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幽玄, Melancholy, Waiting, Art and Noticing
For me, following Strategy & Authority is not the Main Stream, it is not the highway everyone uses to get most efficiently from point A to point B. It's that little path off to the side that disappears around the bend, leading who knows where - perhaps to 'the' place, perhaps not at all.
It's an experience that holds a lot of melancholy for me as an individual, and it's in this sad emotional mood that I find a transcendent kind of beauty that I wouldn't trade for the world.
I have always been drawn to oriental philosophies and arts because these traditions have a certain way of dwelling in nature. A way of stopping all the doing doing doing and instead, residing with awareness in the present as the trees wiggle, as the clouds drift along, as the waves ripple across the surface of the waters, and as the sun and stars wheel on by.
Out of this awareness and mode of perception, many beautiful concepts have emerged that touch on qualities of experience the productive busy world has no attention for - especially in the 'West'. Japanese aesthetics have always captivated me since I was a child.
There are many particular Japanese aesthetic qualities that I'd like to write about within the context of the mechanics, but we'll focus on just one of them today which is called:
Yūgen - 幽玄
Yūgen (幽玄) is an important concept in traditional Japanese aesthetics. The exact translation of the word depends on the context. In the Chinese philosophical texts the term was taken from, yūgen meant “dim”, “deep” or “mysterious”. In the criticism of Japanese waka poetry, it was used to describe the subtle profundity of things that are only vaguely suggested by the poems.
Yūgen is said to mean “a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe… and the sad beauty of human suffering”.
Yūgen suggests that beyond what can be said but is not an allusion to another world. It is about this world, this experience.
(Ortolani, 325). Ortolani, Benito. The Japanese Theatre. Princeton University Press: Princeton, 1995
My favorite description of this concept so far belongs to Alan Watts in his lecture on Japanese aesthetics called 'Unbleached Silk'.
Here you have a short audio clip in which he describes Yūgen specifically:
Alan Watts - Unbleached Silk_cut_part 3_cut.mp3
"Little sounds emphasizing silence, little motions emphasizing stillness"
There are many things Alan speaks to in this lecture that would merit pointing out and discussing - perhaps we'll get there sometime.
At the end of his explanation of yūgen he begins to describe how it flows over into another concept called 'sabi', which as a quality reflects the essential solitude of being in our own nature.
In the next few paragraphs, I will connect the concept of yūgen with the melancholy and solitude of Individuality as we know it in Human Design terms, using the medium of art.
Yūgen in Art
I love having conversations with artists and those deeply immersed in the arts who have an acute eye and feeling for the creative self-expression of individuality.
Had I been a Generator, or carried any of the Channels of Creativity connected to a Motor Center, I'd probably spend my days drawing, painting and sculpting away. My talent for art is sporadic and in hibernation most of the time. So I'm very glad to have connections with very vivid artists who bring their world into my life.
In a recent exchange with one of my friends, the artist Andrew Wyeth was mentioned, along with some of his incredible pieces:
As I observed these paintings, the quality of yūgen seemed at once all-pervasive to me. I wrote to my friend:
"The atmosphere and awareness suggested by each of these paintings is defined by what isn't there. We don't know if it isn't there yet, or if it isn't there anymore. Whatever the 'it' might be.
This is the quality of yūgen that accentuates at once every small thing and subtle nuance that is there. The blades of grass, the texture of the fields, the gradients of colours, light and shading. The placement and posture of bodies and objects interacting with the wind. It evokes the melancholic emotional mood of anticipation and loss, as we wait for 'it'.
And in this waiting there is only the noticing of the beauty of all that is there. All that isn't 'it'. All that isn't 'it' yet. All that will never be 'it'.
If we can accept the waiting and be with that, we won't miss a thing."
Yūgen, Melancholy, Waiting, Noticing
It is difficult to wait at first, when we are in our early experiment with our Strategy and Authority. In the end, every Type must wait - even the Manifestor. Each of us waits for the right time to be moved by life in one way or another. Though most of us have been raised with the conditioning that we should make it happen, that we should do it in order to be it, or achieve it, or experience it, or have it,...
It is a challenge for the mind to let go, and we can find ourselves addicted to action, and to the generating of the sacral. When we look at the busy-ness of modern society, and have conversations with people who are in that productive flow day-in day-out, then the compulsion to do, and the negative association with non-doing, are very much on the surface.
I did some research at university regarding people's perspectives on 'not doing' or 'non-doing'. And often people who struggled with not keeping themselves preoccupied reported similar fears:
Gate 55 The Fear of Emptiness
Gate 22 The Fear of Silence
Gate 28 The Fear of Death
Gate 57 The Fear of Tomorrow
Gate 24 The Fear of Ignorance
Gate 43 The Fear of Rejection
You can read more about each of these fears in the Definitive Book of Human Design, or by participating in one of the courses such as Living Your Design, Rave ABCs or Rave Cartography.
Each of these fears is part of our circuit of Individual Knowing, the central pathways that run throughout the Bodygraph. Because they are Individual, they are formatted by the frequency of the Pulse in the 3/60 Channel of Mutation, which is a timed release mechanism for the profound mutation that Individuality can bring.
The Pulse fluctuates and initiates suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere. But until it does, it isn't there. Nothing is happening. Nothing is happening. Nothing is happening. Until there is the sudden spark of mutation that can create a new order out of chaos.
This is the process that also underlies the chemistry of melancholy: an emotional mood of sadness that is present in these empty spaces between pulses. And when you look at many artists, you'll see that their creativity and art contains this sadness. It is what can be most attractive about them to their audience. This touch of melancholy gives their work poetic depth and augments the beauty that they have managed to channel into form.
The artistic skill that could appear to elevate them far beyond the crowds of people who would never dare dream of being so creatively inspired or capable, is somehow balanced by the mood of melancholy that pervades their art. It reminds everyone that the artist is human too, that they too have suffered existence in form, in one way or another. And it can be a point of connection, when they can recognize their own individual sadness mirrored in the sadness of the artist. The spectator can feel known, can recognize in themselves what they are otherwise too busy (or afraid) to see: the solitude of their individuality - and its uniqueness. This is what gives art its empowering potential.
You can notice the power of melancholy in Andrew Wyeth's work. Even though it isn't the only quality noticeable in the figures, landscapes and objects, you can see how each of them are held in this emotional sadness. This waiting in between the pulses of change. Also notice the quality of loneliness or aloneness (depending on how you want to look at it). This sense of 'there's just me now...' is part of the melancholy of individuality.
The Gates I listed above are awareness gates that belong to the Solar Plexus Center, the Splenic Center, and the Ajna Center. These are the fears that we confront in the solitude of our individuality and they each reflect the absence of something.
Gate 55 The Fear of Emptiness, reflects the absence of passion.
Gate 22 The Fear of Silence, reflects the absence of attention.
Gate 28 The Fear of Death, reflects the absence of purpose.
Gate 57 The Fear of the Future, reflects the absence of truth.
Gate 24 The Fear of Ignorance, reflects the absence of certain knowing.
Gate 43 The Fear of Rejection, reflects the absence of acceptance.
And it's in this absence that we struggle to dwell in the waiting, because the Pulse does not let us know when change will come. We don't even know if it will come at all. We're just suspended in the here-and-now.
To me, it is this absence that marks the quality of yūgen, the emptiness, the silence, the not-knowing, the purposelessness. In the Westernized busy world, we have no cultural frame or appreciation for this, and so it freaks most people out. When I interviewed people about this, it seemed that these fears tend to be too much to handle. I wondered if that's because you can only venture through them alone, and most people do not dare, so they cling to a mental preoccupation instead of their own unstimulating company.
And yet here you have artists like Andrew Wyeth who remind people there is something mysterious and profound about the absence of something. He reminds his audience to reside in the waiting, to move through the sadness of being in between that which has been and that which is not yet.
Through his art, it is the quality of yūgen that reveals something extraordinary: that if you can just be with the waiting, all of a sudden - everything that is there, all the subtle nuances and details that would go unnoticed in busy doing, finally there is the space for all of that to permeate awareness and stimulate consciousness in a supreme yet peaceful way. This is the power of suggestiveness that absence holds.
Suddenly, in the sadness of being, beauty is everywhere in the most dull and boring of places. One can see the whole universe contained within the absence of anticipation, disclosed by the wiggling of a decaying leaf - like 'little sounds emphasizing silence'. And this deep silence being more profound and meaningful than anything that could ever be said.
Suddenly there is something to pay attention to, something to be passionate about, there is purpose, there is life, truth, knowing and creativity. And it's all right here and now. It emerges as naturally as anything else, without us needing to 'do' anything to bring it about. Then we are called by our creative muse to channel the sadness of our own unique individuality into art.
It just required waiting, waiting, waiting and then noticing.
The acceptance of the absence.
The path that disappears in the fog, not needing to know where it may lead.
Enjoy your movie,
Keynoting example of Emotional Projector from Professional Analyst Training Level 1
PTL1 Analyst Training - Keynoting Practice (Design Nodes)
Hi all,
I've been invited to share some of the keynoting practice that happens behind the scenes in our PTL1 Analyst Training classes.
Last week we were practicing entering into someone's chart through the Design Nodes and bringing these together with Type, Strategy & Authority and Openness.
I did my best to write up keynoting for Naraya Fox. In the video above you can listen to me read out loud while Laveena touches on the relevant aspects of Naraya's chart as I speak them.
At the bottom of this article, you can find the text written out in full.
This may be an interesting and helpful example for those of you who have taken the foundational courses such as Rave ABCs and Cartography, and for those of you who are self-studying, if you would love to do analyst work like this.
Analyst Training takes approximately 4 years, so we're just at the beginning here, but the difference in my ability to read into a chart after two semesters of training with Laveena is already something I'm enjoying very much.
When I write an analysis like this I bring together the skill of reading a chart and the poetry of keynoting with what I have physically recognized in the person (if I've met them). The magic of the Human Design system is that the keynoting is highly accurate, it works, even though you may not necessarily know what these things mean to the person you're speaking to. You speak the words, you watch them land and evoke a real physical response. It's magical, and this can also be a source of insecurity initially.
It's always a slippery slope for me to say things I cannot be certain of. I have been educated not to assume someone else's reality, not to impose my ideas about who they are or think they should be onto them. Listening back to the recording, I can hear this familiar hesitation in me. When it comes to Human Design, if I have directly seen a particular phenomenon described in the mechanics, then I know what I'm saying. But many times, I read someone's chart and I know conceptually this is how it works - but I haven't seen it live yet.
I don't enjoy approaching someone with 'this is how you're supposed to be'. We all know the Not-Self will be prone to disagreeing with you anyway, but equally you can't just go: "No no, I'm the Analyst here, I know what this is, you're Not-Self and don't know who you are. Let me tell you."
(or at least with my undefined centers that would be very tricky to pull off with integrity.)
Especially when you actually don't know what it is, and you only have the theory, your imagination and assumptions... You can end up gaslighting your client. It's necessary that you recognize where you are at with a measure of humility. Then surrender to the process of transmission, and with respect to the one you're talking to. Simply knowing how to do keynoting does not mean you 'know better', that you are aware and understand the mechanics.
This is the edge that you walk on as an Analyst, because there will always be so much you haven't directly seen, and that you can never experience yourself. This is where you inevitably do take a leap of faith and trust in the system as Ra laid it out. And that's why it has to earn your trust through validation over and over again, indefinitely. Even after death, Ra needs to continue to prove himself ongoingly.
As a professional in Human Design, you take the risk and see what happens. If you use the right keynotes then more often than not the receiver knows exactly what you're talking about (they are living it after all) - and that's the magical surprise. You never know if it's going to happen, but when it does it's extraordinary. Then you discover alongside them how those particular mechanics function - it's very beautiful and humbling to experience. So most importantly, it is the physical response that matters, that's where the theory of the system is substantiated in practice.
I can remember doing keynoting for a Reflector, and as I read it out to them experienced them feeling seen at a level that the aura doesn't allow for. I watched their body posture drop into an open relaxation with tears of relief rolling down their cheeks. They said they finally felt like they could be who they were with somebody and feel understood. Had I tried to scan them with my Projector eyes without studying their chart, I only would have seen myself.
All of my Human Design teachers have said people come back to them years after their Foundation Reading, thanking them for the keynoting because it was profoundly true and helpful in the end - even though the person didn't see it and disagreed with it at the time. They went on with their lives, continued with their trial and error process and eventually came to recognize that what they had been told was valid after all.
I can say this was certainly the case for me. Perhaps you had a similar experience.
So, for those of you who are keen to read here is the text:
Naraya, as a Projector you are Designed to be recognized and invited into the environment where you can thrive and fulfil your purpose. In the wake of the invitation, it is your emotional authority that lets you know this is the place to be. It is through the neutral clarity that arises, after the highs and lows have moved through you, that you can follow an invitation to an environment that nurtures the flourishing of your purpose in due time.
For the first half of your life, where you find yourself is a place of need. An environment where there is the pressure to have all needs met on the material plane and perhaps even the scarcity thereof. It is a transpersonal environment where you are surrounded by familiars, people who use their network to find the opportunities to meet their needs, and there is likely to be burnout and fatigue – though it may not necessarily be yours. It’s an environment of interrelatedness, where individuals find cooperation as part of a team.
Halfway through life, you can expect a change of scenery as you bump into a new place for you to be on your experimental trajectory. It is a place of privacy, where there is active withdrawal and the transformation of a weak position into a strength. A place where people find dignity in their fatigue and retreat without turmoil.
Naraya, as an Investigative Martyr, your public role is to be embedded into these environments as someone who studies deeply to secure the foundations for their authority about what they know, share and can support others with, through experimental trial and error. These are places where you can successfully make and break bonds in your determination to discover what actually works. These are the environments where you can move through public spaces where people can come and go through your aura as you process and digest life and assimilate its information.
As you accumulate life experiences and capture the lessons inherent in each mistake, you are driven to remember what didn’t work. This gives you a healthy pessimism, meeting others with your belief that what is best can never be achieved. This prevents you from becoming unrealistic in your expectations. At the right time, you’ll be able to share the secrets you have kept safely so that all can benefit from the nuggets of wisdom they contain.
You may find yourself surprised that people in these environments will recognize you for your sensitivity to the needs of the community and how they can be met, for your ability to recognize which feelings to focus on within the whole spectrum of possible experiences we could share, and for your individual mental inspiration that is highly mutative and empowering in its knowing of underlying principles to life’s mysteries.
Naraya, you have a profound emotional nature, the depths of which are largely unconscious to you. As this emotional undercurrent stirs, your fantasy and imagination may give rise to expectations and a yearning to have desire fulfilled and needs met. It is important that you cultivate patience with yourself and learn to enjoy fantasy for what it is without giving in to the pressure of expectation. To experience the experiencing for its own sake so you can be fully immersed in it and know what merits reflection afterwards.
It may be very tempting to jump spontaneously into wild adventures, especially either on the emotional highs or lows of your deeply sensitive nature. It is here where your mind can trick and trap you through conditioning, Naraya. With patience you can observe and watch it think that you should prove your worth, that you should make big promises and commit, that you should hold on for your survival even if whatever you’re holding onto is toxic to you, that you should continue to do more and be more productive even though you’re all out of energy and need rest.
The mind may think that you need to make sure you demonstrate that you’re the best, that you have the right values, that you can persevere no matter what difficulties may come your way, fuelled most intensely by the fear of responsibility and irresponsibility.
If only you had more skills, more ambition, more joy and stimulation, more continuity, more power, more vision – don’t buy it! You are not lacking any virtues, gifts or abilities. You are enough exactly as you are to live this life correctly and thrive in it. Bitterness can contaminate you with any spontaneous mental decision that leads you into the wrong thing that goes wrong. That is not what you’re here for Naraya, you’re here for the right thing that goes wrong.
Trust in your emotional nature, this emotional body of yours, to know when the right time has come to say ‘yes’, to interact with and guide those who recognize you for the things that light you up inside! When you align with your Inner Authority your mind can be freed to pay attention to who is out there and to recognize their beauty, their gifts, their energies so you can know how to guide successfully.
You have an incredible potential to be wise about who has got the willpower to reliably support the tribe. Who has got a healthy ego to massage and sell the tribe on what is best for its continuity and material well-being? Who has got the drive to rise up in the material world and do what it takes to get there?
Whose immune system is healthy or unhealthy? Who has got the values by which we can nurture our young correctly? Who has got the vitality and joy to correct our collective patterning into the future? Who has got the skills that can bring out the depth so the correction can be creatively expressed?
And who has got the receptivity and the vision to know which creative direction we should invest our wealth into? These are the things you can recognize and know! Once your mind is no longer burdened with worrying about your life, these are the things it can start to pay attention to instead.
For yourself, you can become wise about the fact that you have nothing to prove, that your value is innate. You can be wise about when enough is enough and when to let go.
And with the patience to wait for recognition and an invitation, it is your emotional body that will let you know with whom you are here to connect, and whom you are here to guide in a way that brings you success and fulfilment.
The Projector's Subtle Habit of Initiating
A HumanDesign.Live Advice Post by Hagen Artley, 2/5 Splenic Projector, Mental Split, Cross of Explanation
The following article can be enjoyed in 2 ways: full-length and summary.
If it's too much of a read for you, only reading the bold black and blue text will still make sense and summarise the whole thing.
Dear Projector,
Your curiosity is something that probably many Projectors encounter about their own behaviour in relation to others along the way. And how incredible to get to this place of questioning something that seems to be a very ordinary thing to say:
“I would like to spend time with you sometimes. :)”
Is this actually an initiation? If so, how many other ordinary interactions or messages we text to others frequently could be initiations?
It’s quite a radical thing to ask ourselves. How could we tell? And does it mean that statements like this are incorrect every time?
Laveena often says in her classes that Strategy and Authority, particularly for Projectors, are for the big things in life that really change things up for us: the people we spend time with, the relationships we have, the places we stay in, where we live, the work we do, etc. However, for day-to-day navigation and regular interaction with friends and relatives, many Projectors experience the need for a more refined tool to help them navigate the subtleties – as not every single thing comes with an explicit, loud and clear invitation. And it's not like we can use S&A for the big things and then return to mental decision-making in between...
After his first few years of teaching the Human Design system, Ra approached Projectors with an apology.
He said he’d done them an injustice because so much of his attention had been focused on trying to get Generators to respond. He came to realize that Strategy and Authority was too limited for Projectors. Ra added Color Transference as another essential tool for our Type to recognize what contexts and interactions are correct for us, and which ones are not. He introduced it as a ‘power that we (Projectors) never had before’.
Color Transference is something that operates at a level below the Line, so it requires a more subtle level of perception and awareness to see it. Projectors more readily operate at that level, though it may take some years of deconditioning for the brain fog to clear enough so that we can see the phenomenon at work. It's part of the Four Radical Transformations of Human Design.
The two main Color Transference tools we were given are Color Motivation (Personality Sun/Earth) and Perspective (Personality Nodes).
You may already know your Color Motivation, Perspective and Transference, but before I talk about how it applies to this process of learning how not to initiate, I just want to clarify things a bit more for those who are new to the mechanism.
A great piece on this by Ra to start off with is this one:
Here Ra talks about these tools that we as Projectors can use in relation to others in order to develop our seeing as passenger consciousness. He explains in detail the dilemma we have with Strategy and Authority alone, and how we can turn it into a problem when it doesn’t have to be one.
One of the things he says here is this:
“You get an invitation from somebody, you enter into that correctly, but the reality is if you're watching your process during the course of the time you're with them, you'll notice that there'll be a shift to your distraction. You're suddenly being pulled away from what's correct for you and it is in those moments where you need to recognize you’re being conditioned and watch that conditioning.
Because this is what it's all about. And being able to SEE the conditioning, gives you a way out.
Very hard for projectors to go like this. It's very hard to say “I need your generating and manifesting but not now.” There's this fear that you don't get it back, there's this fear that you lose it. There is this deep deep drive inside to hold onto… that connection no matter how you end up rationalizing that in your design.
So it becomes very important for you to begin to see the way in which you are being influenced on an ongoing basis by those beings around you. And remember why we see this. Not to end the relationship. This is not about that. It's not about saying “this person is terrible for me and I never want to see them again”, it isn't about that at all. It's about your potential, to actually SEE them conditioning you.
Most people think that you need to have a solution “Let's stop the conditioning" and so on… We don't want to stop conditioning. The only time that you can stop conditioning, is when you die. Conditioning ends at death. Until then it's a part of our lives. It doesn't have to be something that's negative. It doesn't. It could be the most fascinating thing in your life.”
– Ra Uru Hu
In this article, we’ll just focus on Color Motivation. Laveena has already written some rich articles on the subject which you can find here:
In a nutshell, below the level of the Line we have further layers of differentiation: the Color, the Tone and the Base – this is called the ‘substructure’ out of which everything we see on the surface of the Bodygraph emerges. Layer after layer, our frequency works its way up from the depths of the Base to the surface of the Line as it differentiates into a precise and nuanced expression of consciousness in form. This substructure is the way in which the crystals of consciousness operate as they filter the neutrino information feed.
Now, Color Motivation is the state of mind that you are pulled into by your environment and the people you interact with.
It creates the cognitive filter for how you take information in and how you learn. This state of mind is informed by your sense perception, which takes place at the level of the Tone - but we don’t need to go into that much detail here. Similar to our 6 Lines, there are 6 different Color Motivations named Fear, Hope, Desire, Need, Guilt and Innocence. To know which one applies to you your time of birth must be quite accurate and you’ll need to access software that can produce charts with this information (all popular HD software I know of can show it).
When you are able to watch your mind, when you can observe what’s going on in there without identifying with its ‘I’ as being who you are, then you can witness these layers of the mechanics live at work.
You can notice the scripts of the Lines as the voice in the head chatters away, you can notice the adaptive Not-Self strategies from the undefined centers show up as mental agendas and proposals for action (“if I do this, then I’ll get that”). And you can notice the Color Motivation – it is the overall state of mind you are in, the underlying quality that animates your thinking.
Each of us has a correct Color Motivation that is pure, that allows our Personality to assimilate information and express Outer Authority. However, it is also a binary.
Color is something that is moving and dynamic, it swings constantly from its correct frequency to its distracted counterpoint like a pendulum. When the Color frequency shifts, it undergoes a process called Transference.
Transference means the frequency shifts over to its harmonic opposite. Fear shifts to Need, Hope shifts to Guilt, Desire shifts to Innocence and the other way around in each case. When this occurs, we experience a distorted quality of that Color Motivation. It becomes disconnected from correct cognition.
This means we do not see clearly and the mind tends to freak out about this because it temporarily has no access to awareness, and it doesn’t know when awareness is going to be restored – it is blinded.
When you look at your own Transference Color Motivation you can add the word ‘blind’ in front of it to make its quality very clear: blind fear, blind hope, blind desire, blind need, blind guilt, blind innocence. Each one of them is an unintelligent expression of mind, and one of them will be particular to you.
This is not something that is bad or wrong. You don’t have to try to fix it. But it is also not a basis to make decisions from – it is something to observe. We need this contrast in order to distinguish what our pure Color Motivation is. It helps us recognize correctness from incorrectness. It is not something we can do anything about, we can only learn to abide more and more deeply by S&A as opposed to overreact from the Not-Self.
To learn more about the specifics of each of these Color Motivations, you can join Laveena's Radical Transformation Clinic for Non-Sacrals here:
So having explained the basics a bit, we can return to your inquiry, Roxana.
Is the text message “I would like to spend some time with you sometimes. :)” really an initiation?
What makes you think so? Did you feel bitter some time afterwards?
Giving this some thought myself, looking at examples in my own life, it seems to me that the Color Motivation can be a determining factor. It’s what turns a message like that into an initiation as opposed to a simple expression of appreciation and transparency. To me, the key seems to be the energy the message was written with, not the actual words themselves.
I think you could write the exact same sentence to two different people and one would be an initiation and the other would not be. What would make the difference?
One would carry the energetic charge of some kind of attachment to an outcome, some kind of anticipated fulfilment of the agenda your mind was crafting the message with, rooted in your undefined centers. The other would carry the charge of non-attachment, a simple voicing of appreciation for your friend, without the pressure for them to even reply or respond to it. Color Motivation Transference is a tool that you can use to recognize one from the other in the act of writing.
What state of mind are you in? What energy motivates your communication?
Roxana, in your case, were you in an emotionally clear place within yourself? Were you motivated by intelligent Need or blind fear?
From my personal experience, Color Motivation Transference can show up with varying degrees of intensity, from very subtle craving to full-blown desperation. In any case, when it shows up and we act on it, we’re tapping directly into the Not-Self strategies of our undefined centers.
So, through the undefined G’s endless search for love, identity and direction, was your mind worried about losing this person in your life?
Was your mind craving for the Life Energy of the Sacral to be turned on again?
Did the other person give your undefined Heart external validation of self-worth to boost your mental self-esteem?
Or were you feeling mentally anxious or bored looking for someone inspiring to focus on?
Maybe it’s someone special who just seems to draw out this incredible information from you that not everyone does.
For Split Definitions like you and me, our minds might be motivated to try and find a bridge that connects the islands of our Definition together. It’s likely that the person you were texting is someone who bridges your wide split, making you feel more whole when you are together with them.
In a state of blind fear I assume there can be a confusion about other people. The mind can start to obsess about survival risks, attaching to others in order to find security. You might experience mental worry about losing the bond you have, not wanting to make any mistakes. Or you might not know whether you can trust other people and get lost in alienation, too afraid of everything.
Correctly motivated, on the other hand, it could be good to let your partners know how important they are to you.
To share a bit from my experience: in some relationships, people have very explicitly invited me to feel free to engage with them as I please. In other relationships, I can feel the expectation from the other for me to initiate them, but without any recognition or invitation towards me to actually do so. I can notice disappointment in them that I’m always waiting for them to make the first move, and my mind thinks ‘I should’ initiate something with them in order to maintain the bond, but there’s no genuine energy in me moving in that direction. So, I think the relational context sets the stage for how much freedom a Projector can have in how they interact.
To me, particularly as a Wide Split Definition, what does matter is to express the real difference someone’s presence makes in my life. To have a secure bond it is important that we are aware of what it’s built upon – without that being a burden or an expectation.
Having said this, I also find that this open freedom to engage does not always provide my Projected Channels the energy to actually show up. Perhaps these beings love to have me around and interact with me, but don’t actually recognize me for any of my specialties. Perhaps I don’t need to be saving the day with everyone all the time 24/7 either. These are things I also wonder and am learning about. We’re all walking paradoxes trying to find our balance between this and that.
My sense is that it's the invitation that energizes the Projected Channel to function correctly. When there is a correct invitation, there is something specific - there is a context with your name on it ready to receive your input.
There is an aliveness waiting for your guidance. It isn’t random, it’s a body specifically calling for yours, it’s the wider ecosystem asking you to fulfil the role you were designed for so that life and consciousness can continue to evolve.
As I’m writing, the Definitive Book is lying open on page 354. It shows Gate 11: Peace – Ideas. Many people have ‘ideas’ in their minds about what they would like to do and who they would like to do it with...
But the secret of this Gate is that these ideas are not for manifesting into action, they are simply there to share and stimulate us - and this will have an effect, but not necessarily the actual realization of that particular idea into physical form or experience.
I’ve noticed many people in my social circles feeling so powerless because their ideas are never fulfilled. They think they have this great idea and they just need to find the right person who will value it and provide the energy to make it happen – and it never does. They may take a few steps in that direction until the creativity falls flat and they feel slightly frustrated, bitter, disappointed or even angry that it just didn’t work out again.
My reasoning here is that those ideas are top-down impositions from the mind that are not rooted in any local physical context or situation at hand – they won’t evoke a generative response to make them happen. They are inspired by the past and give rise to beliefs and stories.
The 3rd Line of this Gate, the material Line, is called ‘The realist: The acknowledgment that peace is transitory’. Its exaltation says: ‘The realization that ideas come and go’. Its detriment says: ‘A pleasure in ideas that have no real application’.
Our 3rd Line process here is not about materializing the idea through trial and error, it’s about finding peace in the realization that these stimulating ideas are beautiful as such and don’t need to be carried out – even when we feel bored or conflicted about life.
So why am I talking about Gate 11? Because it highlights to me an important concept: relevance and irrelevance. Only when something is relevant to the movement of Life Force will it be enlivened by the call.
We have many ideas about where we think we’re going, what we might do together, and so on. Our imagination may be filled with beauty, but ultimately it is the unfolding process of the form that actually materializes. We don’t make it happen, we are it happening as we witness it.
Yet I think that many of our common interactions with people - the subtle text messages, the emoticons and gifs we use, the ways in which we stimulate each other with memes and ideas - can be these small nudges of trying to push life into the direction of an idea we hope to see fulfilled. An idea that in the end is irrelevant to the life process – especially when it arises out of a mind in Transference.
Whatever it all might be, in the end, may not matter very much. If you know the Design of the person you were texting you could make a few connections and perhaps learn an interesting thing or two about yourself. But the importance here would be to find clarity about your own inner state of mind, as the conditioning reverberates through your openness. The same would apply to any other kind of ordinary interaction that we could easily take for granted.
Roxana, to be able to recognize subtle forms of initiation and misinforming hidden behind ordinary gestures and communication, all you really need is to watch your mind and recognize its condition. Then notice if it’s pushing you to act spontaneously while disregarding your emotional wave and how you genuinely feel, ignoring what you have actually been recognized and invited for in that relationship.
According to what I’ve learned in Laveena’s classes, this may take more deconditioning time for you as a Quad Right Variable. This is because your Right brain needs to be fed correct nutrition for a longer period of time in order to function optimally again.
(The same would be true for any other Variable with a Right brain. So for anyone else reading, grab a chart that shows you the arrows of your Variable next to the head. If your upper left red arrow points to the Right, then you've got a Right brain too.)
Remember that Transference is not something bad or wrong, it’s a natural process of learning through observation. It is not something that you are doing, it is not something that you need to get right. It’s something that happens as a consequence of how your environment, and the beings in it, impact you.
As you said in your message, you’re experiencing more and more how these things work for you and that’s all this is really about, no?
To be able to live life this way with enough self-love to embrace the whole experience, watching ourselves grow in awareness on this journey through space – isn’t that the greatest gift?
Enjoy your movie,
Monkey Mind, Re-Defined - 12 Solutions to the Not-Self Mind
12 Solutions to the Not-Self Mind Free Human Design Training Class
Everything has a Successful Design; in Being Itself
I'd like you to meet Athena (image below). I am one of her new humans. =) She is a Border Collie puppy, and she has a Mammalian Reflective design. Her only activation is Uranus in 27.6, and thanks to Gate 50 coming up in Analyst Discussion class this past week, I realized I'd named her after the godhead of my Dreamrave weak point, which is Gate 50 (oops! Oh well!). Minerva is what Ra used for that area of the Mandala wheel, and Athena is another name for Minerva. Interestingly, my Analyst Teacher trainer, Lynette told me she "had a dear friend with a Border Collie named Athena - smartest dog she ever met!" Yep, they sure are.
Everything, everything, everything in our Maia has a Design. Even our individual cells in our bodies. Even inanimate objects (Gate 25, Innocence; the Spirit of the Self).
We are all objects moving in space, with our own gravitational pull—to encounter people, places, and things our Magnetic Monopole draws us towards, whether we have a planet in Gate 2 (home of the monopole) or not.
Ra described the Monopole like the arm of a streetcar, pulling us along our path in our trajectory in space, choicelessly.
"Choicelessness is our grace." Ra
The further away you are from walking your path in alignment, the more resistance (anger, frustration, bitterness, disappointment) you feel in your life.
The closer you are to your own Spirit which is the essence of one's Signature (Peace, Satisfaction, Success, Surprise) the more these things shine through us, and are expressed in the important areas of our lives that make us feel alive.
Even our homes have a form, energy, and a Spirit we can feel, sense, touch, or know; imbibed with a consciousness all its own. Anything inanimate has gate 25; the design of a single cell has gates 3, and the channel 5-15. Here are the rest of the Design of Forms (introduced in our Rave Cartography class):
My husband and I are both Mountain Outer Determination (our Primary Health System Environment) people. Mountain people tend to prefer less densely populated areas, with broad expansive views from on high. He is passive, I am active. Within months of when we first met, without even knowing about our PHS yet, he invited me out of San Diego and up into the high California mountains, where we lived both together and apart for most of my Human Design experiment. We recently bought a home out in the high desert (around 4,000' elevation) countryside, our first house together, with escrow closing after the lockdowns.
Because he is a 5/1 (they are very private people), I'm honoring his request to not show interior photos of our home. So I'll do my best to describe the feeling of it. Feeling is my cognition. =)
From the road, its unassuming structure is perched on a hill with sweeping views of a lush, verdant valley thanks to a winding creek, vineyards, green pastures with horses, cows, goats, chickens, dogs, homes, and their people. It is s two-story structure built into the ridge of a hillside. The lower level, (his) floor has west-facing windows with the exception of one south and one north, bringing in the warmth and light to heat the coolness of his Earth-facing walls on the east.
It's perfect, really. He's a Hot and I'm Cold Inner Determination Primary Health System (see playlist below for an overview of the Radical Transformations in Human Design). We prefer vastly different temperatures and humidity levels, especially since I'm living with Hashimotos. So he not only gets his own floor and living spaces, this means thankfully he gets his own climate controls and so do I! To learn more
It's really nice to have my husband and I have the same Channel of Recognition, a Design of Focused Energy (to Feel) also known as the Strength of Imagination, as our authoritative channel. When we walked into this house, it was easy for us to feel the call of how it had sat empty for over three years, just waiting for us, its next family to care for, protect and love. Yes, love. Inanimate Objects have a design with a Trait of Innocence, the Gate of the Spirit of the Self. This is the transcendent love of All-That-Is, which provides a place to Be Love, and is the life-blood of our design. Literally, Gate 25 is correlated biologically with the blood in Human Design.
From driving by in Fall to visiting several times over winter to feel it out and photograph repeatedly (I love taking pictures!), and closing escrow in Spring, it rightly took us more than several months from finding it to getting clear on buying it. This is correct for Emotional Beings. He is Outer Vision, I am Feeling cognition. I knew the fourth and last time we went to visit as I caressed the carefully crafted custom surfaces that I loved this house; I could feel this was "it" and that it loved me back.
Homes or objects innocently Be, providing the place for us to discover our own identity in partnership with what Ra called the "bi-verse" that is us and is seen all around us.
Time spent in places affects our spirit. The buildings we inhabit affect the quality of our health, not just because of the materials they are created from. They have a design all their own. They are extensions of one's body; the mind as we know it depends on the structure of the brain to provide its sensory cognition. So too, our body depends on the structures of our world to give us sensory experiences and space or opportunity to be our differentiated selves within our lives.
With Venus in the Gate 21, I have always loved houses and homes of all kinds. One of my favorite jobs was staging, photographing, and showing homes when I was a Real Estate Broker in California.
My father was a plasterer when I was growing up, and I enjoyed that so much about the homes he built for us to live in. So when I walked into the house I immediately fell in love with its earthen-colored plastered walls, the natural smoothed texture so pleasing to feel and touch. Splashes of light teal and yellows contrasting with creams and reds pleased my eyes and lifted the corners of my mouth in delight.
Space is an incredible resource and a precious kind of wealth in this heavily-populated world we now live in. Being able to have and spend my time in a way that works for my physical limits as I mature feels successful. Projectors who have not yet deconditioned are addicted to the Sacral world. My most common noticing of Projectors in my observations of what they say is how much smaller their world gets, when they aren't out there chasing others and initiating going places to attract attention.
Space and time, two intangible gifts that give based on the interaction of our form within them. Gifts I have ever so much of thanks to my Human Design Experiment.
When this home first captured our attention, I imagined facilitating private and small group retreats here. With Channel 1-8 as part of my Incarnation Cross, I am designed to successfully lead a small group (3-5 people). One of Ra's fantasies he shared in the Differentiation Degree program I took over the past three years was to have a retreat center that offered services and lodging based on a person's Primary Health System, and before I knew about how truly private my husband is (it was a no to strangers coming over), I imagined this home could serve for that. As soon as I accepted his boundaries and had no problem with his wishes, he changed his mind! Now, it's a matter of right timing and people, as I must protect my body and energy levels as much as I protect my Aura. Until then, that daydream remains happily experienced in the realm of fantasy.
We often joke that our house would make a great human design sitcom. That's definitely a fantasy best left in the daydream category! When they are together my husband and 1/3 daughter often have me in stitches (a phrase used for laughter so hard it makes your sides hurt as if you'd just sprinted), and it is so much fun to live in a household filled with tons of fun, instead of the screaming, yelling and crying I remember growing up as a child. In this house, if I scream because I get startled by a bug or something, my husband can't even hear me on his floor!
I can't tell you how healing it is for me to live this way; if you experienced a broken household where people were yelling at each other when you were growing up, I imagine you know what I mean.
Although I loved the Sedona townhome (pic below) we rented before, the proximity to neighbors and busy streets never felt truly comfortable. Nor was it nearly as peaceful as the quiet solitude this place provides, far enough away from freeways to never hear interstate vehicle noise. All kinds of little birds and big ones like hawks, ravens, owls, roadrunners, desert cottontail bunnies, coyotes, javelina, and deer are heard and seen more often than neighbors here. The vast open space here with its cyclic and dramatic Monsoon weather feels free from the hectic pressure of societies' pulse and flow I can feel in any city.
In early 2018 during an intense time of shattering the old constructs of what I thought myself to be, I spent some three months living on the road while teaching Human Design, mostly online. As I journeyed through America, I wandered to explore the artistic communities and spiritual people and places that invited me.
I stayed with a Human Designer in Santa Fe who is a Living Your Design Guide and audited the very first LYD I ever taught, and runs her own one-on-one Human Design study vacations. She was wise enough to know that inviting just one person at a time over was the right way to mutate them with her design, which on the surface looks strikingly like mine.
Taos, New Mexico is not far north of Santa Fe and was another place Ra spent time in here in the states that I longed to experience. I housesat a beautiful home there and was invited by a fellow Human Designer I explored the area with to stay at an empty monastery named Hokoji. Another solitary sanctuary that invited and taught me the blessings of privacy and aloneness.
In Taos, there is a community of what is known as "Earth Ships." An Earthship is a state-of-the-art, off-grid, eco-friendly building with all the luxuries of a conventional house and more. I stayed in an Earthship there with a skylight over the bed, and the home had curved adobe walls and slanted windows that let in the sun to grow indoor gardens, and the night sky to nourish indoor inhabitants with its spectacular sky bursting with countless stars.
"The Grass is Always Greener..."
One of the things I know to be true is that the conditioned mind is never satisfied for long in terms of material accomplishment. Once an achievement is made (X money made, X amount in the bank, X certification, X relationship, etc) it's off on some other grander desire.
When you awaken, the very first sign is that of acceptance of the life you have, not the one you thought you should have had.
The truth for me is, the point is not the accomplishment, it is the feeling of SHARING the experiences lived along this path on this journey. And many of those experiences I daydream of having are best lived in fantasy, as I've learned along the way, the hard way in true 3rd line style (my Recognition channel has 3rd lines at both ends of it!).
Though my mind always fantasizes
about what could be
if things were different
(my conscious design strength, 41-30),
until the invitation, recognition,
and clarity of energy show up,
this windswept world is now home,
where my fur babies are,
where my family is,
and it is a private palace
filled with healthful things to do,
places to play,
with time and space
enough for each of us
to be ourselves when away.
The establishment of this new way of Being Yourself as your own Authority, in your own Aura, changes your body at a cellular level. Your senses are heightened, your sensitivity to energy is refined and awareness expands. For me, life feels so much freer, and my road to health another journey of the awakening process. If abundance is there for us in any form, it is there for us because of the nature of this life experience in our current life cycle, not because of anything "who you think you are" did. Watch the movie, surrender to your design, and your life is perfectly financed. If you’re interested in my Human Design Professional Guidance, check out the year of coaching below!
We are all enthralled so deeply in the Maia, as it is the most entertaining thing there is. And sometimes, we get to peek our head through the sky, see the mechanics of that which is beyond and thank our lucky stars that we are fortunate enough to be here now.
Be you, for you, and get the life you need for the fulfillment of your highest purpose. Whether your Spirit is designed to shine with sweet success, satisfaction, peace, or surprise, I wish you the discovery of the truth that is already right there inside of you, just waiting to be experienced.
Love Yourself,
Human Design Profit Potential Analysis Excerpt - Mental Projector Profiting By Being You
BEGIN your deconditioning journey: Sign up for the next LIVE Living Your Design Awakening Experience here: https://www.humandesignlifecoaching.com/classes-education-professional-training
Sign up for the next LIVE Projector success secrets here: https://www.humandesignlifecoaching.com/classes-education-professional-training/projector-living-your-design-awakening-experience-lbde3
Learn how to Profit By Being You with monthly LIVE coaching here: https://www.humandesignlifecoaching.com/classes-education-professional-training/human-design-business-coaching
Sign up for the next LIVE Living Your Design Awakening Guide Training Program here: https://www.humandesignlifecoaching.com/classes-education-professional-training/living-your-design-guide-certification
Where the Spirit Can Be Broken: A Human Design Learning Story
There are many secrets that the bodygraph holds in coming to grips with and accepting our evolutionary process. Over the years as I mentor professional students in unlocking their potential, I know I explain so many little-known bodygraph secrets that need to be shared more broadly so that we as a community can learn and grow together.
One of those is the state of a complete lack of the Lunar Nodes' definition in a natal chart, which I implement the analysis of in my deeper chart readings and teach you how to do as a professional analyst. Personally, I am one of these people whose nodes are in undefined Centers.
What is the nature of your Spirit? Put simply, it is the highest vibrational expression of the frequency of your being. In this duality of Being consciousness embodied in form, we all have a Signature of our Auric Type. That Signature is the essence of your Spirit shining through. Converse about it (and see all the accompanying pictures) on our private learning platform, HumanDesign.Live to learn how I overcame...Living with a "Broken Spirit"
Where the Spirit Can Be Broken: A Nodal Lesson
From HD Teen to HD Adult
In Human Design, we have a very different view of what constitutes maturity age-wise when it comes to our life cycles compared to the homogenized world, henceforth known here on our site as "sheep."
Have you ever lived next to sheep? Obnoxiously loud creatures. And the smell!
In Human Design, Ra trains us to be wolves. Welcome to the pack, my friends.
The end of our 9-Centered childhood is 30, when the most intense aspect of our Saturn Cycle kicks in, which is what I like to call our growing pains.
The beginning of our 9-Centered maturity is 38-44 depending on our Uranus Opposition date. We know this collectively as the "mid-life crisis" as things really shift in our lives. I happen to be stepping foot into this magical time.
The flowering of our full 9-Centered potential begins at age 50, during our Kiron return. Ra jokingly said, "human beings are useless before 50." How's that for a heretical perspective? More on the Kiron Cycle in this video.
In sheeplandia, 50 is idealistically thought of as a time to retire early, if you're really lucky, to quit work and enjoy life.
In wolflandia, 50 isn't anywhere near over the hill, but the beginning of a new Cycle when the fun really begins! Especially for those of us lucky enough to be living lives in alignment.
In Human Design, a Kiron Return reading is recommended for anyone who has completed a 7-year deconditioning Cycle; most especially it is highly recommended for all 6th line beings. Your natal chart combined with your Kiron chart explains what the highest flowering of your potential is. The Kironial activations shows the good conditioning required for you to fulfill your life's work.
Our current human vehicle is Uranian (unusual) in nature, a transitional creature between the 7-Centered Saturnian body and the coming RAVE mutation of our human species. Uranus dictates when we finally end the cycle of taking in the experiences necessary to set the stage for the rest of our lives. Between 38-44, we finally become adults, at a mature stage where we begin to breathe out our gifts in preparation for planting our life's work (Incarnation Cross) in the fertile soil of our Kironian Phase (beginning at age 49-50).
There is an important SHIFT that happens from before your Uranus Opposition to after your Uranus Opposition. You leave behind the South Nodes (Ketu) and enter into the world dominated by your North Node (Rahu) themes.
To remember which is which, think "Ra Uru Hu developed Human Design for our future" Ra - Hu or Rahu is the direction we move towards into the future, the North Node. Rahu is a term Ra borrowed from Vedic Astrology.
We can liken Nodal Oppositions to those really long roads you find in big cities. Where the name of the road changes, the scenery changes, but you are still going in the same direction as you are on the same road. Nodes are the path populated with people where you be (unconscious design) and frames how you see (conscious personality).
As I enter into my Uranus Opposition to finally become a 9-Centered Adult (age 44 for me) I am transitioning to fulfilling my purpose in a radically different environment. Instead of the mind's Tribal Defense environment and Collective Abstract view, I'm entering the realm of bonding through an Individual Knowing environment and donning Capitalistic Tribal Leadership Support glasses.
My physical environment is designed to be populated by highly selective Risk-Takers who want to know what makes life meaningful beyond survival, colored by being at a higher vantage point to intuit what others cannot ( My conscious perspective is maturing to one of having a Conservative, Objective, personal viewpoint of what can endure despite fear of financial failures (
I have many family members, acquaintances, friends, students, and clients in my life with the 27-28 and 42-32 sun/earth axis. When that happens to match the exact line value, that is an indicator of a Karmic Relationship.
In my design, I have a host of important memory circuit gates discerning what information is of relevance to us. If you don't know what the memory circuit gates are, it is an advanced area of circuitry; I teach them in the first year of our Professional Analyst Training classes.
I found as I got closer to my Uranus Opposition, I have a lot more energy and inspiration to write you stories of what I remember as an HD teaching tool. This is especially true right now as my throat is too sore from Hashimotos to speak as much as I would like to communicate with you, my beloved HD family!
The Aura carries information, it is what creates the form, not the other way around according to Ra. Any information we take in and what we are designed to breathe out forms the foundation of our 9-Centered Outer Authority, or the modern Awakened Life.
Enlightenment is our normal state of Being, and it is uniquely experienced by each of us.
Living with a
"Broken Spirit"
The Human Design System describes all four Nodes in an undefined state like mine, as where the "Spirit can be Broken."
What is the nature of your Spirit? Put simply, it is the highest vibrational expression of the frequency of your being. In this duality of Being consciousness embodied in form, we all have a Signature of our Auric Type. That Signature is the essence of your Spirit shining through.
There are many secrets that the bodygraph holds in coming to grips with and accepting our evolutionary process. Over the years as I mentor professional students in unlocking their potential, I know I explain so many little-known bodygraph secrets that need to be shared more broadly so that we as a community can learn and grow together.
One of those is the state of a complete lack of the Lunar Nodes' definition in a natal chart, which I implement the analysis of in my deeper chart readings and teach you how to do as a professional analyst. Personally, I am one of these people whose nodes are in undefined Centers.
Another way we can say this is that my environment is tremendously influenced by the people in my life who define them—an echo of the theme of a Projector, who is deeply dependent on others to recognize them.
Stories from my past,
an environment for the nurturing of growth
I've gone through extreme cycles of extremely poor and well-off thanks to my Fate my whole life. The success and bitterness cycle does not correlate with the bank balance, I can assure you. Born and raised mostly on the Big Island of Hawaii, I've lived in cars, on travertine, or concrete, to plywood floors or rotted wood and dirt floors alike.
As a kid, I remember building two of our own houses (my dad was a plasterer so I got to help). One of them was a Hawaii-style "coffee shack" hanging off a cliff off Highway 11 (a two-lane road that was the only one circling the entire island) we rebuilt and added on to. The other was brand new construction and felt luxurious with each of us kids getting our own room, its jetted master jacuzzi tub in the upstairs master and a rec room below, in addition to the giant living room with open beam ceilings. The neighbors had peacocks that were so very loud!
After my mom disappeared on us when I was 11 life got really hard. The house we'd built with our hands was sold, and I lived with many close or distant family members and friends of the family, boyfriends, and alone renting rooms, moving 17 times over the next 6 years alone.
When the nodal environment is completely undefined, the life path can through dramatic changes depending upon who is in your life.
When I was young we used to tent camp on a piece of remote, rocky shoreline property about four miles south of Kealekekua Bay. It was 100-year lease land that my paternal grandmother had the right to use. There was a tin shed with a pool table and on Saturdays, there would be "chicken fights" where the locals would attach curved knives to the legs of the cocks and bet on the winner.
This was just one of the many places I later lived as a teen, as I had a fight with my Dad's wife here and left that home to live with others, including an aunt, a grandmother, my sister's godmother, and my mom until I emancipated myself at 16 and dropped out of high school to go to work.
There was an outhouse up the hill that was super scary for this non-defined splenic center child to walk over the rough lava rocks at night, despite the flashlight. Stories of "night marchers" the ghosts of ancient Hawaiian warriors filled my imaginative mind.
There was no electricity; we had an ice chest filled with ice from the gas station 20 minutes up the winding tropical road, batteries for the radio, and kerosene lamps with the glow of mosquito coils at night. My dad would take us fishing in a tiny boat and he'd gut the colorful reef fish we caught to cook on the lava rock firepit he built to cook our dinner.
We washed our dishes in the tidepools across the dirt road between us and the rocky lava rock shoreline. I remember loving to watch the fierce-looking moray eels come up from the depths of the ocean to thrash about while they ate our scraps.
My years spending summertime down there were mostly sweet childhood experiences; jumping off cliffs, swimming, fishing, tubing, playing in tidepools, reading. As a high school teenager years later, I found myself living there in this three-room padlocked beach shack built from job scraps with my dad, my 15-year-old sister with her baby, and later my Dad's new wife. The unpainted plywood windows we'd prop open with sticks to the salty breeze during the daytime, without screens blocking the epic expanse of a glittering ocean view.
The thunderous crash of the waves through the lava tubes was so strong it shook our little shack on stilts and the bed I shared with my generator sibling and niece when the ocean was rough. Salt spray covered everything, and a daily shower was necessary to sleep comfortably.
The shack had a small closet with a hole in the floor for water to pour out onto the ground where we "went au'au" or bathed ourselves in the lightless, windowless room and no door, using a bucket and a cup with water heated over a propane camping stove. We got our water lugged in 5-gallon buckets from a public faucet near the Captain Cook monument down mostly unpaved dirt and rock roads several miles away.
My dad drove a roaring F-150 red Ford pickup from the 80's with a black rack he'd strapped giant bull horns to the front of, and this hard-working vehicle was nicknamed the Red Bull. I smile when I think of that truck, as it took us down the steep Waipi'o Valley road (where the end of Waterworld was filmed) for our other summer family vacation adventures.
The way you discern who is supposed to be in your life is utterly unique to your design, as Projectors are quite complex. The simplest signpost is the sweetness that can be felt in the relationship. Is it sweet, do you feel the glow of success? Or is it bitter, leaving a sourness to the experience? Remember these keys, they serve us well as signposts of alignment or not in this Projector movie.
When you have nodes
that are in undefined centers
as I do,
your life path
is deeply conditioned
by the others in your world
who define them.
If you are a Projector
like me,
this adds a deep
For Projectors, there is aninherent imperative
to have the right people
in your life to
fulfill your birthright of success.
For this reason, I am happy to announce a new Projector group "Future of Human Design" and if you are under 30, you're welcome to join, just post in the comments below this article on HumanDesign.Live for an invite.
Needless to say with a childhood experience like this, I had an interest in personal finance and swore to myself that I would have a better life for my child than what I'd experienced.
I started around eighteen by studying mail-order real estate investment programs and learned from mailed newsletters, cassette tapes, and books about personal finances. There was no internet back then, so I'd done mail correspondence courses to keep learning until I got my GED around the time my schoolmates would have been graduating.
I often worked multiple jobs, sometimes from an hour before sunrise till well beyond the sunset. I started contributing to a Roth IRA at 21, working my way to what I thought would bring me the security of a good life, earning money, and self-educating with the goal of being a millionaire by the time I was 30.
I made it to my childhood goal, living what many consider a rich lifestyle thanks to my dedication to hard work and security a few years before the 2008 real estate crash. The millionaire status I thought would bring the success that I'd worked so hard to get to vanished in a series of unfortunate events many of us here in the states are familiar with.
After the crash, it was all I could do to keep myself from hurtling off the balcony of the 17th floor Little Italy condo in downtown San Diego. My mind certainly imagined it constantly. My then-husband and I had owned a real estate and mortgage brokerage in the East San Francisco Bay Area that went belly-up; losing three California properties, and all our retirement when the real estate market tanked nearly crushed us.
I found myself homeless, living week to week in a motel, carless, scrambling for a job (creating my own online as a social media marketing manager), eventually taking on random and fetish modeling gigs to get by, living in an RV, and then 5th wheel trailer with a toddler, a disabled and deeply depressed husband, and we were in bankruptcy court. I was incredibly ashamed to be on welfare and going to group therapy to battle suicidal thoughts.
Read the rest of the story under the storytelling topic on HumanDesign.Live
Love yourself,
no matter what you see,
what you think,what you do.
It's so easy
when You can be You.Being yourself
is weird that's true,and it is utterly,
perfect for you.Because ONLY
Love Yourself, beloved Human Design Tribe!
Learning to Live Your Human Design
Learning to Live your Design is a path that frees you from the thrall of your own personal Matrix. Your mind weaves it for you every day, and making decisions with that mind is like entrusting your life to the 4-year-old version of yourself.
Remember that you? Most of us don't. But if you've ever raised a child, you know that by this time they've learned to hide perceived mistakes, omit facts, maybe even outright lie to avoid getting into trouble. Think of Hexagram 4, "Youthful Folly" the Gate of Formulization, that of providing logical answers. Line 4, is "the Liar" lying as an art form. Our homogenized mind lies. Not your fault, it just can't help it. It is irresponsible, lies to you, it seduces you, it goes to excessive lengths to convince you to force the timing of events according to what it thinks will benefit from most and take advantage of others for perceived gain.
Human Design Awakening is the path of Knowledge. It is a complex and profound system, and the basics, to begin with, are not complicated.
Yet, are you feeling a little lost, with too many options available?
Often it can be tricky for a newcomer to orient themselves to the vast variety of courses and materials that are available out there from people attempting to capitalize on its popularity without doing the work of studying AND experimentation. along with implementation to master the System first.
If you're looking for teachings in alignment with the Source material from the founder, Ra Uru Hu, you're in the right place. Still, you may wonder...
"Where should I start and why?"
"How to choose a teacher and what is the procedure?"
Especially for you, we created an article on our learning platform which explains all the essential first steps you need to take on your Human Design educational journey.
If you're brand new to HD, here is a full Introductory Class on What Human Design is, with an Overview of the Centers, Types, and how learning to live your design can help you awaken to your true nature. It's part of the free Introduction to Human Design course on our learning community.
The most critical step on the path of Awakening is the work facilitated by our IHDS Certified Living Your Design Guides. Next Live group class here.
Some people jump right over this step and try to make sense of all the details, overly confusing themselves in too much data, overlooking the rich depth of the simple, yet not easy, process of deconditioning.
Designed as an extension of the LYD, is Rave ABC's. Originally Ra taught each of these programs in a weekend format, as he traveled the world impacting people with Human Design. Now thanks to the internet, we can explore these realms over a once-weekly format, to accommodate our busy lifestyles and learners who want to digest and process a little at a time, over time.
If you need more clarity on the Foundations of Human Design here's an explanation of them for you!
Officially Licensed IHDS Foundational Education Part 1
Or, perhaps you abhor the group dynamic? If you're not a fan of conversational style "flip teaching" and you'd like to go through the Foundations privately because you are:
1) a Mental Projector who studies best alone
2) a Left Variable person who prefers focused study on your own terms
3) unable to attend live classes at the times offered
We now offer customized learning programs that combine one-on-one sessions with a guide of your choice along with assigned videos by me to take you through the core aspects of what you need to know so that you can apply HD to your personal and career life successfully. We have Guides of all Types and Authorities to help you know what it's like to be your own Authority from experience!
Just want to dip your toe into HD for understanding your own chart?
We also offer customized, detailed multimedia presentations explaining your design in a step-by-step manner with videos specific design to your design, that you can watch on your own time.
Your next step in Human Design could lead to the most transformational progress you've ever had in your life that changes your destiny.
Can you try the experiment of being your own Authority with us, for the adventure of a lifetime into your true self?
Love Yourself,
BE-ing Ourselves in the Face of Auric Conditioning
Learning through Experimenting
and Experience of
Human Design System Mechanics
Individuals are brilliant.
Groups are mindless.
You are not an individual in a group dynamic.
You unconsciously become something other than just yourself in a group, controlled by swirling energies we cannot see.
It's a mechanical reality.
All one has to do is understand the Human Design System enough to know the truth of this.
The moment you are in a large group of people in aura, you become a mindless part of the group, a slave to that hierarchy, with no choice to be a sovereign individual. Understand your mechanics so you can be on the lookout for times when you need to be extra vigilant about aligning through your Strategy and Authority.
We all have no choice in the effects of what happens to us trans-aurically as an unconscious part of a trans-auric form organized by specific "OC-16" channels (organizing channels of groups of 9-16 people) in groups.
For the Wa, control is imperative, and being in one lends one to operate based on the rules of the Wa, rather than their own Authority.
And another point... we may think we are alone, but in our modern age of densely populated cities, hotels, apartments, condos, townhomes, and duplex life, proximity to auras puts us unconsciously in contact with others, even through walls.
Ra gave us the mechanics of the trans-auric creature called Penta, the vortex of energy that is created when 3-5 people come together. We study this through business and family dynamics.
With 10 of the 26 activations in my Human Design being in Penta activations, including 3 of my 4 Life's Work gates, and creating my Body's only defined Channel (1-8), I find strength in leading the right groups that invite me, to be a demonstrative pillar of unique direction that can take us on a transformative journey into the world of manifestation. And yet, in a group environment, those people will never know the real me, just as I will never see the real them. It's an impossibility in that environment. Truly, we only ever know the other in the way we ourselves meet them.
Transcendent Global Awareness
Now I see my mind (observer) as the witness of my form (observed), in the process of following my body (observation) to express my own divinity in a mystical process of unifying mind and body, a marriage of binary consciousness in the state of transcendent awareness of Being.
When I became a divemaster as a teenager, we were taught to have "global awareness." To be aware of things beyond the normal focus of attention, to be on the lookout for conditions and circumstances that might shift in a moment and lead to danger or disaster.
I led groups of up to 6 divers underwater to tour caves, sheer drop-offs, and magnificent pinnacles of underwater sea-life or on night-time, Manta Ray dives. I was keenly aware of my role as a guide to keeping my group safe and headed in the right direction. My role was to lead them on a fun adventure as well as get back to the boat in time for their decompression journey before running out of air!
Yet, I remember my favorite times working as a Divemaster being those times of being alone in the deep blue, freediving into the weightlessness of the sea. The lack of oxygen suited my Primary Health System as much as this high mountain environment does now. I could be content drifting 60 feet below in apparent nothingness or actively observing gentle giants like whale sharks, humpback whales, or schools of dolphins or hammerhead sharks. Sometimes inspecting the tiniest creatures floating along with me in the endless dark of night as the Manta Rays opened their mouths to scoop them up. Sometimes drifting in the same waters during the shimmering light, watching the rainbow glittering of translucent gelatinous animals out in the deep blue sea.
Everything is imbibed with consciousness, a state of awareness. All things have a design; yes, even inanimate objects. From the rocks to the trees and the seen and unseen, we are surrounded by a sea of consciousness, that we interact with to become aware of in our own special ways.
We are filterers of the neutrino ocean, uniquely aware when enlightened. A natural, normal state of Being accessible to anyone in their own unique way.
And yet, Awakening is not a group thing. It is purely individual. The 10-20 Channel of Awakening, a Commitment to Higher Principals is part of Integration, the backbone of what it means to be a self-empowered Human Being.
Aloneness is conducive to Individual Awakening.
The reality is the world is dominated by trans-auric forms. Most of the things we think are ugly in human beings aren’t in your personal chart, have never been in your personal chart. But they come alive in trans-auric forms. We are all born in Pentas — we live in them, we create them. We walk around in Wa’s. We’re in a Wa in this room. Trans-auric forms have a way in which they condition humanity.
For me, Rave Sociology is very important to understand the way in which we are conditioned. Everything about Human Design, everything I’ve been teaching all of these years is about conditioning. After all, this is the Maia. The Maia is this vast, dense conditioning field. The moment you understand how trans-auric forms operate, you can really begin to understand the world around you and why human beings are the way they are.
Most of the time, we’re so busy looking at a person and saying ‘you’re to blame.’ The moment you’re in a family situation, the moment you’re in a group of four people that are enjoying themselves at a table in a restaurant, you’ve got different rules. They’re totally different. They’re so different that it’s almost frightening, in a way.
Something to understand about us is that we assume that we’re at the top of the heap. The vanity of the mind that we control things, and all of this stuff. But the reality is we’re being controlled by things that we cannot see or have no conscious access to, that the average human being has no fundamental awareness about at all. Think about what it’s like to go home, to go home to your original family.
Think about how you feel when you go back into that environment. Think about all the things that come back that you don’t like, all of those things that are suddenly there in your personality that you thought you had left behind, that suddenly returns. That the way in which you’re being dealt with is no different than it ever was regardless whether you’re 12, 50 or 80. This is the program. This is what Penta does." Ra Uru Hu
There is no mind in a group. They are controlling, homogenizing forces: they are the death of Individuality.
Ra taught that...
Only some of us are open to the profound mutation that Human Design offers.
When you accept that your "body is the life", your path is your path and it is beyond collective judgment, for it is unique.
Remember, the nodes are the path in life that you walk along (design) or the framework of your perception (personality). Nodes are the stage upon which your life is set, a stage you carry around with you wherever you go.
Just as a fish is not alive when you remove it from the water, so it cannot fulfill its purpose....
So too you are not you if you try to take yourself out of the contextual framework of the path you are on.
Indeed, so many people rail against the path they are on, attempting to claw their way desperately to the driver's seat in a vain attempt to steer clear of what they fear.
And in these times of radical change and uncertainty (with Fear as the undercurrent of the global motivation), we are all being conditioned by...
It is important to remember our sovereignty.
In this dawning age, we are responding to be empowered in places where we are allowed to be ourselves.
The moment we are in aura with anyone else, we are not our individuality.
To be ONE we need to be ALONE.
Here on this online platform, being in a virtual environment, we can express our individuality.
Human Design Holds the Keys
You are not an individual in the auric frequency of another.
That is not a choice.
It is a mechanical truth.
Be that your lover, friend, child or family, your boss, co-worker, roommate(s), or church group.
During in-auric contact, you are a part of something more, an aspect of a temporary merging of energies, and it is important to remember if you find yourself losing your connection to yourself, to step away, pull back, and find that you-ness which is so true and unique to you.
Human Design is a manual for no-fault living.
No shame, blame, guilt, or regret necessary.
I invite us all to honor where someone is at,
no matter where we are in their process.
If it is correct for you to maintain auric contact,
watch, wait, and see.
If it is incorrect, and your process is to break the bond,
no need for justification or rationalization,
nor blame, shame, fault, or guilt.
In life, we simply align, or do not align.
And all of us shift through the seasons of time.
Love Yourself, Beloved.
Laveena <3
A Call to "Human Design Readers" or "Human Design Experts" or "Human Design Specialists"
Inspiration for Human Design Analysts - Learn how to Read Charts
What is the Human Design System?
Living Your Human Design Introduction
HumanDesign.Live goes LIVE! Happy New Year 2021
Happy 2021! 2020 is finally behind us. The Sun is in Gate 38, bringing a bit of deafness and stubbornness. Got the Gate 28? There may be a bit of struggle to this week. Focus on being empowered and aligning to your individual knowing.
Gate 41 is the start codon in our genetics. Every year when the Sun enters gate 41, we begin a new cycle around the wheel. Below are the Gate themes of our Human Design Rave New Year coming up on 1/21 (thanks to Mark Germain for creating this handy reference image every year). Download to blow up larger for study this year, as it shows the year's themes, we'll encounter.
Here in America, we're going through a LOT of turmoil. Our social fabric is being torn by censorship and power struggles, and our society is going through a significant shift. We are in an economic war, and things are getting heated with increased forced lockdowns.
With manipulating our private data on social media and the increased need for privacy, security, and empowerment, we decided it's time to plan an exit from Facebook. More and more people have asked for another way to interact with our class content lately! This year, frankly, burnt me out too on FB with its increasing stress, pressure, and censorship. After having spent 9 years building a business on Facebook, I'm ready for a change too.
Therefore, we're excited to announce it's TIME for our own social networking space! Would you like to be a part of building our NEW HD community?
Imagine a virtual space that is private, safe, and solely dedicated to our Human Design deconditioning and growth experience. This space is unique to what YOU want! No more censorship in your feed - you control what you want to see. Here you can customize your own experience based on your interests: your passions, your needs, your desires for connection, community, and empowerment. Get in on the ground floor of shaping this space based on your design.
HumanDesign.livePlease set up your free account and profile at HumanDesign.live! We hope to co-create the space built around YOUR requests, so be sure to let us know what you would like to see in this space. We someday aspire to make it an app so you can stay connected to learn, share, and grow with the HD friends you've made in our fractal family!
Personally, I feel immensely grateful to you. I have to thank you, my HD community, for our thriving HD business. My lifestyle allows me to respect my design, which needs to spend my time and energy wisely, especially with immune system challenges. To have a supportive team that can help me take on something as big as creating our own space is a blessing. It will take time, and there will be mistakes. Still, together I know we can have a better experience than what's been happening with the increasing chaos out there now.
Thank You for being a part of our wolf-pack and helping us thrive! I hope you can join our virtual retreat, away from the influence of the homogenized society.
A question about the Human Design Nodes and Perspective/Transference
This is a question from a student in one of my Human Design professional certification classes.
"Quick question about the Nodes. I always assumed that once we're aligned, we see through that particular lens all the time. I just wanted to confirm if that was true or if there is a 'now you see it, now you don't' interplay happening? There's always the ebb and flow, coming to know things through contrast. As I'm writing this, I'm suddenly thinking about transference always being part of the cognitive process, which might account for the 'now you don't' counterbalance. My 27.4 South Node is in an undefined center pointed at an open gate 50. So my mind is conditioned to think about and learn about it in that way, which it does all the time. It primes the way I frame every encounter and moment by moment experience. Can I trust this to be natural, or might it be obsessive?"
The magnetic monopole is the agent that holds our personality and design together in an illusion that we are separate from each other. The Design North Node and Personality South Nodes are called "Link Nodes" and connect our design and personality. The Nodes are the windows of your vehicle. When you look out of the vehicle, most of us will see things primarily in two ways: either our perspective or our distraction. That vacillation between the two will always be there.
This information is not about trying to avoid being distracted by your color transference. It's about watching the counterpoint of your view and knowing when the windows are foggy—your distraction—to do your best to observe what happens when you can follow your body vs. when the conditioned mind moves you. When you operate and "see" correctly, out pops your motivation when in alignment for action. This information not about controlling how you see or trying to see things differently. Ra simplified everything down to follow your strategy and authority and to watch the movie because you will see it if you can be aware of it.
Ra teaches that if you are NOT operating correctly (strategy and authority) and the body isn't aligned to the correct determination and environment, your magnetic monopole will not have the right capture frequency. Therefore, your perspective will be distracted. Now, as when riding in a car, you will see the terrain shift. Your attunement to seeing the objects as you ride along the highway of life will ALWAYS be sensitized to seeing your nodal environment gates. Always. Because this is the environment where you can fulfill your purpose.
Nodes are the stage upon which your life is set, your storyline which you carry around with you no matter where you go. This cross of life is the framework for where you be (design) and how you see (personality). When someone has your nodal gates in their design, you are attracted to either seeing them (conscious) or being around them (unconscious). If they have the Sun/Earth in exact lines, you may feel an unexplainable draw to them for you to fulfill your karmic connection with them.
We are on choiceless geometries. Surrender to watching your movie move and just witness, see, be aware. Let the body move you. What I call "Nodal draw" can be applied to all life cycles wherein someone comes into your life, and they are simply part of your life cycle seeing—beyond this class's scope to explain in detail here.
We address this in a Life Cycles Analysis and Cycles Certification. An undefined nodal gate is a strong hook, a conditioning receptor of the undefined center.
What causes Center conditioning?
Decision-making from adaptive mental strategies. Anyone or a transit lights up that center through definition. Example of having gate 27 as a node: Your mind becomes obsessed with gate 50's themes of "responsibility, either avoiding it or taking on too much because of fear." YOU CAN NEVER TRUST YOUR MIND'S MENTAL PROCESS ABOUT YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES. This is because it is never reliable, it is always conditioned by life and who you are with, especially as a Projector.
If all nodes in someone's design are in an undefined state, the ride is much bumpier in that there is not the same consistency in the being's life, and the spirit (auric signature) can be broken. So those of us (I am one of them) who have all undefined nodes are more likely to have real inconsistencies in the path we are walking and the people we walk them with over our lifetimes.
My Human Design Analyst Teacher Training PTL 1 Experience
A Human Design Professional Teacher’s Journey
In 2020, I entered into my 8th year of deconditioning journey and my first year as a Professional IHDS Analyst Teacher candidate this year. I’d like to share my Human Design Analyst Teacher training experience with you here.
I began studying Human Design from Jovian Archive’s in 2012 when I was invited into it. My success as a guide and teacher over the past 6 years lead me to commence my Professional Analyst Teacher candidacy at the International Human Design School at the beginning of 2020. It felt amazing to get new Ra material of him teaching Analysts himself! I felt as excited as I was back in 2015 when I began my Human Design analyst training with Darshana Matthews at Human Design America and as thrilled as when I took Alokanand Diaz Del Rio’s Incarnation Crosses in 2016.
I’m a wife, mother, and entrepreneur currently going through the fight of my life on the health front. Having bought my 9th and 10th real estate properties over my life this year, right before our economy was shut down by COVID-19 (becoming a property owner again for the first time since the real estate market crash in 2008) it was vital for me to engage with the Human Design education material on my terms. I’m a lifelong learner and feel it is vital to the health of my brain and my professional endeavors as a Human Design Teacher to follow the path of professionalism. I go where my students invite me to go when the availability of finances and my clarity makes it possible.
Listening to Ra initiate new Analysts to do the empowering work as an Analyst Teacher, one of the most important things I learned was to see how each person would be a different kind of Analyst and cultivate them towards their strengths. No surprise, we are all so very different! But it was an eye-opener to me to hear him say that it was my responsibility to discourage people from Analyst training if it was apparent that they were not cut out for the work of being a Human Design Analyst.
As a consciously abstract collective Projector with a totally open Ajna, I often feel like tuning into another frequency for a new experience or exposure to a different way of looking at things. Being 3/5 and Emotional, having learned so much from other Manifestors in our industry, like Ra, Alok, and Genoa Bliven (mostly from recordings) I knew that Manifestors I resonated with had the power to impact me deeply.
Considering my IHDS Analyst Teacher training options, I personally wanted to see how Lynette, a 6/2 Manifestor on the Cross of Obscuration with the Sun in 62.6, would impact me with her profound awareness. Personally, my Saturn Cycle that I am ending now is also the same 6/2 Cross of Obscuration 1, so I’ve always been interested in what she had to say and enjoyed hearing from her in the community. I felt reassured by Lynette's complete acceptance of my uniqueness and where I was at emotionally and physically during the bumpy movie of mine.
I chose Lynette Hagins at the International Human Design School for my first year of auditing (repeating) the three semesters of the Human Design Analyst Professional Training Level 1, which is three semesters long over one full year.
Lynette makes learning professional, engaging, exciting, and fun! Her experience as an experimenter and teacher of the Human Design System is extensive. Lynette has a profound grasp of this obscure yet life-transforming knowledge. In her no-nonsense way, she goes above and beyond to ensure you are empowered to master this System. I really enjoyed her entertaining teaching style, her compassionate understanding of having been through her own human design journey, and her willingness to be straightforward about her process through sharing signposts of the evolution as a Human Design Professional.
Lynette and the IHDS give you everything and precisely what you need to know for mastering how a bodygraph can be analyzed. I felt delighted to discover the flexibility of opportunities they gave for engaging with the material in a way that addresses all learning styles and strengths. She encourages you to practice while leaving it up to your own authority regarding how you participate in the classes in a way that works for you.
I often found myself nodding in recognition, smiling, or laughing when listening to her teaching. Usually, I would listen again to classes while keeping my hands busy (I have a receptive brain and active environment) to make sure I got clarity on the concepts. Lynette very logically described things and was delighted to increase my understanding of this vast System. I felt such a level of deep appreciation for her keynoting style. As a Human Design Projector and total geek, it is so much fun to continue the learning through immersion in different teacher's learning styles - and being able to hear not only from Lynette but also from other Human Design analyst teachers this IHDS course provided access to, like Ra Uru Hu, Becky Markley, and Cathy Kinnaird.
I can attest that Lynette has the consistent willpower to initiate her tribe and empower other individuals on the road to awakening with her mutative energetic influence. She empowers with her energy to seduce you to fall in love with Human Design even more profoundly than you already are. Hard to imagine for me, but at the end of a year, it is true! Her love of sharing the profound keys to mastering this obscure yet logical System and her understanding delivered to you with an inspiring educational style is grounded in her wealth of experience.
Suppose it's correct for you to learn from a 6/2 Manifestor like Lynette. Personally, with my nodes being in the 6th lines consciously and 2nd lines unconsciously, I could really see where she was coming from. Her examples and life stories she shared to illustrate different points of awareness resonated deeply. When you decide to embark upon this transformative journey with her in classes, I know you'll be pleased with your decision to pursue the path of Human Design Professional training because of its power to transform you profoundly. I highly recommend Lynette as someone who is making a tremendous impact with her lived example of professionalism in our industry and as this System's teacher. She stands as an authentic, genuine role model who lights the way for her students' professional lives.
Our ability to shine a light into the gathering darkness of this planetary shift we are going through is needed now more than ever as Human Design Professionals. This world needs us to help align our personal truth's strength to light a better way forward into an uncertain future. I know you can trust Lynette to empower and support your efforts to breakthrough disempowering old patterns and bring about a new order within yourself and the lives of those you touch as a Human Design Analyst.
You can learn more about Lynette if correct for you at her site Authority in You.
What is a Chiron (Kiron) Return Human Design System Analysis?
Our HomoSapien in Transitus Transformation from 7 to 9 Centers
Human Design System: From 7 Chakras to 9 Centers
Client Questions:
“I'm curious about the relationship between the chakras and the wisdom centers. I read what Ra said about moving from a 7-centered to 9-centered being. Are the wisdom centers chakras? With chakras they are said to become underactive / balanced / overactive etc. In your opinion how does this relate to the centers and being open or defined? Do we balance our centers the same way as chakras?”
"Are the wisdom centers chakras?"
It would be technically inaccurate to equate the chakras' 7-centered model derived from the Homo Sapiens to our modern 9 centered Homo Sapien in Transitus because we didn't just add on two centers or split two into four back in 1781. We are taught that every center got an upgrade.
So although we have 9 functional centers within the body, we do not call them chakras to avoid confusion with the ancient strategic homo sapien, which we no longer are but remain conditioned by the mindset of controlling through mental processes of decision-making.
In HD, we call an undefined center an area of potential wisdom. You're working on specific learning described by the planets, which are there in dormant gate activations.
You have total wisdom potential in any completely open center. The totally open center indicates you've mastered that center thematic in a past life. In this life, you're working on your Ph.D. there, so to speak, because there are no longer specific themes but complete wisdom about all the ways that center can function. These are your most profound areas of susceptibility to conditioning and your most excellent places of potential learning.
"With chakras, they are said to become underactive/balanced/overactive, etc. In your opinion, how does this relate to the centers and being open or defined?"
Personally, I haven't seen the terms "underactive / balanced / overactive" used globally across the board in relationship to centers. Doing so might also be misleading because we all have our own sweet spots based on design, as activity and balance are unique to our functioning, depending on much more than definition.
For example, we have the Variable knowledge based on tonal cognition that leads us to live very different lives from each other even if we have similar areas of definition. And every channel expresses uniquely based on the planetary activations that create the “Channels” our consistent life-force or communication flow between the centers.
In HD, we use the terms Healthy/Unhealthy, which can show up in the Defined or Undefined states of any Center. The unhealthy functioning of the open centers tends to show up like the unhealthy of the defined center - only imagine it incredibly distorted, like an electric guitar plugged into an amplifier and turned up way too high.
I'll explain what I know from our HD perspective that I hope will address what I sense you may be looking for.
Defined energy centers are more likely to be overactive in the not-self, leading to dysfunction and dis-ease. This is really a problem with awareness (fear) centers because of biological stress on our body. and psyche. And it is especially a problem with our energy centers, because that tends towards the energy being misused because of mental decision-making.
Let's consider the Throat Center, which is not a motor, but often people use this center to decide when it is never a place of Authority (i.e., "I said I'll do that and I have to prove that I'm a person of my word, consistent and trustworthy so I'm gonna follow through with what I said I would do so I don't look foolish.")
Any throat center gate misuse or overuse can lead to biological dysfunction of the thyroid. Defined throats without connection to energy tend to talk too much, act too much, and give energy away to every impulse. The pressure to communicate and work is immense! Imagine that amplified without awareness by someone whose throat is being hooked up by a transit or a person. So they take action/speak because of the transit, not from a place of Authority, and now we have a similar problem - overuse because of conditioning.
However, take a typical example of a Manifesting Generator since there are many on our planet. In the not-self dysfunctional state (initiating rather than waiting for a response), an overactive MG can tend to have hyperthyroidism issues. See Angelina Jolie’s chart for example of a strongly defined throat. Angelina has an ego and emotional Manifesting Generator design with an Adrenalized Splenic Center Split.
Chronic overstimulation of the thyroid gland can degrade the thyroid's ability to function and turn into hypothyroidism over time. This starts out as overactive, which becomes underactive due to incorrect energy functioning.
The pure Manifesting Generator channel, 34-20 Charisma (the only sacral channel connection found as oppositions in the wheel creating direct generative energy flow to the throat), has more occurrences of removing the Thyroid gland due to overactivity.
If we contrast this with the natural state of a totally open throat center, whose natural functioning is silence, it tends to be quiet in a healthy state. This is its expression of what is balanced for it - quiet, until asked or invited to speak.
However, to an outsider, the totally open throat would be judged as underactive and would always be put under pressure to explain itself. See Lady Gaga’s chart for an example of a totally open throat center, which is that of a single definition pure sacral generator.
When the Throat is the only open center, then the entire being's not-self focus is on attracting attention, leading to thyroid issues when imbalanced. Make sense?
That is just one example; here is another common one. We can also tend to overuse certain kinds of energy to "get something done," concerning the misuse of substituting inappropriate energy when it is not designed to be used in that way.
Take an Adrenalized Energy Projector (Root defined to Solar Plex or Spleen) who is attempting to sustain long hours of hard work using the adrenal system is a classic lifelong challenge of the unawakened to their design. As the adrenals are designed to be short bursts and not be "on" like the sacral energy resource can be, adrenal fatigue and chronic fatigue are common problems amongst energy projectors. *raises hand* See Jada Pinkett Smith’s chart for a visual example of an Adrenalized Emotional Energy Projector with a Splenic Throat split.
"Do we balance our centers the same way as chakras?"
In HD, we attune to correct decision-making to help keep us balanced. So anything your Authority agrees to can help you maintain equilibrium. Perhaps a salt-water bath to clean your aura? Do you prefer singing, toning, or chanting to raise your vibration? Do you respond well to walking in nature, gardening, or swimming in the ocean? Maybe you feel invigorated by pranayama breathing exercises, drawing, dancing, games, imagining, making love, and making music? Whatever floats your individual boat!
There are specific recommendations I invite people to experiment with to discharge stress and pressure based on channel configurations. I have studied Vedic sciences and it would be interesting to see the correlations but I have not systematized anything. I simply leave it to each individuals' authority to explore organically rather than strategically.
“What I want you to grasp is something very interesting. Where you have definition, you don’t have to learn. So, think about that incarnatively. In other words, this is stuff you’ve learnt, you’ve worked through, and you don’t have to learn about again. Now, remember I'm talking about the true self, but I want you to see something interesting in that; we’re all in an incarnative, ongoing process. And that each incarnation we come in with things that need to be learnt in order for us to go through our progressive process.
So when you're looking at definition, what you're looking at is ‘I graduated, I got my degree. I've learnt that’. In the sense that that is not a theme for learning in this life now. But the moment that you're looking at a center, and you see that there is more than one or two dormant gates in that center, you know there's a lot of work to be done, that has never been done properly in the past. In other words, here is somebody who has built up, incarnation after incarnation, a problem area in which this is somebody who really has to be nurtured, and really has to learn about what manifestation is. What the Throat is. What the voice is. What communication really is. All of those various aspects.
So, it’s something very interesting to look at. You're looking at your own Design. You can see very clearly “Ah ha!. My incarnation, I'm here. This is something that I have to learn this time”. Now, think about the not-self. The not-self can come back over and over again with the same lessons to be learnt. And they keep on adding up. And if you didn’t get it the last time, then you’ve got an extra dormant gate this time!
So, it’s one of those things to just think about. Because it’s an interesting thing to look at. But please don’t abuse people because you know that – “Oh, look at you there. 35 lifetimes and you're still working on that stuff!”. But it’s really important to understand that these are themes that are unresolved and they need to be worked through. I know that for myself in my 49 gate. I've been a great killer. And I've gone through all of the sacrifice / sacrificer, all of that stuff, but there's still a lesson that’s incomplete for me. That I am finally getting to meet in this life, now.
So, it’s one of those processes that you can really look at, those of you that enjoy that kind of stuff, and be able to say “Aha! This is something that I've always needed to work on. This has been there a long time”. And you can see that by the density that is there.
You can also see that when you're down to the point where there's only one gate, you can see that this is an opportunity to close out a process. Very important. The single gates that are there. Many people have single gates in open centers. The single gate that’s there, that’s the indication. Here's your closing theme. You can finally finish this thing off. And if you have no activations, no activations the is the final stage of perfection.
Long ago somebody said to me “If you could have any Design, what would you have?”. And I said “No activation whatsoever. Just a blank chart. No gates, nothing. Just pure white everywhere”. Because that is being one with everything. And so when you have centers that are fully open you can see that these are areas where you’ve gone beyond the corrective process, and the learning process, and you're starting a new process. In other words, a wisdom process. A transcendent process. In other words you're finally getting to your masters degree, your PhD. You're really at another level entirely.
So you can see that definition, the process is over, but after all with your definition you're working with it all the time and you’ve got to work with it correctly. It just means that you don’t have to go through a learning process there. You simply have to use it correctly. And when you have centers where there is activation but there is no definition, then these are areas where you're carrying from your line of incarnation stuff that is still not yet worked out, still not yet finished in your learning process. And when you get to the entirely open centers, no activation, that’s where you're finally free to seek the one, or to seek the whole.”
Ra Uru Hu
I invite anyone interested in learning more to join our IHDS approved Human Design classes for further information and mentoring. We share both what works and what doesn't in our live experiential groups. I hope that helps! Warmly, Laveena
The Relationship between the Human Design Channels of Charisma and Structuring
In this video, I describe the Relationship between the Human Design Channels of Charisma, 43-20 and Structuring, 43-23 and touch briefly on the genetic similarity of gates next to each other.
What's Your Success Story, future Human Design Professional?
These are my suggested questions to ponder if you are considering becoming a successful Human Design Professional.
1) What's Your Success Story?
Do you remember your transformation when Human Design found you?
2) Do you remember the first time you saw your mind’s lies and could let them go, instead of act on them?
Common Living Your Design Guide questions:
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