natural path whose reward is a healthy sense of self, rather than the power and influence that naturally follow. Growth that is self-fulfilling and naturally leads to influence.
32 - Duration - The Gate of Continuity
The only thing which endures is change.
5th line - Flexibility
Easy adaptation to circumstances.
☾ Δ The Moon exalted, where superficiality is a valuable tool that while masking the inner light permits adaptation to prevailing conditions. An instinct for adaptation in times of change.
♂ ߜ The urge to express oneself in direct and often violent rejection of conformity. The potential of the instinct to reject adaptation and conformity in times of change.
Learn more at HumanDesign.LIVE
Rave I'Ching Hexagram and Line Descriptions of The Human Design System from and the Rave I'Ching by Ra Uru Hu of
Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 42 Line 4 and Earth in Gate 32 Line 4
Human Design Transit - April 13th, 2022
42 - Increase - The Gate of Growth
The expansion of the resources which maximizes the development of full potential.
4th line - The middle man
☾ Δ The quintessential manifestation of the mediator. The maturity to bring growth through mediation.
♀ ߜ Where the gift to establish and maintain relationships is ill-suited in this position to act in mediation where harmony must take a back seat to pragmatism. A lack of maturity where the power to harmonize distorts mediation and limits growth.
32 - Duration - The Gate of Continuity
The only thing which endures is change.
4th line - Right is might
♃ Δ Even in times of change certain underlying principles endure. The instinct to maintain one's principles in times of change.
♄ ߜ Where Jupiter will establish right action in the larger social realm, Saturn's will lead to inner strength and endurance as long as it is not threatened from the outside. The instinct to maintain one's principles as long as one's security is not threatened.
Learn more at HumanDesign.LIVE
Rave I'Ching Hexagram and Line Descriptions of The Human Design System from and the Rave I'Ching by Ra Uru Hu of
Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 42 Line 3 and Earth in Gate 32 Line 3
Human Design Transit - April 12th, 2022
42 - Increase - The Gate of Growth
The expansion of the resources which maximizes the development of full potential.
3rd line - Trial and error
In times of increase, mistakes are a natural part of the process.
♂ Δ The energy and assertion to turn mistakes into advantages. The power to accept mistakes as part of growth.
☾ ߜ A moodiness, that in error may succumb to brooding and unnecessary caution. Mistakes give power to moodiness and caution.
32 - Duration - The Gate of Continuity
The only thing which endures is change.
3rd line - Lack of continuity
☿ Δ Indecision and persistent reevaluation, that only because of its basic intelligence manages to endure. Indecision in times of transformation.
♃ ߜ An overreliance on traditionally legitimized standards that in times of change can be totally out of step and suffer unexpected humiliation. A lack of instinct in times of transformation.
Learn more at HumanDesign.LIVE
Rave I'Ching Hexagram and Line Descriptions of The Human Design System from and the Rave I'Ching by Ra Uru Hu of
Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 42 Exaltation Line 2 and Earth in Gate 32 Line 2
Human Design Transit - April 11th, 2022
42 - Increase - The Gate of Growth
The expansion of the resources which maximizes the development of full potential.
2nd line - Identification
☉ Δ Recognition and acute capitalization of trends. Power for growth through participating in trends.
♀ ߜ An ascetically motivated withdrawal in times of progressive change. Growth which stops in reaction to trends or change.
32 - Duration - The Gate of Continuity
The only thing which endures is change.
2nd line - Restraint
♀ Δ The control of power for the benefit and enhancement of harmony. The potential for transformation that may be beneficial to others.
♃ ߜ A tendency in frustration, particularly from a position of strength, to social withdrawal rather than persistent control. The frustration with controls or being controlled.
Learn more at HumanDesign.LIVE
Rave I'Ching Hexagram and Line Descriptions of The Human Design System from and the Rave I'Ching by Ra Uru Hu of
Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 51 Exaltation Line 6 and Earth in Gate 57 Line 6
Human Design Transit - April 10th, 2022
51 - The Arousing - The Gate of Shock
The ability to respond to disorder and shock through recognition and adaptation.
6th line - Separation
☉ Δ In times of crisis when all those around are confused and in disorder, the ability not to succumb to the panic but to have the will and vitality to survive it alone. The power of the ego to meet challenges alone.
57 - The Gentle - The Gate of Intuitive Clarity
The extraordinary power of clarity.
6th line - Utilization
⛢ Δ The acceptance that clarity is a double-edged sword. There are situations where understanding cannot lead to rectification. Here, Uranus' innovative quality can generally make the best out of an otherwise difficult but rarely permanent situation. Where there is no answer, only the possibilities of the intuition can make the best out of a difficult situation.
♂ ߜ When clarity points to a problem one is unable because of circumstances to solve, a tendency to anger and frustration that provokes inevitably futile action. The possibility that when the intuition cannot solve a problem, a tendency to frustration and anger.
Learn more at HumanDesign.LIVE
Rave I'Ching Hexagram and Line Descriptions of The Human Design System from and the Rave I'Ching by Ra Uru Hu of
Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 51 Exaltation Line 5 and Earth in Gate 57 Line 5
Human Design Transit - April 9th, 2022
51 - The Arousing - The Gate of Shock
The ability to respond to disorder and shock through recognition and adaptation.
5th line - Symmetry
☉ Δ Perfected illumination that in grasping the nature of the shock, can transform its normal patterns into a symmetrical adaptation that rides the shock and avoids its devastation. The perfection of the warrior ego through instinctive adaptation.
57 - The Gentle - The Gate of Intuitive Clarity
The extraordinary power of clarity.
5th line - Progression
♇ Δ The natural ability to establish new forms while maintaining the powers of reevaluation and reexamination. This provides the clarity to examine the data and assess the process. The possible intuitive gift for evaluation.
☾ ߜ The tendency to keep on keeping on, that can end up as a misguided missile. When in action, the intuition may become overwhelmed and unable to assess and evaluate its progress.
Learn more at HumanDesign.LIVE
Rave I'Ching Hexagram and Line Descriptions of The Human Design System from and the Rave I'Ching by Ra Uru Hu of
Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 51 Line 4 and Earth in Gate 57 Line 4
Human Design Transit - April 7th, 2022
51 - The Arousing - The Gate of Shock
The ability to respond to disorder and shock through recognition and adaptation.
4th line - Limitation
⛢ Δ A pure inventiveness and sometimes genius to find some opportunity even in the midst of the most devastating shocks. The warrior ego that will find some way to answer the challenge.
☿ ߜ A reasoned make-do mentality that is ineffectual in times of severe shock. The superficial ego that lacks the resources and depth to answer challenges.
57 - The Gentle - The Gate of Intuitive Clarity
The extraordinary power of clarity.
4th line - The director
♀ Δ The mastery of relationships that through clarity can maximize productivity while the sensitivity to interrelationships will ensure harmony. The possible intuitive clarity to master relationships.
♂ ߜ A tendency given this position to be dictatorial rather than directorial. With the gift of clarity to master relationships, the possibility of being intuitively dictatorial.
Learn more at HumanDesign.LIVE
Rave I'Ching Hexagram and Line Descriptions of The Human Design System from and the Rave I'Ching by Ra Uru Hu of
Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 51 Exaltation Line 3 and Earth in Gate 57 Line 3
Human Design Transit - April 6th, 2022
51 - The Arousing - The Gate of Shock
The ability to respond to disorder and shock through recognition and adaptation.
3rd line - Adaptation
☉ Δ The life-sustaining awareness that thinks on its feet and thus creates opportunities. The power of spontaneity in times of challenge.
57 - The Gentle - The Gate of Intuitive Clarity
The extraordinary power of clarity.
3rd line - Acuteness
☿ Δ The perfected intelligence, where clarity eliminates doubt and ensures manifestation. The possibility of perfected intuition. No polarity.
Learn more at HumanDesign.LIVE
Rave I'Ching Hexagram and Line Descriptions of The Human Design System from and the Rave I'Ching by Ra Uru Hu of
Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 51 Line 1 and Earth in Gate 57 in Detriment Line 1
Human Design Transit - April 5th, 2022
51 - The Arousing - The Gate of Shock
The ability to respond to disorder and shock through recognition and adaptation.
1st line - Reference
The advantage of previous crisis experience.
♇ Δ The gift of re-examination that is the foundation of preparedness. The power of the ego conditioned by experience.
♀ ߜ A tendency to emotional withdrawal after a shock. The weakness of the ego in times of challenge.
57 - The Gentle - The Gate of Intuitive Clarity
The extraordinary power of clarity.
1st line - Confusion
☾ ߜ The Moon in detriment, where feelings are no substitute for clarity and can lead to indecision. The possibility that confusion will overpower the intuition.
Learn more at HumanDesign.LIVE
Rave I'Ching Hexagram and Line Descriptions of The Human Design System from and the Rave I'Ching by Ra Uru Hu of
Mastering your System
Projectors are here to master systems so that they can be successful guides for others. Understanding a system to the core cultivates in the Projector the ability to recognize what is going on in the world around them, even inside of the other, perceiving directly how the process of enlivenment might be helped along through awareness.
Dear Projector, if you're reading this, the very first system you need to master is your own physiology. Not by domination, but by recognizing how your Design speaks its nature through your body, through your sensory contact with the environment, as it is received in awareness. We don't do any of our sense perceptions after all, we simply receive them as they are filtered by the Design.
In relation to your environment, you exist in a projection field. Projection is nothing bad (don't be fooled by much of the conventional interpretations in psychotherapy). The projection field is part of how you experience life, as well as your integration into the world - it is a mirror for you. What and whom you are drawn to connect with, how you perceive what is out there, is a reflection of your own state and condition.
Learning the language of your own biology is key to understanding the way in which the Design operates in its wholeness. Recognizing directly that we're all breathing together in a single continuous body - and that it has a nature. This is something that is constantly being communicated to you through the projection field.
You can learn the biological language of this system of life by studying how your form functions in relation to your environment - noticing its cycling through dualities of up and down, hot and cold, stimulation and neutral, acceleration and deceleration, energy availability and rest, intensification and deintensification, movement and stillness, doing and non-doing...
noticing the rhythms, the way things wiggle and oscillate as they pattern themselves, the way in which things respond to each other organically...
noticing the way in which the attention is naturally beckoned towards beauty and the simple, gentle pleasure of sensory stimulation...
noticing the way in which other bodies move and hold themselves up, without getting distracted by the personality layering on top...
noticing that all of this is already available without us needing to create any of it... There is seeing already happening.
All of this is what will reveal to you the nature of the Design, the intelligence that informs everyone's decision-making Authority, whichever one it may be.
Every system (including yourself) contains oscillation, and in that oscillation the Design brings messages of support from the unconscious to the conscious. You might recognize these as felt qualities that show up: your hand suddenly reaching up to carefully support your head, fingers stroking your lips or the side of your cheeks, a gentle rocking back and forth as you sit, feet that suddenly wiggle... and then, as we notice that contact, perhaps a quality of ease showing up elsewhere in the body. Soothing. Stabilizing. More present.
In the general Maya of Mind we pay little attention to these signals. We've been conditioned not to value them and even try to hide them or change them out of a sense of vulnerability or shame for looking weird. We were never taught to simply allow them to be and to drink them in. The Personality and the Design may have been placed into a forced marriage, as Ra liked to describe it, but they can have a communication of care and love. Between conscious and unconscious. Self to Self.
In the Not-Self we can get caught up in the negativity of the mind, absorbed and seeking a way out, running in circles, not noticing how good it feels to simply feel the temperature of our hand on our face for an extended moment of time. A simple gesture, but exactly the right quality of support in the right place at the right time, with the right intensity, not too much, not too little, providing us with an enjoyable portal back to our senses in the present.
In these times of crumbling support infrastructure around us, we may discover innate support emerging from our own depths. Not because we went digging and excavating into our darkness with the mind in the hope of finding the light, but because we made the effort to reclaim our attention back from the addiction to the Not-Self. Because we trained the mind to see differently. Because we opened up the door to awareness and invited the intelligence of the Design into the live conversation we are having with the world in every moment.
The more your mind can reside in the natural movement of your Design and track it, receptive to what it brings to you without overamplifying it, the more you'll understand the operating system we're all embedded in. The more your own nature is integrated within you, the more you'll recognize it effortlessly outside of you. And wisdom begins to flourish in your undefined centers. This is a biological cellular knowing, not a superficial mental memorization of 'how things are supposed to be' or copy-pasted wisdom from elsewhere to try and make an impact. The ocean of neutrino information simply flows through you, and you know what you need to know.
The more you can surrender your eyes to go where they want to go, seeing what they want to see while ignoring the delusional interpretation process of the Not-Self agenda, the more your Strategy and Authority can begin to truly unfold moment to moment.
This is vital for how we navigate the spaces between invitations. As Projectors, we too must be correct moment by moment, even though we might wait for the right invitation for years. In between invitations, what we take care of is our eyes (including our third eye), gifting ourselves the ability to perceive clearly. This is what the other Types need from us. To help them recognize where the unconscious Design already wants to go, and how we might get organized around that.
And all of this begins by recognizing when enough is enough. Recognizing when your system is making the shift from acceleration to deceleration, activity to rest. If you're reading this, I invite you to take a few moments to simply let go into wonder, without trying to create anything new. Perhaps gently asking yourself these questions, slowly, one by one, to nourish your seeing and guide your own awareness:
1) If I let my eyes go where they want to go, wandering around in the external environment, where do I notice the greatest sense of ease?
2) Without mental interpretation, what are these eyes already seeing that I may not have noticed before?
3) What are the physical properties of that? Can I see its color, texture, shape? How does that register to my awareness, without me trying to do or create any of it?
4) If I stay with this just a little while longer, lingering at this contact surface of awareness with the external world, as my eyes easily go where they want to go, might I notice something different than before? Is there something new?
5) After having wondered freely for a little while, how do I feel overall compared to before?
If you took the time to participate in this little exercise, I'd love to hear about your experience.
Enjoy your movie,
Have you had a Human Design Overview yet? Ready for the first step in awakening to yourself? Sign up with Hagen here.
Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 21 Line 6 and Earth in Gate 48 Line 6
Human Design Transit - April 4th, 2022
21 - Biting Through - The Gate of the Hunter/Huntress
The justified and necessary use of power in overcoming deliberate and persistent interference.
6th line - Chaos
Where ineffective action leads to disorder.
♇ Δ The war of attrition. The continuance of legitimate action in the hope of eventually succeeding despite all odds and increasing disorder. Where the ego is out of touch, the display of will power leads to disorder.
♀ ߜ Withdrawal and reliance on inner order in a chaotic situation. Where the material direction is chaotic, the ego will withdraw and use its power to find an inner order.
48 - The Well - The Gate of Depth
The necessary and qualitative foundation that is a prerequisite to establish the common good.
6th line - Self-fulfillment
An undiminishable resource.
♀ Δ The valued center, that as it gives, it receives and thus can continue to give. A depth and potential talent that is of value to others.
☾ ߜ A tendency to superficiality, that though generous and nurturing, will lack the inspirational quality that can transform its gift into a common currency. Where the depth is limited the taste will be superficial and affect the quality of the possible talent.
Learn more at HumanDesign.LIVE
Rave I'Ching Hexagram and Line Descriptions of The Human Design System from and the Rave I'Ching by Ra Uru Hu of
Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 21 Line 5 and Earth in Gate 48 Line 5
Channel of Structuring
Human Design Transit Watch: Sun Gate 21 Line 4 and Earth Detriment 48 Line 4
Channel of Mutation and Channel of Structuring
Neutrino News: Sun in Gate 21 and Earth in Gate 48, Line 2
Human Design System Transit Watch
Begin Awakening to your Human Design:
Living Your Projector Design Awakening Experience with Julie Hamilton.
Living Your Generator Design Awakening Experience with Amy Garvey and Micala Duvoux
Continue the Educational Awakening Journey in the IHDS’ Rave ABCs with Peter Berv
Or Deepen your Human Design Experiment with Laveena Archers in Radical Transformations.
Love Yourself,
The Human Design Life Coaching Team
Human Design Gate 6 Creates the Emotional Awareness Wave Frequency Resonance
Excerpt on the Emotional Awareness Wave Frequency Resonance from Human Design Analyst Training
A Human Design Fairytale for Children
‘A Human Design Fairytale for Children’ by Jasmin Schuster and Virineya Würgler